Usually I thought the idea was to bump bottom of page posts for a new page. But now we are doing top.
This meta is confusing.
Usually I thought the idea was to bump bottom of page posts for a new page. But now we are doing top.
Usually I thought the idea was to bump bottom of page posts for a new page. But now we are doing top.
This meta is confusing.
Egoraptor interveiwed the Little Witch Academia Creators Hiroyuki Imaishi and Yoh Yoshinari for anyone who is interested.
Usually I thought the idea was to bump bottom of page posts for a new page. But now we are doing top.
This meta is confusing.
new macross series announced for 2018, where are the Macross experts?
new macross series announced for 2018, where are the Macross experts?
By the way I'm not sure who already knows this but you can paste directly to imgur from your clipboard so now it's almost trivial to screencap anime.
Just don't leave any incriminating evidence behind. Crop that shit out.
Currently watching Stein's Gate. This Ruka side-plot has got me like:
Just keep going, lol
LOLwith my analysis of the image, that's clearly a robot.
yeah, kinda disappointed after episode 10.remember when everybody loved macross delta but after around episode 13 it sort of buzzed off into irrelevance.
i think they always use the sdf-1 backdrop for every new announcement (they had the same when delta was first teased).that look like the big one from the very first macross so might be a remake of the original
you may wanna redo that URL link with the actual link and not the title.
Just keep going, lol
Gabriel Dropout is an awful show.
I can't even tell if the show is meant to be humorous with how often jokes don't land.
The only reason I can see why people are still watching the show is Satania, but you can get everything you would want from it with screen caps. And that's not even getting into how they treat her in the show for the sake of what I can only guess is attempted humor.
Ok, I made it past Episode 18. I think the writers handled it about as tastefully as they could lol.
Okabe doing that fucking cup check though after the initial change. C'mon bruh.
Ok, I made it past Episode 18. I think the writers handled it about as tastefully as they could lol.
Okabe doing that fucking cup check though after the initial change. C'mon bruh.
It could have been handled a lot better. I've talked about this part of Steins;Gate a lot with others, and I still feel the same way about it; Ruka needs to get some less shitty friends.
Well, I guess Mayuri's not too bad to them, all things considered.
Yeah, there are a couple "anime" scenes like that one, but the show manages to avoid almost all of the typical cap like that, which could have brought it down..
You're at the part where I couldn't stop watching!
Also, if nobody mentioned it, make sure you watch the OVA immediately after the final episode.
With all of the negative episode reviews of LWA looks like my decision to just ignore them and keep my memories of the movies intact was the right choice
If you liked the movies then I don't see why you wouldn't enjoy the series. It's pretty good so far.
Probably wasn't important this episode.
With all of the negative episode reviews of LWA looks like my decision to just ignore them and keep my memories of the movies intact was the right choice
I continue to say it, but this show is better than I thought it would be! It's a pretty damn good adventure show with some really nice action scenes. I want more info on all of the Chaika's though, lol.
This is how the world looks to Serval which explains so much about her.
shiburin from imas cinderella girls u pleb
And speaking of shows that were better than expected, I think you'll like Kaminai if you haven't already seen it.
This reminds me of the Simpsons scene of thermodynamics.Sakura Trick - Ep. 1
I'm totally not watching the show for the yuri kissing scenes... I'm watching it for..... SCIENCE:
There was a lot for kissing in this episode than excepted.
I really like the releationship between the 2 main girls.
Outside of than that the show is alright.
Well, what now?