GallonOMilk said:P90X is freaking amazing. I almost can't believe this - I've been trying to start working out for years now, and I finally manned up and got these DVDs. I figured, what the heck, there's nothing to lose. Well, miraculously, I've stuck with them for a whole week and, HOLY HELL, I'm in better shape than I've really ever been in (which isn't saying much, but still). I went from not being able to even hold myself on the pullup bar (much less pull myself up) to actually doing 2-3 of them in a row, unassisted. I can also clear a good 20 pushups (normal kinds) in rapid succession where I could do 5 on a good day before.
The stretching is the best part though - every time I've tried working out before, I've never stretched, overextended something, and stopped because of the pain. But this stretching feels great and leaves me feeling great - I even have better posture now that my entire muscular structure isn't quite so tight. Yoga X was painful though - I even had trouble with Warrior 1 and 2 when I first started, though I got better as I loosened up a bit throughout the workout. I'm really not flexible at all. Kenpo X was also nice. A good change of pace.
I enjoyed my stretch / rest today, but tomorrow, it's right back into it.
Oh, almost forgot to mention quite possible the greatest thing that's happened since I started - my insomnia is basically gone. I can fall asleep again because I'm so tired from these workouts (which I do in the evening), where before I didn't move around much then had trouble sleeping.
Now just have to stick with it ... hopefully this will be the one that gets me into a good routine so I can get in shape and stay there.
This was the most immediate effect I noticed when I started it in the summer. I've been waking up consistently at 5 or 6 every day since then. feels great.