CR having problem was already happening before the lay off tho.
The announcement anyway.
I think they had already started outsourcing stuff even before the layoffs happened. At least, that was the impression I got.
CR having problem was already happening before the lay off tho.
The announcement anyway.
CR has been spotty the last few days.
Is the Anime Network worthwhile to sub to? I know a good chunk of their shows are also on Crunchy but I need mah dubs.
REMINDER: Instead of wasting time watching and posting detailed critique on BAD shows which are CASH IN productions made to promote FRANCHISES spawned from SMARTPHONE GAMES, a better use of one's time would be to sit down and watch an AWARD WNNING film by ACCLAIMED filmmaker DENIS VILLENEUVE, like for example, INCENDIES.
REMINDER: Instead of wasting time watching and posting detailed critique on BAD shows which are CASH IN productions made to promote FRANCHISES spawned from SMARTPHONE GAMES, a better use of one's time would be to sit down and watch an AWARD WNNING film by ACCLAIMED filmmaker DENIS VILLENEUVE, like for example, INCENDIES.
What do we do if we already saw it?REMINDER: Instead of wasting time watching and posting detailed critique on BAD shows which are CASH IN productions made to promote FRANCHISES spawned from SMARTPHONE GAMES, a better use of one's time would be to sit down and watch an AWARD WNNING film by ACCLAIMED filmmaker DENIS VILLENEUVE, like for example, INCENDIES.
What do we do if we already saw it?
REMINDER: Instead of wasting time watching and posting detailed critique on BAD shows which are CASH IN productions made to promote FRANCHISES spawned from SMARTPHONE GAMES, a better use of one's time would be to sit down and watch an AWARD WNNING film by ACCLAIMED filmmaker DENIS VILLENEUVE, like for example, INCENDIES.
I thought you were all about the gacha.
Ok hummm it's been like 6 years but, what did you think about thePost about it so duckroll has someone to talk to about it.
Still need to watch this myself.Doukyuusei
I'm not one for romance anime but this was positively delightful. I thought the overly dramatic early feelings and jealousies were going to dominate things at first but instead were deftly put in place as this root of awkward teen romance that just made it all the more real The real treat was that developing into genuine feelings between Kusakabe and Sajou so that when they struggled to reconcile their relationship, the words spoken in anger stung the viewer just as much as it did their target because we could see the feelings they were afraid to admit to one another. Great stuff.
Still need to watch this myself.
Mawaru Penguindrum 02
Hmmm, yes, I see. Truly this is monocle anime, and Ikuhara is a master.
Are many people voting in the movie catagory?We can make a late push for it in the AOTY thread.
Are many people voting in the movie catagory?
Are many people voting in the movie catagory?
Something not spoilery, but what did you think of our Quebec actors?
I'm going to. Duckroll was supposed to but probably forgot. Again
I voted yea, for a bunch of stuff animegaf would never want to win.Are many people voting in the movie catagory?
Link me to my vote and I'll fix it ASAP. I need an assistant...
Agreed I remember it being quite something on It's presentation of the war. But yea its been so long ducky I barely remember the movie :/. You ever heard of the director Xavier Dolan? He's excellent and since you liked incendies, maybe try the movie Mommy from him. If you have any access to it.Pretty good. Both the mother and the daughter had really good performances. The guys were all just kinda there though.
I'm less interested in discussing the specifics of the plot (because I think they are obvious) and more interesting in the thematic presentation of the film. What struck me is how powerful it felt right from the start, because it's not portrayed as a simple drama or mystery, but rather a mythic fable of sorts. I guess it makes sense when I found out it was adapted from a stage play, but the narrative techniques applied in the film are so effective.
Nawal's story is more than just about the twins learning about their mother's life, it is a vehicle for the narrative to take the audience through decades of civil war, cultural divides, the cycle of violence, the destructive qualities of war on a person's soul, and what it is to be a survivor. It's pretty crazy how they packed all of that in a 2 hour runtime. Those title cards for every chapter, the great use of music and audio volume. VILLENEUVE DA GAWD.
Link me to my vote and I'll fix it ASAP. I need an assistant...
I'm still bitter that Granblue blew up instead of Terra Battle. Instead of a Terra Battle anime we're getting this crap. Jealousy's a bitch.
I'm still waiting for a release of RahXephon to accurately put "The Greatest Love Story of All Time" on the package cover.
Found a Terra Battle figure if you want me to get it for you
Well, Mamaru really is a
Actually it did have this. The stakes in Accel World's fights was that if you lost a battle, you lost points. These points were needed in order to keep playing the Brain Burst game. Lose all your points, and you can't accelerate anymore.
And you know what? This is ten times more interesting to me than SAO's death game plot.
The Accelerated World IMO is a more inherently interesting concept than SAO's VRMMOs. It's this hidden thing from the real world that nobody but a few teenagers know about and is more or less some big secret society that all the cool kids use. It's not just a game, it's a super power. These kids can pretty much stop time to think faster than anybody else whenever they want but they have to play a fighting game in order to keep it. It's super easy to be kicked out of it if you're careless and everybody who has it doesn't want to lose it.
These teenagers are essentially living alternate lives in secret from everybody else while still living in the real world.
I guess, when you get down to it, that's not really as grabbing of a scenario as "A bunch of kids are trapped in a video game and if they die there they die in real life" to the common anime fan, but for me it's something I can more easily get into if only for the uniqueness factor of the Accelerated World in general.
Also Kuroyukihime is the best.
If you lose in Accel World you lose Brain Burst and all your memories associated with it, which could be years worth of relationships and friendships both IN & out of game.
There werent really any stakes in GGO and ALO though.
REMINDER: Instead of wasting time watching and posting detailed critique on BAD shows which are CASH IN productions made to promote FRANCHISES spawned from SMARTPHONE GAMES, a better use of one's time would be to sit down and watch an AWARD WNNING film by ACCLAIMED filmmaker DENIS VILLENEUVE, like for example, INCENDIES.
We can make a late push for it in the AOTY thread.
REMINDER: Instead of wasting time watching and posting detailed critique on BAD shows which are CASH IN productions made to promote FRANCHISES spawned from SMARTPHONE GAMES, a better use of one's time would be to sit down and watch an AWARD WNNING film by ACCLAIMED filmmaker DENIS VILLENEUVE, like for example, INCENDIES.
Bungo Stray Dogs 17
I do have to wonder what the Guild's motivations are in all this.
To make you buy the manga maybe?
My remaining (extremely limited) display shelf space is reserved for a stack of unbuilt gunpla. >_<
But, while we're at it, have you seen Zero and Ao no Kiseki EVO for Vita available anywhere for cheap so far?
Incendies > SicarioPost about it so duckroll has someone to talk to about it.