Hell Girl Season 4 announced.
I can't seem to watch Anime anymore
I had only casually watched the occasional show up until 4 years ago when it snowballed into a habit. I had a blast picking up and binge watching a bunch of old shows and then hopping on the airing schedules, bouncing back and forth between different series week after week. Since I was studying animation, I found it was a great way to expand my visual library. But sometime last summer, my interest waned for a variety of reasons and now I can't seem to get back into it.
I'm not terribly picky when it comes to what I watch, and it's not like I'm opposed to watching "trash". I've sat through plenty of 5's and 6's and it's rare that I'll drop something if I make it passed the first episode (I sat through Cross Ange after all)
But I've reached a point where the kind of shows I used to grab from the bargain bin like that and throw on no longer hold my attention. Suddenly a check list of tropes is a huge turnoff and the artistic qualities of a show carry more weight. I'm also having a difficult time getting passed a stupid premise or insufferable characters even moreso than I used to.
I scrolled through the fall and winter airing lists and didn't really find much that appealed to me. Hell, I liked Shokugeki no Soma and I can't bring myself to watch the second season. Most of the others that stood out based on my old preferences were for the most part rated poorly and I'm wondering if I'm just growing out of it.
So far, the exception seems to be Little Witch Academia. I was a big fan of the OVAs for their extraordinary animation and presentation. The TV series is off to a slow start, but it otherwise continues that trend. Whereas I look up something more "traditional" and I struggle to get passed boring animation, poor fight cinematography and the same character tropes I've seen across hundreds of shows, LWA is a breath of fresh air.
I've already seen all the "good" shows that everyone recommends (except those ones. Yes, those ones) and most of the other stuff is hard to find, so it seems I'm caught in a bind.
I might just start rewatching old stuff again.
FTFYMore Yohane is always a good thing.
More Yohane is always a good thing.
Nothing wrong with growing a little tired of something now and then and also nothing wrong with developing higher standards.
I personally don't care much about scores, some shows I really like are rated very poor. So I'd say, if you think you're going to like something just try and see for yourself regardless of scores on some sites.
For example, Majin Bone has a 6.84 on MAL but it's absolutely fantastic, or Kagewani is even lower with 6.54 and also great.
We could probably find a few shows you'd like if you give us some more infos.
wait galko ova?!?!?!
Saying "I don't want to see you die" is almost puerile, like when little kids learn that their parents will die some day, as she said, everyone dies.
Look Bell, it isn't the moment to turn red just because she said to take their hand. You are in a fucking high action chase scene, she is just offering her hand to jump into the plan, not offering marriage. As the montage scene in the previous episode shown you were close already, so what the hell.
Mob Psycho 100 is pretty much a must watch since you said you like good animation and style.Oh yea I'm not anal about scores. I view them as a way to gauge "audience", where a lower score means it'll appeal to less people. And then when I rates stuff on my own, it's a mix between how much I enjoyed the show and how good I think it is. For me, anything above a 7 is rewatchable, and then I go up from there depending on whether i liked the characters, the animation, the music, the universe, or the story.
Anyway here's my MAL, although be warned it's a bit outdated. I did hide my scores though
I usually gravitate towards action and adventure stuff with a preference towards fantasy and thrillers. I like space sci fi and magic too, but I haven't seen many that aren't cluttered with exposition. Log Horizon killed any patience I had for long winded world building and I've avoided those kinds of shows ever since. Similarly, I think i'm burnt out on mecha and floating girls fighting random aliens. Comedy and some of the more egregious stuff is fine if it's a subgenre.
Basically the only thing I truly away from are sports, slapstick comedies, fuedal japan/samurai stuff and straight romances unless it's got some sick music like Clannad.
Which reminds me, I forgot to mention that downloading a show's OST was one of my favorite things to do back then and I guess now that I'm stuck watching airing anime, I don't really get to keep up with them.
Imagine a parallel universe in which these two
I can't seem to watch Anime anymore
I had only casually watched the occasional show up until 4 years ago when it snowballed into a habit. I had a blast picking up and binge watching a bunch of old shows and then hopping on the airing schedules, bouncing back and forth between different series week after week. Since I was studying animation, I found it was a great way to expand my visual library. But sometime last summer, my interest waned for a variety of reasons and now I can't seem to get back into it.
I'm not terribly picky when it comes to what I watch, and it's not like I'm opposed to watching "trash". I've sat through plenty of 5's and 6's and it's rare that I'll drop something if I make it passed the first episode (I sat through Cross Ange after all)
But I've reached a point where the kind of shows I used to grab from the bargain bin like that and throw on no longer hold my attention. Suddenly a check list of tropes is a huge turnoff and the artistic qualities of a show carry more weight. I'm also having a difficult time getting passed a stupid premise or insufferable characters even moreso than I used to.
I scrolled through the fall and winter airing lists and didn't really find much that appealed to me. Hell, I liked Shokugeki no Soma and I can't bring myself to watch the second season. Most of the others that stood out based on my old preferences were for the most part rated poorly and I'm wondering if I'm just growing out of it.
So far, the exception seems to be Little Witch Academia. I was a big fan of the OVAs for their extraordinary animation and presentation. The TV series is off to a slow start, but it otherwise continues that trend. Whereas I look up something more "traditional" and I struggle to get passed boring animation, poor fight cinematography and the same character tropes I've seen across hundreds of shows, LWA is a breath of fresh air.
I've already seen all the "good" shows that everyone recommends (except those ones. Yes, those ones) and most of the other stuff is hard to find, so it seems I'm caught in a bind.
I might just start rewatching old stuff again.
According to your MAL list, you haven't even watched such popular and widely recommended anime as Baccano or Samurai Champloo, so I'm going to have to call doubt here.
According to your MAL list, you haven't even watched such popular and widely recommended anime as Baccano or Samurai Champloo, so I'm going to have to call doubt here.
Maybe he fell into the usual recommendation trap where someone can say "Man I sure would like some sort of lowkey baseball anime." only to get responses like "You should watch TTGL and Death Note!"
Never heard of Baccano before though.
Now you have so watch it!
I've already seen all the "good" shows that everyone recommends (except those ones. Yes, those ones) and most of the other stuff is hard to find, so it seems I'm caught in a bind.
I might just start rewatching old stuff again.
Maybe he fell into the usual recommendation trap where someone can say "Man I sure would like some sort of lowkey baseball anime." only to get responses like "You should watch TTGL and Death Note!"
I would suggest watching Hand Shakers. Its really one of the best anime this year.
The closest you get to potential sexual assault that isn't goofy tentacle monsters is the Riser Phoenix arc but it's nowhere as bad as anything in SAO and Issei puts a stop to that shit real quick. Oh there's an arc toward the end of season 3 but once again it's not that bad.
I'll catch shit for this, but I actually really like that series. Bell's of course dense but he's earnest and innocent and everyone else around him is trying to corrupt him.
I would suggest watching Hand Shakers. Its really one of the best anime this year.
No one suggests Battery?
Don't watch Hand Shakers.not sure if serious
Don't watch Hand Shakers.
not sure if serious
DTLs recommendations and tastes are fairly out there. He means well but his metric of what is good and bad doesn't seem to follow a standard system.not sure if serious
DTLs recommendations and tastes are fairly out there. He means well but his metric of what is good and bad doesn't seem to follow a standard system.
If you haven't watched Baccano do watch it, it's one of the shows I went out of my way to buy a Blu ray of. And 100% watch it in the English dub, they give every character appropriate accents since it's a mystery mafia story set in the US.
It's not like fullmetal alchemist except in the sense it's easily appealing to western fans and has some supernatural aspect to it I guess.
The Turner Classic Movies channel is currently listing that it will air Eiichi Yamamoto's 1973 experimental anime film Belladonna of Sadness (Kanashimi no Belladonna) on March 5 at 2:15 a.m.
I can't seem to watch Anime anymore
I've already seen all the "good" shows that everyone recommends (except those ones. Yes, those ones) and most of the other stuff is hard to find, so it seems I'm caught in a bind.
I might just start rewatching old stuff again.
Easily the worst thing Tsurumaki has ever directed.
Never heard of Baccano before though but it's probably going to fall in the "hard to find" category considering how old it is.
I believe I mentioned that the list was outdated because I haven't watched anything since last summer. I only made it public to avoid explaining for the upteenth time that I have already watched One Punch Man and most of the recent shit I've seen in the last 6 months of "recommend me some anime" threads. I suppose it's not much help though since I don't list everything I pick up and drop.Control + F
Envangelion ...0 results
Mushishi ...0 results
Planetes ...0 results
Ping Pong ...0 results
Uchouten kazoku ...0 results
Meanwhile, you are watching 38 series and have completed another 188 shows.
Maybe you should stop watching garbage. Just saying.
I feel like someone just walked over my grave.
Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans Season 2, Episode 20:
Well, if nothing else this battle now certainly feels like it has finality behind it. Still don't really care about either side though.
It's 10 years old?