AnimeGAF is alt-right according to the OT anyway.Following MAL recommendations just makes you a Nazi collaborator.
AnimeGAF is alt-right according to the OT anyway.Following MAL recommendations just makes you a Nazi collaborator.
This is a 45 minute special which is an expanded version/re-imagining of the Animator Expo short. It is directed by Tsurumaki of FLCL and Diebuster fame. My first impression of this isn't good. I feel like this was written originally as a full cour TV show and they later truncated it down to fit the 90 minute slot. This episode jumps around so often in tone that it seems as if parts of this episode were supposed to have been broken up into individual episodes and that necessary character work to make certain moments feel emotionally just weren't there.
I found the first half to be really good as it focuses on the world-building and establishing this sort of magical place inside the dragon's mouth. I wanted more of the daily lifestyle of the Dragon Dentists however instead they use a montage to speed past those parts. There's a peaceful flow early on where I'm intrigued by the setting and art. The show introduces a male character called Bell who is the most boring human being alive. At times he threatens to be interesting but that's all it amounts to. Nonoko on the other hand seems to be the main character while Bell is just a tool used for exposition purposes. Bell isn't given enough screen time to be an captivating character in his own right and is more a waste of time than anything else. Nonoko though is delightful and charmed me with her wide range of expressions.
The second half is largely an action bonanza and reminded me of Kill La Kill with how the Dentists' weapon designs. I found this segment to be kind of flat as the action isn't staged well enough to be that entertaining nor was I that impressed with the action. That's not to say it's badly animated (there are some good cuts) but considering the super staff working on this, I was underwhelmed. It does transition though into this melancholic look at what makes a Dragon Dentist, in that their test is being able to accept their fate. I thought that segment was encaptivating but then the climax happens and that atmosphere is wiped out.
The background art was great, which was to be expected from Studio Pablo. I think on the visual side I was most impressed by the background stuff actually. There's a light pastel texture to the initial backgrounds in the dragon's mouth that I was entranced by. There was more CGI than I expected, which makes sense since it's Khara and they need to put their in-house CGI team to work I guess. I found the smaller cavity designs to be attractive but was less enamored with the larger ones. The larger ones are just too angular and look like some sort of polygonal monster I would have seen in the 90's. The music is uh diverse and I can see some people having issues with it. I personally didn't mind the insert song during the montage.
That ending though, just straight Xam'd. MetroidPrimeRib is going to be very happy with Dragon Dentist. That's all I'll say.![]()
lol okay bro
I had dropped it at 2 my first time around due to it not grabbing me initially. Episode 3 is what sold me later on.
Report back to us![]()
Mob Psycho 100 - Episode 3
Well, you weren't lying. Episode 3 is a drastic improvement and enough to hook me into the show. It nailed some key elements I felt the first 2 episodes lacked. This episode had focus. Coherence. And a great theme that paralleled well with Mob's search for happiness/love. This is also the first episode where the music really played into the scenes and enhanced them. I hardly noticed music the first 2 episodes...and not in a good way. And finally...the episode was funny. It was goofy, silly, and fun. I think the fact it was a very focused episode hitting on a specific theme helped the goofiness land because it had something material and real for it's foundation we could all relate to. What strikes me the most odd about my own opinion of the episode is that the action was my least favorite part. It wasn't bad, as the animation is great. It just doesn't have the "oomph" of One Punch Man. Not yet anyway. And yeah...I hate comparing shows to anything else, but it is going to be really hard to keep One Punch Man out of my mind, not only because it's the same creator, but mostly because it's my last anime watched.
OK. Ramble over!
Mob Psycho 100 - Episode 3
Well, you weren't lying. Episode 3 is a drastic improvement and enough to hook me into the show. It nailed some key elements I felt the first 2 episodes lacked. This episode had focus. Coherence. And a great theme that paralleled well with Mob's search for happiness/love. This is also the first episode where the music really played into the scenes and enhanced them. I hardly noticed music the first 2 episodes...and not in a good way. And finally...the episode was funny. It was goofy, silly, and fun. I think the fact it was a very focused episode hitting on a specific theme helped the goofiness land because it had something material and real for it's foundation we could all relate to. What strikes me the most odd about my own opinion of the episode is that the action was my least favorite part. It wasn't bad, as the animation is great. It just doesn't have the "oomph" of One Punch Man. Not yet anyway. And yeah...I hate comparing shows, but it is going to be really hard to keep One Punch Man out of my mind, not only because it's the same creator, but mostly because it's my last anime watched.
OK. Ramble over!
That ending though, just straight Xam'd. MetroidPrimeRib is going to be very happy with Dragon Dentist. That's all I'll say.
K-ON!! 15
The school makes the entire student body run a marathon? How cruel!
It's a highlight of the show for sure. A simple concept that's at the core of classic science fiction, but for that very reason it was enjoyable to see it so solidly executed. You could say that about the entire show, really.
Akira is in the running for the best animated Japanese film ever. (Redline is usually thrown out as the other big contender.) A lot of care went into it. The character designs are quintessential Otomo.
Hopefully this will be a good lesson to never trust MAL recommendations.
Following MAL recommendations just makes you a Nazi collaborator.
AnimeGAF is alt-right according to the OT anyway.
AnimeGAF is alt-right according to the OT anyway.
At first, I thought that Yamato was just kind of silly with its space ships being literal battleships and the Navy aesthetic. But, that, with the Japanese big band music, comes together very well. It feels very unique with a degree of "camp" but still a persistently heavy atmosphere. Edit: Also, I kind of love the way the episodes end with replaying certain snapshots of the episode with the music.
I've never even heard of Redline. I'll have to watch it. I imagine with Madhouse behind it, the animation is spectacular.
Wait, is this your first Escaflowne experience?
Wait, is this your first Escaflowne experience?
You realize, of course, that Yamato 2199 is a remake of a much older anime series from 1974? It's a modernized version, but it has great respect for the original and pays homage to it in many ways, such as retaining the iconic Yamato design even while making the ship not be a rebuilt version of the actual World War II battleship anymore. The soundtrack consists substantially of arrangements of the original's soundtrack. I wouldn't call the music "big band" though, since that implies a jazz ensemble which the music in Yamato isn't really.
Redline is directed by star animator Takeshi Koike and features an incredible lineup of animators doing really high-effort work throughout. It took incredibly long to make because of how high a standard Koike set for the film. I'm not a big fan of it personally, but it's worth watching just to see the animation.
If anime was made by Nazis, I wouldn't have had to watch a damn recap episode of Tanya this week.
I still don't understand why a 12/13 episode series needs a recap episode.
I still don't understand why a 12/13 episode series needs a recap episode.
Production issues. Shirobako isn't for everyone but seeing the issues faced by the production staff in the show provides a lot of context for thoughts like that.
Yes and as such my only memories will the BDs. I chose... wisely.
I'm afraid to click spoiler...! Is that for OPM or Mob Psycho?I feel like you'll find it's a better show, in terms of writing at the very least.Not that I dislike OPM, but that's how it went for me. Read/watched it first, then I slowly realized that Mob Psycho was just better, mainly because it goes far beyond OPM's tendency to rely on the gag of Saitama being unbeatable and not much else. But we'll see. Glad you're sold now though!I feel like it has better animation as well, when everything is said and done. More dynamic or whatever, I don't know how exactly to phrase it.
Aqua=Megumin >>> Darkness
Meanwhile no one on Twitter wants to point out sexualizing kids in Dragon Maid because that's a "cute, gay love story" in it's own world.
I'm afraid to click spoiler...! Is that for OPM or Mob Psycho?
This double standard is great, huh.
Found your problem.
We discussed this a decent amount on Wednesday.
Meanwhile no one on Twitter wants to point out sexualizing kids in Dragon Maid because that's a "cute, gay love story" in it's own world.
That's in the manga too. It's an isolated one off regarding the overall issue involving monster girls in general in regards to law which works for the world it's in, but when related to the real world causes problems. Unfortunately, nothing is ever considered isolated anymore and now we have this fiasco.
Meanwhile no one on Twitter wants to point out sexualizing kids in Dragon Maid because that's a "cute, gay love story" in it's own world.
Enjoy the ride then.
Hey the same thing happened when evidence started alluding that Mercy may be grooming Phara in the Pharmercy ship for Overwatch considering Mercy was close to Ana while appearing to be around Phara as a child. When I pointed that out, my liberal friends accused me of linking gay people to sexual predators.
While you past the worst bit, you should drop the series and forget about monogatari just like I did. Nothing but trash.![]()
Well Pharmercy doesn't matter, because it's dead.
Because Mercy is all about that robot dick.
Koi to Uso PV, Summer 2017.
Hmm, has anyone read the source material? It looks interesting and it kind of gives me the same vibe as Scum's Wish. I mean, the characters even look like Hanabi and Moca, just with bigger eyes...
Oh Gorō Taniguch you troll lol.
ID-0(2017 spring) PV1.
John Wick 2
The Hotline Miami of action movie franchises.
Not a perfect comparison because the action here is still really damn good while Hotline Miami 2 got too exacting.
Well worth the price of admission.
Not sure if this is the place to ask but are there any sci-fi anime series this season? I really enjoyed ReZero and was interested in Erased and Orange last year.
Wait. People saying Mob Psycho 100 is better than One Punch Man? Crazy! OPM is awesome from episode one. While I now like MP100, it took a few episodes for me to get into it. That automatically makes OPM superior. I also like both in terms of animation, but Mob though has instances where it's animation would get inconsistent or weird.
I dunno. I just enjoyed OPM from beginning to end more than Mob.
Oh Gorō Taniguch you troll lol.
ID-0(2017 spring) PV1.