Judgement is DEFINITELY overrated....it is another Yakuza game in disguise, only you are not playing Kiryu-san, I couldn't be bothered with the endless battle with the final "boss" it was a joke...in the end I ended up watching the last remaining bits on YouTube, one of those games I regret purchasing for the PS4...but at the time you thought, hmmm could be an interesting thriller..Judgement:
So far it's just ok. I never picked this up because while I love the Yakuza games, I always found it a bit underwhelming how similar this looked to them. It always seemed like a wasted oportunity for the studio to make something truly different.
I'm around 4 hours in and it's pretty much what I expected: Slightly different Yakuza.
It's a Yakuza game so it's still fun. But the whole detective angle so far is a gimmick at best and and annoyance at worst (tailing missions, really?).
Fire Emblem Engage:
Really enjoying it so far, it's the Fire Emblem experience I wanted on Switch and didn't get with Three Houses. My only complaint is that I still find the character design really bland. You've got some cutscenes with regular soldiers fighting and then their commander is a teenage girl in a party dress, it's just stupid.
Judgement is DEFINITELY overrated....it is another Yakuza game in disguise, only you are not playing Kiryu-san, I couldn't be bothered with the endless battle with the final "boss" it was a joke...in the end I ended up watching the last remaining bits on YouTube, one of those games I regret purchasing for the PS4...but at the time you thought, hmmm could be an interesting thriller..
I might play Catherine next, should I go for Classic or Full body?
Yea it is. I rarely used another soul core after that.Nioh 2
Beat the poison snake boss and managed to grab her soul core which is pretty overpowered.
did you consider streaming them via the PS5's old PSNow service? trophies can be unlocked that way on PS3I've been going through the original PS2/PSP God of War games in an emulator over the past two weeks. They've aged really well (outside of a few janky areas) but I'd totally forgotten how over-the-top these games were. I really miss that type of action now because the last two games have seemed rather neutered by comparison. And they look damn great at 4k.
I still have GoW3 and Ascension to go through. I'll need to play them on my PS5 and PS3 but they should still look great on my old plasma.
I just dumped 120 hours into Chained Echoes and it's easily in my top 5 list of best RPG's of all time, and likely even my top 10 of favorite games of all time. It did so many things right. It's a 10/10 for me and I can't recommend it enough to fans of old school RPG's.
Yeah it had plenty of flaws. I kind of thought the narrative was annoying, like they kept adding some new plot point, adding more and more layers when it wasn't necessary. I just ignored the story after a while. The crystal system was needlessly complicated, although I found a way to have fun overpowering my characters with them. The sky armors weren't necessary, could have done with out those. But yeah, overall I loved the game. I hope we see more love for old school RPG's due to Chained Echoes success. Just goes to show people are still interested in that kind of a game.I thought the narrative was a little weak and that normal party combat was vastly superior to the mech based combat so the balance was a bit jarring & off - but the game still rocks and is a must play.
Obviously Sekiro.Just finished atomic heart so i'm open to suggestions:
Wild hearts
Sunbreak expansion
Second run with sekiro
Yakuza ishin remake
Something else
Yea it is. I rarely used another soul core after that.
I played 5 hours of the Wo Long demo. Got my level 20 ready for Friday. Been playing Metroid Prime Remastered. I am almost at the end of the game. It’s been great. I beat the final boss of Infamous Second Son. It made me miss the PS3 games.
I can't wait to get my PSVR2.Horizon Call of the Mountain
My first VR game and is...incredible.
Finally I've found next generation.
Time to dive into one of the greatest games ever made. Let's go.
Just want to put this out there, Echoes is one of my favorite video game covers of all time - particularly because of the foil finish on NGC. I really hope they don't fuck the remastered version.
It's my first VR, but I really love it.I can't wait to get my PSVR2.
I've only just seen this
How was Atomic Heart?Just finished atomic heart so i'm open to suggestions:
Wild hearts
Sunbreak expansion
Second run with sekiro
Yakuza ishin remake
Something else
It was pretty great.How was Atomic Heart?
& I finished Hogwarts Legacy, took me 40+ hours to complete the main story and all side quests.
Got a lot of collectibles/side quests left, but I'll return to them one day.
I finished wanted dead as well, what was quite fun, with some fairly frustrating sections.
Will probably start either wild hearts properly, wo long or like a dragon Ishin next![]()