I should really make a When's the Next Nintendo Direct FAQ infographic sometime...
Good Idea. You can put side by side last Year's Direct dates with 2014 months
I should really make a When's the Next Nintendo Direct FAQ infographic sometime...
This is pretty much true for all versions of LEGO Marvel. My friend has the PS3 version (as does my roommate) and they complained about the same thing. The game is just littered with glitches and bugs. Hard to believe they released the game in the state it's in.
LEGO City is far more polished.
I'm just going by the bi-monthly Direct schedule.Wait, I'm confused: why would they have a Direct as late as Feb when they clearly need one ASAP? And it's not like the hardware numbers and profit troubles would have been much of a surprise, internally.
I think they've been planning a Jan Direct all along and a beefy one at that. The only thing that may have changed recently is Iwata's comments, reflecting whatever reception Nintendo has since been facing.
Wait, I'm confused: why would they have a Direct as late as Feb when they clearly need one ASAP?
Wii U question of the day:
What long-dormant Nintendo franchise would you bring back on the Wii U, and how would it make original use of the Gamepad?
Wii U question of the day:
What long-dormant Nintendo franchise would you bring back on the Wii U, and how would it make original use of the Gamepad?
Better question: Realistically, what can we expect from Nintendo this year if we get another blowout Direct?
I'm just going by the bi-monthly Direct schedule.
2012 and 2013 featured Directs in February, April, June, August, October and December.
January 2013 had Pokémon Direct and the special Wii U Direct. It could happen, but I wouldn't hold my breath. I'd love to be wrong though.
There are several smaller Directs in a month, but the big ones always appear in those months.There really is no bi-monthly schedule anymore and that is coming from the guy who kept yelling about the existence of the bi-monthly schedule until last Summer when the increase in regularity became apparent. We've had at least two Directs every month in 2013 except for December which had only one.
1/23/2013 was the first reveal of X,no?
Wii U question of the day:
What long-dormant Nintendo franchise would you bring back on the Wii U, and how would it make original use of the Gamepad?
Star Fox if u mean real dormant
But Metroid is due for WiiU fits the gamepad perfectly
And ND should be this week, just like last year it was the week before the Investors meeting
I don't know if I would expect a Metroid so soon. But definitely on sometime in the near future.
more informative than I expected. what they say about no motion controls makes sense, disappointingly...
I'm just going by the bi-monthly Direct schedule.
2012 and 2013 featured Directs in February, April, June, August, October and December.
January 2013 had Pokémon Direct and the special Wii U Direct. It could happen, but I wouldn't hold my breath. I'd love to be wrong though.
No motion controls is super obvious though. There was never a chance in hell those would be in there.
Ι think that a new Direct will be hosted after the financial earnings.
I sense that they firstly need to adress and explain their future plans and then highlight them with new games, hopefully...
I really hope there is a Direct this week, I need a reason to get excited about my WiiU, I have DKC TF pre ordered but I really need some more MK8 info about the online mode, a release date and some new X and Bayo 2 footage.
The Directs are interesting, do they show new games every few months or do they keep four or five really big announcements for E3. It would be insane if they done a Direct every month leading up to E3 with a big game announcement on each one.
Do people think they will return to E3 this year with a full press conference or just do another special Direct on the week of it ?.
Do people think they will return to E3 this year with a full press conference or just do another special Direct on the week of it ?.
Can anyone name when a new decently big Wii U game will hit not named Donkey Kong?
How is that not an oh shit we need a Nintendo Direct yesterday problem?
Mario kart 8-Spring. Hyrule Warriors-Summer (JP). That is all we have other than "2014" for X and Bayo2 and TBD for SMTxFE and Yarn Yoshi.
Smash Bros also has a "2014" date as well.
Mario kart 8-Spring. Hyrule Warriors-Summer (JP). That is all we have other than "2014" for X and Bayo2 and TBD for SMTxFE and Yarn Yoshi.
All this Nintendo doom talk is clouding my vision of what I had in mind when I bought my Wii U... Ah, save me!
So I beat Pikmin 3. The pack-in NSM/LU isn't appealing to me currently, so I'm wondering what to buy next... SMW3D or W101? MH3U? Never played MonHun tho... I also have Xenoblade which I haven't touched yet...
Those aren't actual dates. Those are just general time frames Nintendo has said they are shooting for (which means they could be moved).
I mean actual confirmed dates or at least a month. I can't name a thing with a solid release date beyond Donkey Kong.
All this Nintendo doom talk is clouding my vision of what I had in mind when I bought my Wii U... Ah, save me!
So I beat Pikmin 3. The pack-in NSM/LU isn't appealing to me currently, so I'm wondering what to buy next... SMW3D or W101? MH3U? Never played MonHun tho... I also have Xenoblade which I haven't touched yet...
All this Nintendo doom talk is clouding my vision of what I had in mind when I bought my Wii U... Ah, save me!
So I beat Pikmin 3. The pack-in NSM/LU isn't appealing to me currently, so I'm wondering what to buy next... SMW3D or W101? MH3U? Never played MonHun tho... I also have Xenoblade which I haven't touched yet...
Is it ok to expect a new Nintendo Direct this week? The one last year was on 1/22 right? Or did the December direct take the place of this one?
Is it ok to expect a new Nintendo Direct this week? The one last year was on 1/22 right? Or did the December direct take the place of this one?
Wait, I'm confused: why would they have a Direct as late as Feb when they clearly need one ASAP? And it's not like the hardware numbers and profit troubles would have been much of a surprise, internally.
"Nintendo Direct announced for tomorrow, more looks at previously announced 3DS games".
And what do you expect Nintendo has ready now that they didn't have to show before christmas to try and entice people into buying at the time of year where they are most likely to?
The Wonderful 101 is the best game on the system for me.
But for some reason, some hate it so I can't recommend it without feeling guilty.
(they're wrong)
Wonderful 101 is great!But Pikmin 3 is greater.