Pretty much what I thought. It's a 50 episodes story that doesn't shit the bed, so it's hard to not get attached, but the overuse of flashbacks/exposition was a bit too much. Still, I remember it fondly even now, especially some pieces of the OST.
I too really liked Ial and the Erin/Ial "romance", too bad the show never did anything with it.I know they get together in the following books, but as far the show goes, it was kinda disappointing.
Breath of the Wild continues the Zelda series tradition of making me feel sexually confused about fish people.
Sexy fish people.
I guess it's time for you to embrace monster girls.Breath of the Wild continues the Zelda series tradition of making me feel sexually confused about fish people.
Sexy fish people.
Best girls because that's what actually matters.
Yeh that final time skip with their son was a bit lacking. If they could've at least have the three of them share a moment together instead of just Erin and son that would've been at least a bit more appreciated.
I haven't informed myself much about the books yet. Actually kinda curious where the story would be heading afterwards since it felt fairly conclusive. Well, might have been more slice of life afterwards or so. Anyways, I'll have to read the synopsis somewhere.
One aspect that left me a bit disappointed within Erin's characterization was that, even though we follow her growth from child to full adulthood, there's pretty much zilch about her exploring her sexuality or experiencing love () which made her feel a bit flat during her student times. She really was all 'Beastlord gang-ho' and basically oblivious to e.g. Tomura feelings. It's not like the show needed to focus on that much but skipping any of that sort entirely just isn't right. Made the scene whereexcept towards the end with Ialseem just the more odd.the Beastlords perform their psychedelic mating ritual
Sakurada Reset will be 2 cour(not split).
Little Witch Academia - Ep. 9
Not sure why everyone here disliked this episode so much, because it was decent.
Obviously not as good as the last one, but still a lot of fun nonetheless.
Red eyes continue their rampage.
Descending Stories 9
Red eyes continue their rampage.
What's the matter with red eyes?
Red Chaika best Chaika
You better get used to it, Fairy Tail loves to do that kind of stuff.Fairy Tail ep.93
LOLOL, now that was an a$$pull shounen victory if I've ever seen one, but that doesn't mean it wasn't fun as hell to watch. Sucks seeing the state of teh alternate world though. Not sure what the solution is to fis it all, but Mystogan appears to have some ideas at least.
You better get used to it, Fairy Tail loves to do that kind of stuff.
It's not quite as bad as some people claim, but still pretty damn bad.
Ah yes, K-ON, To LOVE-Ru and whatever that girl is on the right. Truly the most fappy of anime porn stars.
My BD copies of Kyousougiga and 5cm Per Second finally arrived today! It's been a while since I've seen either, so revisiting them should be fun. 5cm is going to be a great visual treat as well; I wonder if I'll still like it as much years after I last saw it? I'm not much of a fan of Shinkai's other work (still have to see Your Name), but I've always loved 5cm.
Ah yes, K-ON, To LOVE-Ru and whatever that girl is on the right. Truly the most fappy of anime porn stars.
What the hell was this? What happened to Shining Chariot's staff? Does Akko even remember she has it?
Yeah, the way the show treats Satania is just getting increasingly uncomfortable for me. Most of the sketches give off a pretty mean spirited and antagonistic vibe. It's not even really a case where she does terrible things and gets some kind of comeuppance, the show just always feels like dragging its characters through the mud. I can't really think of a show like this where it tries to be a comedy and the main cast hang out together but don't really seem like they are friends.Gabriel Dropout is an awful show.
I can't even tell if the show is meant to be humorous with how often jokes don't land.
The only reason I can see why people are still watching the show is Satania, but you can get everything you would want from it with screen caps. And that's not even getting into how they treat her in the show for the sake of what I can only guess is attempted humor.
Red Chaika best Chaika
LWA #9
What the hell was this? What happened to Shining Chariot's staff? Does Akko even remember she has it?
Probably wasn't important this episode.
Its something you are supposed to have an emotional connection to...
Sölf;231666929 said:Samuel L. Jackson is now my senpai.