The only series I'd say I approach fanboy status with.
Played the first game in '96 when I was 6 with my dad, I was totally enamored by a game that didn't progress level-by-level, but rather a single area you'd repeatedly cross over and over. Terrified to move forward cuz I heard a zombie somewhere but didn't know where they were.
Was super-hyped for RE2, looked like the best game ever after I read a huge article in Official Playstation Magazine, like holy shit this is gonna be the biggest game ever. Before it released, our Playstation broke and it never got replaced.
I didn't play RE2 all the way thru (played a bit at a friend's house but that's it, it was an old-ass game by that time and I kept bugging them about it, but I didn't care I was still fucking obsessed with it) until I got the N64 version in like 2002, and by that time I had seen the previews for REmake on the Gamecube, and I think I had the same reaction as everyone else "HOLY SHIT THIS LOOKS SO REAL HOW CAN THEY DO THIS OMG"
After RE2 I had played RE3 and CODE:Veronica X, and by this time previews for what would become the final RE4 had been shown. "Uhh that's different, but it might...turn out ok? Reviewers are hyping it? Well OK then."
Got a Gamecube for Christmas 2004 along with REmake, and of course played some other good titles that came out for it like Windwaker and Tales of Symphonia. Was blown away despite being spoiled on it through magazine strategy guides. One of the most atmospheric and daunting games ever still. Played RE0 a little bit later and...well, at least it looked nice.
For the first time I'd play an RE close to its release, RE4 in January 2005. Blitzed through it in a couple days. Wow...just...WOW. This is one of the best games I've ever played, but I still couldn't help but think..."They're still gonna do games like the originals, right?"
In July 2005 the teaser for RE5 released, one of the first videos I tried to download and play over our then shitty internet. I got on the stupid speculation GameFAQs train and over the years I had totally hyped myself up with no way the final product could live up to my expectations in 2009. I waited for the game for four goddamn years. I was a sophomore when it was announced, and a couple years into tech school when it came out. I still have a distinct memory of being in class on a computer dicking around and all of a sudden a scan of MOTHERFUCKING WESKER shows up.
RE5 is...alright. I enjoyed playing it online coop multiple times's still nowhere near as good or refined as RE4 was.
Then came Revelations and RE6 and I'm like "fine, do whatever you want Capcom". Revelations was only on the 3DS and I didn't have one, and by the time it came to other systems there was so much bad press it turned me off of it. I played RE6 because it at least looked fun, I found it a
very irritating game with some brief moments of brilliance.
Revelations 2 I felt like was very good step in the right direction. I didn't get to play it but was clearly more RE4-ish, cheesy characters and some very good fan service with great payoff to very old story threads (BARRY BURTON OOMG)
I'm really excited for both RE7 and RE2make, with these and Rev2 I think we're seeing very different approaches to making a good RE again, and I hope to god they all work out in the end.