How are the endings of Xenosaga and Xenoblade? Tragic or happy?
How are the endings of Xenosaga and Xenoblade? Tragic or happy?
So both tragic and happy?
It really depends on how you look at it all.
Personally, I think they're both pretty tragic games in the end.
The two are entirely unrelated games, though, right? Apart from the similar titles?
The OP has a real Zelda in the list, not this spin off
It is the last in the list
The OP has a real Zelda in the list, not this spin off
It is the last in the list
The last three games listed are all announced but without a confirmed 2014 date (hence "TBA" on the left of the images).
Well, we'll get a trailer at E3. Dunno about a release date.
My wife has been talking about getting a Wii U. Two new Mario games to play are really tempting.
I got confused because of the thread title that says WiiU games 2014 and not WiiU games coming in general
BTW, is the E3 reveal confirmed ?
Why are they no story trailers?
Why lack of info?
If DQ X is MMO, why not X?
My wife has been talking about getting a Wii U. Two new Mario games to play are really tempting.
Nice, now that is some huge news right there
Cant wait
My wife has been talking about getting a Wii U. Two new Mario games to play are really tempting.
My wife has been talking about getting a Wii U. Two new Mario games to play are really tempting.
In the meantime, you can take this opportunity to play every Zelda you haven't already played.![]()
We had 23 directs in 2013?
No, according to nintendo's archives, we had 16 in 2013 year, which included game specific and 'mini' directs.
I don't care what it is to some people. In the objective view of things, it isn't the least bit grounded in rationality (or intelligent thought).
It isn't all I need to refute the nonsense in my previous post, but does make for a strong counterpoint specifically against those that would claim that the game wouldn't have a plot like you would come to expect in a JRPG.
And if that isn't enough, then the fact that Monolith is (ideally) looking to hire people with experience in art and literature should be.
Nobody is disputing the fact that the game can be played online. The problem lies with all the idiotic conclusion jumping that uses that fact as a springboard.
On the exact same things that were focused on in Xenoblade? The inclusion of an online component doesn't take away from those things. :/
You can't claim to know anything for fact. That's true. But you can make reasonable, educated, and well-founded guesses. Using the flimsy bits of evidence that I mentioned to arrive at the conclusion that X is some kind of plotless MMO/MH clone with a focus on online multiplayer is not one of them.
The usual Just Dance, Skylanders, CoD, one of the two Assassin's creeds games this year, etc...Watch dogs
Lego the hobbit
Child of light
Project Cars
Oh... anything else Third-party title? (Except Bayonetta 2. this is published by nintendo)
The second post contains future titles or known titles without a date + recommendations (which I'll update by the way ^^), just like the old thread. I think people also like to know what's beyond this year or which game could probably make it this year.I got confused because of the thread title that says WiiU games 2014 and not WiiU games coming in general
BTW, is the E3 reveal confirmed ?
The second post contains future titles or known titles without a date + recommendations (which I'll update by the way ^^), just like the old thread. I think people also like to know what's probably beyond this year or which game could probably made it this year.
You can see the TBA-tag left to them.
And X is almost 4 years in development, I'm quite sure that it's going to realese this year.The french twitter pic confirms this again and it really looks like the order of release.
The usual Just Dance, Skylanders, CoD, one of the two Assassin's creeds games this year, etc...
That would only be the old 2D ones, i plan to play the two i have bought on 3DS after i finish LBW a 3rd time![]()
Bless French Nintendo.
I think the Nintendo of France reads this thread and was tired of the no way X or Smash or what ever is coming out this year stuff lol, so they debunked all that
Who is Ideaman?
Watch dogs
Lego the hobbit
Child of light
Project Cars
Oh... anything else Third-party title? (Except Bayonetta 2. this is published by nintendo)
You shouldn't be looking at this objectively at all if you are trying to discuss it, what you find irrational thoughts sound very rational to another person and while the director being known for what he is makes for a counter point, how much of one depends on how much you think that's actually worth.
I mentioned online is all but confirmed exactly because it's being used as a "springboard" being where the fear comes from, people are understandably worried about this "new feature" is going to be focused on and perhaps "ruin" the single player portion if they take design choices to accommodate both. You say exactly like Xenoblade but there being online at all changes that, some focus will have to be put into it.
Like for example you have WKC Single player where while you can create your own character, it's just "there" for the single player for the most part but you still have your "traditional" JRPG party with character development and story with cutscenes and all that jazz, then you have the online mode which is doing random quests with your created avatar with others. Meanwhile you have PSO where you create your own character but there is only a small main story that you will either tackle offline alone or with people online but the "sidequests" (both single player and online only ones) being the provider of the bulk of the game's story.
Then there is PSU V1 that in singleplayer you are a premade character with his own story, there are characters, cutscenes and "party members" but as the game was designed as an online one as top priority there is no customization or any sort of control for those "party members" as well as the story going through the quest system obviously designed for online parties. There are other examples but you can see the differences, what's X going to do? That's what I see people are understandably worried about.
Reasonable depends you who ask, I find it unreasonable to think that it's impossible to believe that X may have a big focus on online to get to the point of getting angry when people think otherwise.
Why has he stopped posting btw?He's a French journalist that leaked quite a bit on the WiiU and XBox One before launch.
Why has he stopped posting btw?
He's a French journalist that leaked quite a bit on the WiiU and XBox One before launch.
Thanks for the laugh Heropon!.He's a French journalist that leaked quite a bit on the WiiU and XBox One before launch.
Watch dogs
Lego the hobbit
Child of light
Project Cars
Oh... anything else Third-party title? (Except Bayonetta 2. this is published by nintendo)
The Lego Movie Videogame as well.
I don't know about you guys, but I wake every morning and speed read the first page of GAF expecting a thread about an incoming Direct. I know it's soon but if feels sooooo far away![]()
Who is Ideaman?
Tantalus Media mystery port
Capcom could have a game coming based on comments from them
Japanese 3rd party Mystery Game made exclusive to Wii U
Could the first and last be the same game? I don't think so.
Now from Nintendo I at least expect 3 or 4 unannounced games in 2014.
Tantalus said their game wont be M rated so the rumored Japanese game cant be it since its suppose to be bloody
Tantalus said their game wont be M rated so the rumored Japanese game cant be it since its suppose to be bloody
Yves Guillemot's son.
Was there any merit to that rumor by the way?
It is a ‘port’ but more of a complete rework for the Wii U: a bit like the work we did on Deus Ex: Human Revolution – Director’s Cut.
I can’t say what the title is but it is very exciting and is for an absolute top notch publisher.
This game will be credited Tantalus … it’s not an MA / 18 or ‘hard core’ game which ME-3 and DX:HR are.
Depends on what you mean.
Apparently, Nintendo News talked directly with Joss Ellis at Tantalus about it.