Well, I also avoided high-jumping moves on Plyo (rockstar and the knee up to your chest jumps) due to the fact that I don't want to wake up my neighbors and cause any problem.... but during those session, I did fast jumping jacks instead. Having said so... I get most tired by running around the circle part - and after that, it seems mostly bearable to the end, and last 3 (sports one) seems rather easy. I understand the doing the same workout for both sides - but those sports ones, I don't know. Throwing with my left arm, and jump shooting with my left? (I am an rightie).. little weird... same goes Kenpo X, where I have to turn into a south paw. Just seems a bit weird.
I just finished my 2nd week. I think I"m getting used to the first program now - and will try push to my max this week. I'm already thinking about doing 2nd round with heavier weights after 90 days of this, till I reach my goal of 160lbs or so.
Pull up bar, the one I got, makes a little bit of squeaky noise when I pull up. I only have 1 door which I can put it up in my house, and it's really close to my neighbor's bedroom - so I just decided to use the band instead. Not as intense, though - even though I'm sitting pretty far to increase the tension... but I'm just afraid whether it's going to snap, and just slap my face hard... LOL. Maybe I should get some 30-40 lb bands as well for pull ups. (right now using 20lb)