Well I didn't plan on doing this much, but I'm going for Proud mode on Kingdom Hearts, which will also get me the platinum. Don't know how frustrating this is going to be as it will be my first time on Proud mode in Final Mix (I don't think the original Kingdom Hearts included Proud). I haven't left the island yet so it's still easy so far. Wish me luck.
The story in this game is ridiculous, and the whole thing is cringe and just childishly stupid. It's hard to believe grown adults came up with all this nonsense. Honestly, it feels like the writer's were just trying to cuck the player out by teasing them with convoluted story bits that only make sense if you
are the writers themselves.
The idea that some players get off on the writer's toying with their expectations just makes me wince in embarrassment for those players. Paraphrasing here, but there are time when Ansem is saying things like "Do you get it yet?" and "You still don't understand" and "You understand so little". What a shitty method of storytelling. Just tell me the fucking story you
cunt. Christ almighty, you have to be some kind of beta-male asshole to feel good about toying with people's understanding of your narrative. And because of that, the narrative is garbage! It doesn't make any sense, and they did that on purpose to trick anime waifu loving basement nerds into thinking Kingdom Hearts is some kind of master piece because it's so deep and layered. It's not deep and layered, it's
Who likes this kind of shit? It feels very much the same as what they are doing with FF7 Remake, where the writers are chortling as players scratch their heads in confusion as to wtf is going on. It's like they are getting off on some weird kind of manipulation, and it's reinforced by the fact that you have pussy ass anime weebs that love being cucked out by it. It's so dumb.
Rant over. Lol sorry. I'm sure it's been said before, but it honestly can't be said enough.
Great gameplay though