Kronotech said:Starting this up again. Last summer I made it through the 30 days before I quit (didn't see results). Then 2 weeks later, I noticed I was thinner. I blew it.
Trying to bulk up is pretty tough with my metabolism. At 27, I lose all my muscle if I don't work out for 2 weeks. Anyway, I'm gonna "keep pressing play, keep pressing play..."
Wait till you hit 36 like I am. 27 ain't so bad. :lol It looks like I gain muscle right after the workout, and in the following evening it flops back to fat.
Wish I could have started at 27. Well, at 24, I did join a Gym. Only went 2 times, due to severe muscle soreness. I didn't have a single clue about any "warm-ups" or "reps/sets". I just did whatever weight that could handle at max, and nearly killed myself doing bench press.
Even at 27, I had pretty low metabolism, that I was gaining fat pretty easily. I was definitely very very inactive person - sitting playing videogames for hours and hours after work. Even at work, I was doing Gafing (back then, it was GAF) constantly in a seated position. (still am, though).
did my 2nd Shoulders, Chest and Tricep workout. Man... tons of push ups. I had to begin on my knees from the beginning just to keep up with the lady who, did much more than I did.
Anyhow, love the feeling of the muscle bulking up right after workout. Too bad it disappears right next morning or so... I started from near zero, and maybe I gained about 1/4 compared to any healthy male it seems. At this point, I just can't see my six pack suddenly bulging and my man boobs would be completely gone by end of 90 days. Better not hope for miracles... that I'm just glad that I am sticking to some good workout routine and most importantly, healthier eating habbits. Less fat, less salt, and less spicy.
To be honest, it feels like that I haven't been taking too much of protein like its suggested. I am trying my best, but I somehow developed more taste into veggies now. Almost mandatorily I am eating grilled chicken breast slices down at the cafeteria, and drink protein drink in the morning, protein snack bar, and all.. but sometimes no protein in the dinner at all. Too much protein, somehow bloats my stomach, and at the dinner I have to be very careful not to overeat - because I have to workout in about hour or hour and half. So my Plyo days (Tues) I stay away from any heavy eating nor protein - just some soup and couple pieces of potato bread, and maybe a light sald.... wait, I had some tofu today for protein. Love tofu.
But what i'm really into these days is any grilled veggies. LOL. I used to dream about fried chicken and all the junk food - but at this point of my training, I just find them rather unappealing to me now... which is a good thing. Being an Korean origin, I can take pretty spicy food with no problem. At least I used to. Today, I wanted to spice up my dry chicken breast with something - and used some Thai chilly sauce which I had no problem gobbling down before... and my taste buds has gone really soft thesedays, and my mouth was on fire, looking for water, burning up. LOL. I used to love mexican habanero sauce - I think I'll probably pass out if I had that XXX spicy food now.