Why though?
Because everyone should watch Utena anyway.
Why though?
Utena is one of the best (the best?) tv anime of all time and also one of the most thematically complex and powerful. You should probably just watch it.
But Utena is weird looking.
If you don't own at least one Utena figure and quote that one line from the movie at least once a week, are you really a person in any real sense of the word?
You're weird looking.But Utena is weird looking.
[Little Witch Academia] - 3
This is distinctly average anime.
Flip Flappers Episode 1
If you don't own at least one Utena figure and quote that one line from the movie at least once a week, are you really a person in any real sense of the word?
I didn't say it was bad!!!you have gone too far this time
Uncalled for!You're weird looking.
I was wrong earlier in my initial impressions. It doesn't look like a show from the mid 2000s but rather something from the cel era. Not a good show mind you from the pre-digital time period but a crappy one where you can tell background and character animation are on physically different levels. The character animation looks like it's on a separate layer from the backgrounds and they don't mesh well at all.
Around where it passes the point that the first anime split from the manga. Early Brotherhood has rushed pacing because it's covering material that was already adapted.Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood.
When does this git gud? Or is that not a thing that ends up happening.
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood.
When does this git gud? Or is that not a thing that ends up happening.
Woah what?? Danganronpa Zero exists???
Around where it passes the point that the first anime split from the manga. Early Brotherhood has rushed pacing because it's covering material that was already adapted.
Where are you ? First ~10 episodes are a very rushed covering of the manga material that the first series already did beforehand. It suffers a lot as a result.
I seriously hope people watching Penguindrum watch Utena first at least.
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood.
When does this git gud? Or is that not a thing that ends up happening.
Huh okay. Yeah it's early days for me, episode 7. It seems like standard shonen stuff so far. Watching it cuz I fell like watching some anime and cuz it was highly recommended by the EasyAllies crew hah.
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood.
When does this git gud? Or is that not a thing that ends up happening.
Well I already watched (and enjoyed) HxH and JoJo, I guess I don't have anything better to watch for now. Not sure if I will carry on with this one though.
It doesn't really. It's the original FMA that's the really great one.
FMA: Brotherhood is decent, as far as shounen goes, but I think it really suffers from having a very weak opening and an overly turgid finale.
It's not something I'd actively recommend people seek out when stuff like Hunter x Hunter and JoJo's exists in English. Still, it's not like you'll have a "bad time" watching it.
It doesn't really. It's the original FMA that's the really great one.
Well I already watched (and enjoyed) HxH and JoJo, I guess I don't have anything better to watch for now. Not sure if I will carry on with this one though.
Well I already watched (and enjoyed) HxH and JoJo, I guess I don't have anything better to watch for now. Not sure if I will carry on with this one though.
FMA generally gets good reception from more "casual" watchers, if you liked HxH and Jojo you should have a good shot at warming up to it. Animation wise it blows those two to smithereens if you care about that sort of thing.
Early Brotherhood isn't good, you should at least wait until you're out of the recap episode sections.
Huh that's funny because so far it sure doesn't seem that way.The backgrounds especially look cheap and poorly made.
BTW, is there anything else like Planetes or Space Brothers out there?
Huh that's funny because so far it sure doesn't seem that way.The backgrounds especially look cheap and poorly made.
It's also worth pointing out that I'm watching the 2011 version of Hunter and the art direction isn't exactly worth writing home about either.
It's also worth pointing out that I'm watching the 2011 version of Hunter and the art direction isn't exactly worth writing home about either.
and before someone brings this up, I don't like the franchise enough to watch the 99 version too