But I thought people didn't like Amagi Brilliant Park.
But I thought people didn't like Amagi Brilliant Park.
One where physical media does not exist
I imagine there's a whole class of anime consumers where if it's not on streaming it doesn't exist. Not unlike games and steam.
Strong imagination you have.
I couldn't possibly comment![]()
Why are people surprised that some consume anime through streaming services and aren't interested in collecting discs? This is a pretty universal trend for media consumption.
Why are people surprised that some consume anime through streaming services and aren't interested in collecting discs? This is a pretty universal trend for media consumption.
I cant recommend gAGE even though I always want to, theres just no way for people to watch it. Still regret not buying the jpn discs![]()
Hoping the bad guys are just traditional formalities and it's just a bunch of delightful nonsense throughout.
My initial interest in the series wore through pretty quickly. The nihilistic viewpoint of sex and love is not inherently a dealbreaker, but here it feels like a narrow lens that everything in the story is viewed through. In its efforts to weave some kind of complex web of relationships the story crawls, regularly letting characters shift in and out of the picture as convenience dictates. Divorced from reality, consequence, and emotion, it's difficult to muster much interest in the internal ramblings of these characters as they string each other along to little effect. Direct character interaction feels so limited and scattershot that none of the characters really wind up coming across as all that deplorable. Stories like Oniisama e border on being classified as tragedy, but Scum's Wish finds itself in a fairly limp and uninteresting middle ground. These characters never seem to stop crying, but their suffering and internal strife feel fairly surface level and inconsequential. The show's underdeveloped understanding of the male psyche casts an ugly spotlight on the childish simplicity of this interpretation of love, and the meekly naive and repetitive depiction of sexuality deeply undercuts anything the show has to say about the physical manifestation of love. The only bodily fluid you'll regularly find in Scum's Wish are the characters' crocodile tears.
IBO 45
Did this fucking show just use the "barely missed" plot twice? Come on.
Naturally, after being hit by an illegal weapon, Beardface has a squad of his own guys with their own banned weapons ready to go instantly. That won't look odd on the report. I mean, I understand that no one really has any interest in this revolution outside of McGillis and his followers, but Rustal has a reputation to maintain as a cool-headed, competent, respectable leader in Gjallahorn. I might be giving too much credit though - This is a series that allows characters like Iok to succeed despite casually committing war crimes and throwing his men's lives away.
... Rustal's always been fine with playing a long game though, keeping his own hands clean even if it's at the expense of lives. Why risk besmirching his reputation now when he has an overwhelming numerical advantage? Just get me to the ending already.
IBO 45
Did this fucking show just use the "barely missed" plot twice? Come on.
Sword Art Online - Ordinal Scale
Scum's Wish 01-07
My initial interest in the series wore through pretty quickly. The nihilistic viewpoint of sex and love is not inherently a dealbreaker, but here it feels like a narrow lens that everything in the story is viewed through. In its efforts to weave some kind of complex web of relationships the story crawls, regularly letting characters shift in and out of the picture as convenience dictates. Divorced from reality, consequence, and emotion, it's difficult to muster much interest in the internal ramblings of these characters as they string each other along to little effect. Direct character interaction feels so limited and scattershot that none of the characters really wind up coming across as all that deplorable. Stories like Oniisama e border on being classified as tragedy, but Scum's Wish finds itself in a fairly limp and uninteresting middle ground. These characters never seem to stop crying, but their suffering and internal strife feel fairly surface level and inconsequential. The show's underdeveloped understanding of the male psyche casts an ugly spotlight on the childish simplicity of this interpretation of love, and the meekly naive and repetitive depiction of sexuality deeply undercuts anything the show has to say about the physical manifestation of love. The only bodily fluid you'll regularly find in Scum's Wish are the characters' crocodile tears.
But I thought people didn't like Amagi Brilliant Park.
I've been following this through impressions to see if I wanted to watch it later and this makes it sound like the misery x titillation is really superficial and everyone watching just wanted a wild ride. I'm a little less inclined to check it out now.
I believe I mentioned that the list was outdated because I haven't watched anything since last summer. I only made it public to avoid explaining for the upteenth time that I have already watched One Punch Man and most of the recent shit I've seen in the last 6 months of "recommend me some anime" threads. I suppose it's not much help though since I don't list everything I pick up and drop.
I did say I wasn't into sports or comedy and teenaged japanese drama doesn't do anything for me anymore, so I've passed on most of those already.
Not really...I know people who fit into it, who are too lazy to even download stuff. If it's not on streaming they are not interested at all.
Certainly as someone who only got into anime because of streaming and who mostly never buys anime on disc I'm the same way to a degree.
Control + F
Envangelion ...0 results
Mushishi ...0 results
Planetes ...0 results
Ping Pong ...0 results
Uchouten kazoku ...0 results
Meanwhile, you are watching 38 series and have completed another 188 shows.
Maybe you should stop watching garbage. Just saying.
As far as I'm aware some people didn't like it for the sexual elements. The character writing was pretty solid and seemed to be the thing that people liked the most from the show.
Hmm..seems like Crunchyroll has started blocking my DNS Proxy getflix. Annoyed.
Hmm..seems like Crunchyroll has started blocking my DNS Proxy getflix. Annoyed.
yeah. I only buy the shows that I really like and could rewatch. One Punch Man is my next purchase.
It was a mediocre comedy that you liked more than most of this community. Sexual elements are not why it's not remember especially fondly.
This sucks.
I'm aware I liked it more than anyone else here. That wasn't my point though, it was mainly that the character writing was the strongest element of it and it seems that this was the aspect that others liked as well when it was airing. The two primary criticisms of the show were oriented around the sexual stuff and the fact that it wasn't geared towards the actual management of the park. I saw nearly nil talk directed towards general issues with the characters.
duckroll said:Amagi Not-so-brilliant Park - Episode 1
I'm not sure how I feel about this yet. It's pretty strange. The direction is good. The production values are good. The premise is just interesting enough to keep me interested but not enough to convince me that it might not be a total waste of time. The characters are pretty annoying and exhibit dangerous signs of being typical bad Light Novel characters. I have to say, the idea of a show exploring a theme park on its last legs far from its glory years is a unique concept and one which I can actually relate to having a mild interest in abandoned attractions. I just wish it could have been explored in a way that didn't involve angsty teenagers, magical beings who might or might not just be insane people, and naked butts being shoved in my face. Will watch more, keeping expectations low.
Haly said:Amagi Brilliant Park 01:
I don't know how much you know about tea (I'm an expert), but if my tea looked like this, I'd probably throw up. It looks like some kind of sludge.
Alright so, first things first. This isn't quite as bad as it could be. For one, it's not chuuni. Nor does it take place in an MMO. That already puts it way ahead of the pack. On the other hand, it has a harem, and it's about a boring guy who meets a magical girl. Okay, that's bad. But, the girl can pull flintlocks out of her skirt, and we all know that's awesome.
(BTW, if you were wondering, the circles of LN hell go like this: Harem > Boring Guy/Magical Girl > Incest > Mary Sue Protag > Chuuni > MMO.)
Given the source material, Takemoto is doing a good job. Unfortunately, having come off from a Hyouka marathon, I can definitely say this is no Hyouka. And not just in terms of content, but also production values. Recycled animation, dull environments, people standing still while their mouth opens and closes. It's got it all. The only saving grace is that even when KyoAni cuts corners, their output it still miles ahead of most other studios.
Jexhius said:[Amagai Brilliant Park] - 1
I wasn't actively offended by this, so I suppose that counts as a step up for KyoAni.
This first episode was, as expected, well directed and produced. It introduced a potentially interesting story but then unfortunately decided to layer it with a 'magic/amnesia' flavour that I didn't really care for.
I understand that you can't just make a show about restoring a delipidated theme park because that would be boring. If this was a Western TV show the 'hook', so to speak, would no doubt be the rich characters and the drama and conflict inherent in the process of restoring an amusement park. But, for anime, that just isn't enough so you have to make everyone a teenager and throw in some magic to keep the kids entertained. For all I know the magic stuff will be kept fairly low-key and I'll have no complaints; only time will tell.
Damm Carla, way to go. They are in a super shitty spot now due to her "information." Gotta feel bad for her here...
You see, I actually liked the use of it here because it finally subvertedTekkadan scraping by with their "All or Nothing" tactics. Up til now, they've made it through battles by pulling off these ballsy moves that opponents wouldn't expect. It really highlighted the severity of this war.
Hmm, let's actually flashback to impressions posted here about the first episode.
Midonin said:Amagi Brilliant Park 09
Now this is what I was hoping more of the show would be like. More focus on the Elementario group (or on the girls in general), and a look into the park as much as the running of it. So many of the rides have only been shown during the next episode preview, so seeing a closer look at the "training center" in the castle was a nice change of pace, a way to get to know the girls a little better. I also realized just how much Sylphy reminds me of SoraOto's Astrea.
Admiral Woofington said:Amagi Brilliant Park 4
By far the best episode so far. Largely because it toned down most, if not all, of the shitty comedy and focused on character development. The somber tone of the episode mixed with the music was a pretty good job on giving me as the audience the idea of what the episode would be around. Then they drove it home with the multiple scenes in the rain, with rain being used as a symbol of chaos and depression in plenty of media. It is also doing a fantastic job in reminding me that Kanye isn't the Jesus Christ of geniuses and that he is pretty much a newbie at managing and will most likely make plenty of mistakes, as seen in this episode.
The episode largely dealt with 50 and her issues as a character, continuing to expand on her character outside of the dandere beauty with giant breasts they wanted to tell you about in episode 1. Their scenes of conflict in this episode were definitely the highlight of the show so far. I was hoping the show would just forget most of the magical and past crap and just focus on park management and character development on a set of incredibly flawed characters. But of course that was too much to ask and we have stuff like "did we meet when we were younger?" and the scene at the end where a dinosaur is waking up because fuck you mgmt geeks.
cajunator said:Amagi Brilliant Park 02
This has a protag with the confidence and swagger of Sora in No Game No Life combined with some high end silliness and a really REALLY cute princess.
Really enjoying this for what it is. Kanye will save them all.
Better than Hyouka.
Hmm, let's actually flashback to impressions posted here about the first episode.
I like this proxy war being waged here with old posts.
WHOOOOO, NOT DEAD LAST! Also, are you evil short stuff?
Why first episode impressions? That's not the period I'd snapshot for impressions.
Eh, they were the easiest to find. I don't have a real stance on Amagi Brilliant Park myself since I haven't watched the show itself, except that everything I've seen from it looks ugly. I just raised my eyebrow at Jarmel saying that no one on GAF ever expressed concerns over the character writing in Amagi since that didn't jive with my recollections, and doing some searching confirmed that my memory was not faulty in that regard.
I'd be done down a poster that stans for DTL and endlessly quotes him. A bizzaro Nintendoman.The ultimate proxy war will happen when someone starts to use old DTL posts for their arguments.
GITS is the rare anime/manga product where a tv spinoff/reboot, in this case Stand Alone Complex, is so much better than the source material and even the lauded theatrical release.
Oshii GITS is the only worthwhile GITS.
Zesty Tales XXX - Episode 20
Good episode. Cool dragon fight. Deep Alisha lore. Best Ufotable effects. Five episodes left. Ending where?