What if the Seinfeld characters were the “heroes” of Lord of the Rings?


Saw a Reddit thread the other day of this, and thought it was too much fun not to see if hopefully some Seinfeld and LOTR fans here want to have fun with it. Basically take Seinfeld quotes and conversations from the Seinfeld characters but alter them so it’s like they’re in Lord of the Rings.

Yes, this is insanely goofy, but it’s Saturday night, so:

George Costanza Seinfeld GIF
Animated GIF

Jerry: They thought you were going to steal The One Ring? Why?
George: Probably because this whole universe is against me!
Jerry: You’ve got a little corruption in you.
George: I know. And now they want me to bottle it up. It makes me want to steal the Ring and kill them all so bad!

Jerry: Hey, you know, we were just talking about you.
Elrond: Oh, yes?
Jerry: Yeah, you know how the other day you mentioned that there were no houses available in Rivendell?
Elrond: You didn’t find one, did you?
Jerry: No, I’m not really looking.
Elrond: Nor should you.
Jerry: So are you telling me there is not one house to buy or even rent in all of Rivendell?
Elrond: The houses are passed down from generation to generation; it’s quite difficult.
Jerry: I can’t get a manor, a cottage, a room in a stable, nothing?
Elrond: It’s booked solid.
Elaine: It’s BOOKED, Jerry!
Jerry: How did your ancestors get theirs?
Elrond: Luck, I suppose. Come, Elaine, let’s go for a stroll. I was about to sing some songs about my family’s heroics in ages past.
(Elrond and Elaine depart)
Jerry: Maybe I’ll check out Rohan.
(George walks up)
Jerry: Hey, George, do you believe this guy?
George: Who?
Jerry: Elrond.
George: Oh, I missed Elrond?
Jerry: Yeah, get this, he tells me there are no places in Rivendell to buy or rent.
George: Huh. You’re looking for a place in Rivendell?
Jerry: No.
George: So what do you care?

George: I just don’t like the idea that every time Gandalf invites us on a journey, there’s this little annoying chore that goes with it!

Jackie Chiles: Who told you to use The One Ring?! I didn’t tell you to use The One Ring! You people and this ring, it never ends!

Jerry: This is what’s doing it. You miraculously survived falling into Mount Doom somehow, and you’re no longer in possession of The One Ring, so your mind is able to focus.
Sméagol: Could that be true?
Jerry: Yeah, I mean, let’s say this is your brain. (holds up lettuce head) Okay, from what I know about you, your brain consists of two parts: the intellect, represented here (tiny lettuce piece), and the part obsessed with the Ring (rest of lettuce head). Now, granted, you have extracted an amazing amount from this little scrap. But with The Ring gone, this previously useless lump, is now functioning for the first time in its existence.
Sméagol: My word! I just realized I can finally defeat that cursed Baggins in a riddle game! Farewell!

Elaine: Perhaps there’s more to Sauron than meets his Eye.
Jerry: No, there’s less.
Elaine: It’s possible.
Jerry: No, it isn’t. I’ve looked into his Eye. He’s pure evil.
Elaine: Maybe he’s an enigma, a mystery wrapped in a riddle.
Jerry: Yeah, he’s a mystery wrapped in world domination.

Yeah, I know this is silly. Hopefully a few people will join in, or at least be amused at the idea.

George Costanza Shrug GIF
George: (shouting) This is ridiculous, Jerry! You know what? I’m tired of hearing about all this forum unity. What’s next, huh? Are we going to have some big mixer between Xbox and PlayStation fans? Oh, and don’t get me started on gender-neutral loot boxes!

Jerry: (raising an eyebrow) What are you even talking about? What happened to us saving Middle-Earth? You’re spiraling into some kind of video game existential crisis.

George: (angrily) It’s all a game, Jerry! A game of control, of power! They just keep arguing and arguing about the same thing! Meanwhile, I’m stuck here in Mordor, wearing a tunic, with no idea where I left my luggage. It’s like… I don’t know, it’s like I’m being pulled in two different directions!

Jerry: (smirking) Oh, you’re in the middle of an identity crisis, huh? What, you’re not sure if you’re a NeoGAFer or a ResetEra person?

George: (throwing up his arms) No! No, Jerry! It’s not that simple! It’s—(pauses, looks at Jerry with intense frustration)—it’s both! It’s both, Jerry! I’ve been stuck in this constant back-and-forth, trying to figure out where I belong! And none of it makes sense! I... (breathless) I just want to feel something real!

Jerry: (grinning) Oh, so now you’re looking for authenticity in a place like Mordor? With all these trolls and internet fanboys?

(As the argument between George and Jerry intensifies, the rest of the Fellowship is oblivious. But suddenly, the energybetween them shifts—there’s a palpable tension in the air. The kind of tension that only exists when two people, even through sheer frustration, can’t help but get closer.)

George: (intensely) I don’t know what you want from me, Jerry! Every time I try to do the right thing, the whole world just laughs in my face. All I want is to... (pauses) I want to... (softly) feel understood.

Jerry: (whispering) Yeah... well... sometimes, you don’t need to understand. You just need to be. To let go...

(Without warning, the two men stare at each other—an odd, electric pause in the air. Jerry’s eyes narrow in, and George’s breath quickens. In a bizarre, almost instinctual moment of confusion, frustration, and absurdity, they both lean in—suddenly, in a twist of fate and confusion about the events of the day, they find themselves kissing.)

Elaine: (shocked, watching) Wait, what—what just happened?! Did... did they just—?

Kramer: (baffled, eyes wide) Whoa, whoa, whoa! I was not expecting that at all. (looking at the leaders of ResetEra and NeoGAF) This is the kind of bisexual love I was talking about! It’s... it’s like the world is cracking open.

Legolas: (looking confused, to Gimli) Are... are they... are they making out? In the middle of Mordor? What... is going on?

Gimli: (grinning) Well, this definitely wasn’t in the prophecy.

Gandalf: (raising an eyebrow) I’ve seen many things in my time, but this... this I did not foresee.

George: (pulling away, gasping) Oh my God. What... just happened?

Jerry: (slightly out of breath) I don’t know, George. But it wasn’t... terrible?

George: (staring at Jerry) We just... kissed. What does this mean, Jerry? What does this mean?

Jerry: (nonchalantly) I don't know, George. Maybe we’re just caught up in the moment. Maybe the Ring was making us do it. Maybe it's all just a big metaphor for online toxicity... I don't know, George. I’m just trying to make sense of the journey, okay?

George: (suddenly serious) No, no, Jerry, this is... this is something bigger than us. This—this could change everything. (pauses, then mumbles) I could... get used to this. (quickly, looking panicked) NO! No, I can’t! This isn’t me! This isn’t me!

Elaine: (laughing hysterically) Oh my god, George! You’re so conflicted. This is great television, even in Middle-Earth!

Kramer: (nodding, eyes wide) You see, George? This is exactly what I’ve been talking about! Sometimes, you’ve got to throw caution to the wind and just embrace it! The love, the connection, the unity! The forums are coming together, and you two... you two are the living embodiment of it!

(The ResetEra and NeoGAF leaders, now standing awkwardly off to the side, glance at each other in silence. The tension between them suddenly seems trivial compared to what’s unfolding before their eyes.)

ResetEra Leader: (hesitant) Well... if Jerry and George can come together like this, maybe there’s hope for us after all. Maybe it’s not about the Ring or the power—it’s about... the love we share as a community.

NeoGAF Leader: (nodding, slowly) Yeah... maybe we don’t need to compete anymore. Maybe... maybe it’s time we focus on sharing our passions, and accepting each other.

Jerry: (grinning to George) Look at that, George. We’re not just saving the world—we’re saving the forums too.

George: (awkwardly) Yeah... sure... fine. We can all get along. Just... just as long as we don’t start a thread about this on ResetEra or something.

Elaine: (smiling) Oh, George, honey. I think you just became an internet legend.


George: (shouting) This is ridiculous, Jerry! You know what? I’m tired of hearing about all this forum unity. What’s next, huh? Are we going to have some big mixer between Xbox and PlayStation fans? Oh, and don’t get me started on gender-neutral loot boxes!

Jerry: (raising an eyebrow) What are you even talking about? What happened to us saving Middle-Earth? You’re spiraling into some kind of video game existential crisis.

George: (angrily) It’s all a game, Jerry! A game of control, of power! They just keep arguing and arguing about the same thing! Meanwhile, I’m stuck here in Mordor, wearing a tunic, with no idea where I left my luggage. It’s like… I don’t know, it’s like I’m being pulled in two different directions!

Jerry: (smirking) Oh, you’re in the middle of an identity crisis, huh? What, you’re not sure if you’re a NeoGAFer or a ResetEra person?

George: (throwing up his arms) No! No, Jerry! It’s not that simple! It’s—(pauses, looks at Jerry with intense frustration)—it’s both! It’s both, Jerry! I’ve been stuck in this constant back-and-forth, trying to figure out where I belong! And none of it makes sense! I... (breathless) I just want to feel something real!

Jerry: (grinning) Oh, so now you’re looking for authenticity in a place like Mordor? With all these trolls and internet fanboys?

(As the argument between George and Jerry intensifies, the rest of the Fellowship is oblivious. But suddenly, the energybetween them shifts—there’s a palpable tension in the air. The kind of tension that only exists when two people, even through sheer frustration, can’t help but get closer.)

George: (intensely) I don’t know what you want from me, Jerry! Every time I try to do the right thing, the whole world just laughs in my face. All I want is to... (pauses) I want to... (softly) feel understood.

Jerry: (whispering) Yeah... well... sometimes, you don’t need to understand. You just need to be. To let go...

(Without warning, the two men stare at each other—an odd, electric pause in the air. Jerry’s eyes narrow in, and George’s breath quickens. In a bizarre, almost instinctual moment of confusion, frustration, and absurdity, they both lean in—suddenly, in a twist of fate and confusion about the events of the day, they find themselves kissing.)

Elaine: (shocked, watching) Wait, what—what just happened?! Did... did they just—?

Kramer: (baffled, eyes wide) Whoa, whoa, whoa! I was not expecting that at all. (looking at the leaders of ResetEra and NeoGAF) This is the kind of bisexual love I was talking about! It’s... it’s like the world is cracking open.

Legolas: (looking confused, to Gimli) Are... are they... are they making out? In the middle of Mordor? What... is going on?

Gimli: (grinning) Well, this definitely wasn’t in the prophecy.

Gandalf: (raising an eyebrow) I’ve seen many things in my time, but this... this I did not foresee.

George: (pulling away, gasping) Oh my God. What... just happened?

Jerry: (slightly out of breath) I don’t know, George. But it wasn’t... terrible?

George: (staring at Jerry) We just... kissed. What does this mean, Jerry? What does this mean?

Jerry: (nonchalantly) I don't know, George. Maybe we’re just caught up in the moment. Maybe the Ring was making us do it. Maybe it's all just a big metaphor for online toxicity... I don't know, George. I’m just trying to make sense of the journey, okay?

George: (suddenly serious) No, no, Jerry, this is... this is something bigger than us. This—this could change everything. (pauses, then mumbles) I could... get used to this. (quickly, looking panicked) NO! No, I can’t! This isn’t me! This isn’t me!

Elaine: (laughing hysterically) Oh my god, George! You’re so conflicted. This is great television, even in Middle-Earth!

Kramer: (nodding, eyes wide) You see, George? This is exactly what I’ve been talking about! Sometimes, you’ve got to throw caution to the wind and just embrace it! The love, the connection, the unity! The forums are coming together, and you two... you two are the living embodiment of it!

(The ResetEra and NeoGAF leaders, now standing awkwardly off to the side, glance at each other in silence. The tension between them suddenly seems trivial compared to what’s unfolding before their eyes.)

ResetEra Leader: (hesitant) Well... if Jerry and George can come together like this, maybe there’s hope for us after all. Maybe it’s not about the Ring or the power—it’s about... the love we share as a community.

NeoGAF Leader: (nodding, slowly) Yeah... maybe we don’t need to compete anymore. Maybe... maybe it’s time we focus on sharing our passions, and accepting each other.

Jerry: (grinning to George) Look at that, George. We’re not just saving the world—we’re saving the forums too.

George: (awkwardly) Yeah... sure... fine. We can all get along. Just... just as long as we don’t start a thread about this on ResetEra or something.

Elaine: (smiling) Oh, George, honey. I think you just became an internet legend.

Jerry Seinfeld No GIF by HULU

I smell a Chat GPT thread

J Peterman No GIF


Funny, I always associated the Seinfeld theme with Tolkiens work.
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Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Boromir: (after staring at the naked ring) I'm out
Sam: And then there were two
What's the DEAL with these Eagles!?!? Now you send in the Eagles? When you could have just done it in the first book? We had Eagles all this time?
Happy Jerry Seinfeld GIF

(my crappy effort is in keeping with the quality of this thread)
*goofy slap bass line*
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