Srsly said:
I ordered P90X today. Hopefully it's not too dificult for a complete fatass who has difficulty running just half a mile, like myself.
Well, I wasn't exactly fat - more like little chubby - but at 5'9", I was running nearly 187lbs nearly maximum. My man boobs were enormous, and have this ugly permanent wrinkle under neath. Belly was like mountain high when I had a big, late meal, and once my waist was at 29 to 30, now I was pushing towards 34. Longer than my inseam, which is 32... not acceptable, LOL!
I was also a long time smoker too. Probably around 15 yrs or so. I finally quit smoking thanks to electronic cigarette - and it did wonders to my short breaths. I also have hard time running half mile too. Towards the end of last year, I've been running on elliptical machine for one hour, 3 times a week for 3 months... until I stumbled upon this thread... and it seems to help me catch up the cardio workouts like Plyo and Kenpo, etc. I have relatively easier time with those... But I have very tough time with Soulders / Chest / Back work outs because I basically have 0 muscle mass on my upper body.
However, the key, so far, has been just sheer determination. Do your best. You don't have to "match them" per se. Just do your best and forget the rest. The result, will just follow you as long as you stick to the workout routines and follow the diet. Strict diet will get you far, but I'm doing my moderate modification to suit my lifestyle more. I'm generally allowing a little more carb than I should have, but I'm still losing weights like crazy. The other day, I was at 171.5lb. Late last year, it was 187. When I started P90X, I was at 183-5. Now, it's almsot 14 lb loss. Some of my co-workers who hasn't seen me a while notices that I have lost weight, and that I look better. Ladies are starting to look at me once more. LOL!
I'm just into week 5 now. By end of 90 days, I wonder how far I would improve, and I'm getting some significant performance improvements steadily, along with fat loss. I haven't done any other workout programs, so I can't voucher their effecitveness, but this one, combined with diet effort - certain is working... and I bet it would work for you too. It's hard, but the reward is there. Keep at it, keep your motivation high, and keep on trying and test your body and will to the max. I wish you luck.
So, today was my Plyo day again. I added much more intensity than I put previously. Intentionally jumping higher, squatting lower, etc - and perhaps I had little too little food for the dinner, I was feeling little hazy towards end. But pulled through, and good stuff. I even do the knee jump thingie pretty well. However, for the rock star, I just replaced with good ol X jump from Kenpo.
Still, I think for me, the hardest one is the Core Synergistics. LOL. I feel most worked out after that - not just legs, or not just arms/ shoulders... my entire body feel very worked out with that. I dream one day, I'll fly through the Core Synergistics.... then I'd be a very fit person, I rekon.