Have you ever seen, or more importantly heard the interview in *English* with the man?
Let's just say that he's about as good at the language as the average Japanese person.
Have you ever seen, or more importantly heard the interview in *English* with the man?
Let's just say that he's about as good at the language as the average Japanese person.
I had a conversation with Mizuguchi in English once, during the US press tour for Rez. It didn't go too well, but it was interesting in a halfway-comprehensible way. The bit where I asked him to explain "synaesthesia" was a lot of fun.
The best 1UP editor blog is John Davison's, by the way. jwhdavison.1up.com.
I interviewed Miz for Kikizo. I thought his English wasn't bad. Add the fact that I could barely speak due to over-drinking at a party the previous night and I reckon he fared well. Video interview too. I think he only got stuck on one question, and that was due to my fkup, not his. Nice guy too.
I interviewed Miz for Kikizo. I thought his English wasn't bad. Add the fact that I could barely speak due to over-drinking at a party the previous night and I reckon he fared well. Video interview too. I think he only got stuck on one question, and that was due to my fkup, not his. Nice guy too.
I thought that interview was well enough spoken on his part, too. On the BBC radio yesterday they were saying the Japanese were the worst at spoken English in all of Asia, so if their research was correct it's understandable.
As for his blog, he occassionally posts an English version of the Japanese text. I think he once said someone else did translating for it, but I'm not sure if that was a case of Engrish or not. Just recently he posted a note about his father passing away and how he and his mother laid him to rest, and another about his birthday (turning 37, I think).