Hey, atleast the ecosystem score is growing. Used to be barely hitting a 4. I'm surprised that Camera is a 7 though. Some of the shots we saw from it looked amazing.
It's strange, Engadget loved the camera on it http://www.engadget.com/2013/11/18/nokia-lumia-1520-review/
I'm new to this so it's a bit strange to me. But I got a form to complete for the Microsoft internship program...
Question 7. How would you test a pencil? Please describe as many cases as you think sufficient.
Now that's a question.
Alright, I got the 1020 over the weekend! They had the 1520 at the store but I couldn't even fit it in my pocket lol. Way too big.
Any tips/advice for this phone, or useful apps? Would appreciate it! This is my first smartphone and I feel like I don't even know where to start with it.
I ended up going with a 300mb plan...the guy at the store said that I will go definitely go over in less than 2 days lol. He wanted me to get a 4gb plan and I had to fight him for like 10 minutes before he gave up. I can change the plan whenever I want, so I mean...I just have to keep an eye on the usage and if I see it getting close to 300mb I can upgrade to 1gb and be fine as far as I know.
Unfortunately he conned me into getting this BS AT&T Next plan by making me sound like an idiot if I chose the 2-year contract. I looked it up after I got home and every review basically said it's bullshit and you are paying way more overall. I contacted customer service and they said that I can change to a 2-year contract but I have to go back to the store that I got the phone from and have them do it.
Ughh, so I'm going to go back next weekend. I really hope I don't get the same guy and have to fight him to get it changed.
Welcome to the WIndows Phone Community, hope you like your new phoneAlright, I got the 1020 over the weekend! They had the 1520 at the store but I couldn't even fit it in my pocket lol. Way too big.
Any tips/advice for this phone, or useful apps? Would appreciate it! This is my first smartphone and I feel like I don't even know where to start with it.
I ended up going with a 300mb plan...the guy at the store said that I will go definitely go over in less than 2 days lol. He wanted me to get a 4gb plan and I had to fight him for like 10 minutes before he gave up. I can change the plan whenever I want, so I mean...I just have to keep an eye on the usage and if I see it getting close to 300mb I can upgrade to 1gb and be fine as far as I know.
Unfortunately he conned me into getting this BS AT&T Next plan by making me sound like an idiot if I chose the 2-year contract. I looked it up after I got home and every review basically said it's bullshit and you are paying way more overall. I contacted customer service and they said that I can change to a 2-year contract but I have to go back to the store that I got the phone from and have them do it.
Ughh, so I'm going to go back next weekend. I really hope I don't get the same guy and have to fight him to get it changed.
So first things first. Go into Wifi, hit Advanced Settings and tell it to Keep Wi-Fi on under the lockscreen. It will save you a bunch of trouble later down the line.
Next Turn on Glance on the phone (use peek view for battery saving). Then also in settings turn on double tap to awake. Those are pretty much the main Nokia Settings you have to worry about, set the rest if you feel like it.
Then go grab some apps.
Firstly, go into Nokia Collection in the store and grab what you want out of there. For my specific App recommendations.
'Wordament' Amazing and addictive word finding game
'Halo: Spartan Assault' Its halo
'Skulls of Shugan'
'MyTube' is the best youtube client on Windows Phone
'Windows Phone Central' is the best place for news on everything to do with Windows Phone
According to Tom Warren, Nokia Cam won't need a pin code anymore when used as the default with Black.
I regularly back up my full res shots from the 1020 to my desktop, but if I ever went on vacation and I thought it erased all of my shots, I'd go crazy. And no, the 5mp downsampled versions that get backed up to skydrive are not good enough. I need the full resolution versions, it's why I bought the phone.
What does this mean? The pictures that automatically pop up on skydrive are downsized to 5mp? If so, is there a way to store the 41mp ones on the computer?
What does this mean? The pictures that automatically pop up on skydrive are downsized to 5mp? If so, is there a way to store the 41mp ones on the computer?
Well, I did my best explaining how I'd test a pencil. Hoping it works out!One of my campus interviews was: Name a feature you would like to add to a PDF Reader, and explain why you want to add that feature.
Another at MS during the second round: How would you test Microsoft Word on WP?
Oh boy
The key, at least from what I could tell, is to clearly explain the reasoning behind any answer you give. There were people much smarter than me who applied and didn't get a second round interview, I believe mostly due to a lack of explanatory capability. Conversing about your problem solving technique is what helps other people understand small sections of a large piece of software, so it's incredibly key to the success of said software.
Does anyone have a twitter app recommendation? I've used Rowi for a while but it's had some bugs for a while that are starting to get really annoying. I'd like something that makes it very easy to star items to read later, and also easily save my reading place to pick up on later. The official app sucks at the saving-reading-position part.
Office Remote is like Smartglass for Office.
Sounds pretty cool actually, and it's WP exclusive for once.
Alas it's Office 2013 only (no RT), so I can't check it out myself.
Also, reading the article, it sounds like the teams actually talk to each other now![]()
Just tried it and it doesn't work. App won't turn on in office. Would've been nice to have tomorrow for a presentation I'm doing in front of some administrators.
The next best one I've used was mehdoh. I am not sure whether it will solve your usage scenario, though.
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Does anyone have a twitter app recommendation? I've used Rowi for a while but it's had some bugs for a while that are starting to get really annoying. I'd like something that makes it very easy to star items to read later, and also easily save my reading place to pick up on later. The official app sucks at the saving-reading-position part.
Out of curiosity, can the Nokia phablets charge without turning on themselves?
Got my Nokia charging plate. Love the way it looks and it seems to work great, but...
The plug makes an ever so faint squeaky ticking noise when the phone's not charging.
Now I'm wondering whether that's normal or if you should try and exchange it. Does anyone else have the official one and could give it a listen?
Had that with the USB plug with my 800. Faulty component, bugged the hell out of me. Get it exchanged. Adapters only have a 6 month warranty.
Office Remote is like Smartglass for Office.
Sounds pretty cool actually, and it's WP exclusive for once.
Alas it's Office 2013 only (no RT), so I can't check it out myself.
Also, reading the article, it sounds like the teams actually talk to each other now![]()
Yeah, the app was clearly designed with iOS and Android in mind. It would have been nice to have a more "WP friendly" version but as long as it is functional then I won't complain too much.According to Nokia Germany's most recent post on FB, 80% of all Lumia users are male.
Xbone Smartglass is out.
Gonna check if I can open it without having an Xbone.
Edit Edit:
It's actually quite nice. A few new features and a neat design.
The only thing that's baffling is that the menu button is at the top left, a la iOS, and there's no swipe from the side like in Facebook. So you have to stretch your thumb a bit.
Yeah, the app was clearly designed with iOS and Android in mind. It would have been nice to have a more "WP friendly" version but as long as it is functional then I won't complain too much.
For sure, I prefer the swipe design over the button as well. I just think that it's not as common of a design on iOS or Android so I feel like those versions drove this app design more than WP did... which is probably fair given the market share, but it still sucks for us.Yeah, but the swipe would've been so simple and just as useful on other OSs.
I assume you downloaded the plugin?
Seems Instagram has been submitted, waiting for approval now http://instagram.com/download/windows/