Didn't you say that you did not even finish Try? You over react way too much that it's kind of ridiculous. Season 1 has the better fights yea(even then...), but it suffers from the same thing you are accusing Try of.
No, that's not it at all.
What TRY ultimately does are similar things that GBF Season 1 does but puts way less effort into them than S1 did and lacks several key components that made Season 1 great.
Like I said, the dynamic between the three main leads in TRY was just terrible compared to how much of a legit likable duo Sei and Reiji were.
There's an also overabundance of underdeveloped side characters in TRY compared to the small amount that the first season had, which in turn, allowed them to be developed more and become more engaging.
Season 1 also had a good plot structure that operated on the basis of the entire Gunpla World, while when you look at GBF TRY, you just get a relatively minor story in comparison.
GBF Season 1 had the World Tournament. What did TRY have? Just a regular plan qualifier for the World Tournament or w/e. I don't know. The entire thing just felt so half-assed compared to how much passion I could feel was made with the original GBF.
Try is Eureka 7: AO tier in how badly it misses the "point" of the original.
Whoa whoa whoa whoa. Let's not get crazy here.
TRY sucks, but at least nobody in TRY went back to the original GBF and spat all over everyone's faces before shooting them with a retcon gun and running away.