
Curious to see what the general opinions are on what RE should be, and how people got into the series.
My first introduction was Resident Evil 2 on N64. I never actually played it back then however. But I remember reading a lot about it in my gaming magazines back in the day. With a lot of the reviews and such saying it was really scary. So when my friends brother was playing it, I recall telling him we should leave since we might get scared. Also remember that his brother was lost and didn't know what to do. He was actually trying to shoot locks off the doors lol.
After that I ended up getting getting this issue of Official Playstation Magazine, and just becoming mesmerized by the cover most of all. The nemesis design is still one of my all time favorite monster designs of all time. I ended becoming interested in the franchise just because of that cover and the article on RE3. However I didn't get the game right away. Instead I got it a little while later. It was actually in a stack of games my step-dad had for the PSX that he let me have.
I remember popping it in as a kid and being really scared while playing. Mainly because I didn't know when Nemesis would pop out. I even turned off the music because I thought that would help. Which in actuality, just made everything worse in terms of scare factor. There's a particular spot where I jumped and shut off the game. Anyone who has played 3 probably knows the spot i'm talking about. It was a cheap trick, but it worked oh so well. After that I played the demo to Dino Crisis and we all know how that went (Oddly enough I was never scared of that game).
It took me awhile to beat Resident Evil 3, though I did end up overcoming the fear of Nemesis once I watched my step-dad play it and he helped me out with some puzzles. After that though, I never actually went and played the others. I just sort of forgot about Resident Evil outside of playing Survivor which I borrowed from a friend. I was mainly stuck on playing Dino Crisis 1 & 2 and what ever other games came my way.
Then we went onto the next gen and decided on the PS2 as the family console. With that being the case, no mainline Resident Evil due to the exclusivity agreement. So REmake and 0 were something I wasn't going to have access to. I did however dabble in Code Veronica X on PS2. But rather than play it, I just kept watching Wesker's Report. Since I got stuck on the base and the metal detector.
The next big Resident Evil game for me was Outbreak. I remember being really excited for that one. Was reading everything the magazine's had to offer. The concept of the game was just so interesting. An online Resident Evil game, where you were regular joe's trying to get out of Raccoon City sounded amazing. I sadly never really got much time to play it online, but I did enjoy it still despite the difficulty I had with it.
After that it was another long while before my next Resident Evil game. However the stars aligned in 2004. My sister ended up getting a gamecube near the end of the year. Which was just in time for the game I had been reading about at the time, Resident Evil 4. Which would come out a few days after my birthday. Ended up asking for it as a late B-day gift, not knowing much outside that they changed the style from the original 3.5 concept. Holy Shit, that game was just something else. Like many here, that was easily the point where I was fully on board with the franchise past and present. You know you have something special on your hands, when as a kid you would wake up early just to play it before the bus came to pick you up.
After that I went on a crusade to get all of the Resident Evil games I could get my hands on. Thanks to birthday money and gamestop having a B2G1 promo, I went on to buy 2, 3, & CVX on gamecube. Along with Outbreak File 2. I also luckily enough picked up RE2 for the N64 from my video store which was selling it for 5 bucks. Not gonna go into complete detail on my collecting habits. But needless to say, even today I go out of my way to obtain resident evil stuff. There's a older pic of my collection at the bottom of this post.
Ended up going on a RE binge after that and basically caught up to where I needed to be. So then the PS3 and 360 came out. I was fortunate enough to end up with both. Which meant that I would actually be at launch for a mainline resident evil game. The first chance I had with the game was downloading the Japanese Demo onto a disc. I don't recall specifics. But I remember the demo came out in japan, and for some reason 360 would play demos off any disc so long as it was burned correctly. Everything I played there was phenomenal. Especially the coop so I was pumped. I ended up going to the midnight release for Resident Evil 5 (Actually still have the poster from gamestop for that). Resident Evil 5 was everything I wanted it to be, and is to date still my all time favorite Resident Evil game. I think a big part was the gameplay and timeframe I played it. Not to mention Chris and Wesker just having some great moments in the story there. Loved it so much I ended up getting all of the achievements including MP on PS3, 360, and PC (Back when there was a GFWL version).
Since this is getting long I don't want to dabble into the other releases too much after 5. Since there's not too many stories really related to them. Outside of me buying them and playing them. I did however get Operation Raccoon City a day earlier, but was deployed at the time so was unable to play it. At least my brother had the chance to say he played something early, even though we all know how that went. The last story I have for Resident Evil was with 6.
6 was announced and was looking great. Looked like more of what I loved. However I once again got deployed so I wasn't going to be there for release. However there was a 360 and some internet where I was at. I actually ended up downloading the demo files once again to burn onto a CD so I could play the game before i came back home. I really didn't like the first demo, but the second demo after the threads on GAF (That deployment was actually when I started posting on GAF, despite having a account for awhile) told about all of the little secrets had me playing it back to back. Was great coming back home and being able to finally play.
Now i'm just in the boat everyone else is in. Waiting for Resident Evil 7 and hoping for some more information along with an expanded demo.
What is Resident Evil to me?
So after that long history write up. Hopefully what I see Resident Evil as will make more sense to some. While I did mention how I was scared of 2 and 3. I never did feel that was the identity of the series. Neither was the puzzles or item management. What stuck with me was always the universe and lore.
I am just absolutely fascinated by the whole Evil Organization in the earlier games, the drama between all of the characters, and the monsters the viruses in the series can make. Which is why to me despite the genre changes and shifts in tone that some dislike. Every resident evil is a resident evil game to me, even the one's I dislike. Since deep down I feel they have that same sort of heart. Regardless if they're scary or action. How the series at this point can literally be anything is part of why I love it so much. I wouldn't be surprised to see a Resident Evil Xcom style game, and would welcome it with open arms. Now before anyone digs up some unfavorable old posts I had on RE7, just recall that at the time I was not expecting such a change. Especially not after the ending tease of 6. However I got over that and eagerly await the game.
So while I do prefer the action side of things, at the end of the day I just love resident evil period. Regardless of the genre. Which is part of why it makes me so sad to see so much in-fighting all the time between fans. I made another thread with my feelings on the matter here. But summed up, the series has more than enough room to make everyone happy. So with that out of the way i'd love to hear everyone else's thoughts on what Resident Evil should be and your own personal history with the series and why you became a fan. Though I do hope we can keep it civil.
Also don't forget to check out the Resident Evil Fan Community Thread. Lots of good RE talk in there, all the time.