Yonn said:
Same here, my yoga continues to improve slowly but steadily each time which almost makes it my favourite workout. I used to dread the vinyasa section, but now I'm quite comfortable doing it, though I'm still working hard and sweating like hell. I can't wait to see how far I've come by the end of the program, and I'll probably go on to do yoga every week after I'm finished.
Today was day 45, btw, meaning I'm (and you too, right?) are half way!

our recovery weeks start in a few days. Just in time too. I'm going on a mini-vacation this weekend, and I'll do my best to keep my eating habits healthy. I may jog and X Stretch a few hours before we leave, so that I can potentially make up for any eating problems I run into later in the day :lol.
mooooose said:
What exactly do I need to get started with P90X? How much should it cost? What should I be eating and can someone give me some simple steps on how to prepare some of it? I AM IN YOUR HANDS GAF
I want to start this and supplemental working out to get in better shape for the Summer :3
Well if you purchase P90X through most fitness/online sites (beachbody.com, amazon.com, extremebodyworkout.com), it comes with a fitness guide (explaining the program and the workouts) and a nutrition guide (outlining your dietary needs for the program). I can't really break down the cost of things, as I found myself constantly buying stuff (more weights, more supplementation, etc.) but here's what you need:
- P90X (12 DVDs, fitness guide, nutrition guide)
- Pull-up bar
- yoga mat (optional, but useful IMO)
- weights (I have a combination of plates that allow for 5 to 30 lb weights)
- resistance bands w/ door attachment (if you choose to opt out of the pull-up bar and weights)
- protein powders (whey and/or casein. Used for your protein shakes if you choose to have them)
Recovery Drinks (Endurox, P90X Recovery, Choco milk, etc.)
I can't think right now, my mind is turning off. If I'm missing anything, someone chime in please
I wanted to finish up the last Ab Ripper X of Phase 2 with a bang, so I tried using a 5lb plate in today's Mason Twist. I was still able to get the full 40+10 reps done, but I had to work extra hard to keep pace with Tony and the kids. Suddenly I felt a burn similar to a few weeks into Phase 1. While I got a bigger burn with the 5lb plate, I could still do better. My fingertips/knuckles were barely grazing the floor. When Phase 3 rolls around, I want to be able to get some firm contact with the ground. Thanks for the tip, Masta_Killah