A worldwide launch title.

The futuristic anti-gravity racing series.
[NeoGAF: Let's Talk about the Wipeout series]
[Youtube: Wipeout Through the Ages]
[CVG: Wipeout Retrospective]

Wipeout 2048 is a prequel, it takes place during the advent of anti-gravity racing. Races go beyond the typical futuristic courses, running through more grounded locations like urban city streets and highways.
THE FACTS- 10 new tracks, 4 return from Wipeout HD - [EDIT - More Wipeout HD tracks in the future. The DLC will be free for those who own the game on PS3]
- The gold, silver and bronze system is gone. You either Pass or Fail. However, you can earn an Elite Pass by acing an event. Elite can be earned on the first try or a replay
- Touch fun: you can flick the rear screen to control speed, tap the front screen to use items or weapons and tilt the system to steer. Touch/motion controls are optional
- If you like seizures, cockpit view is available
- XP - which is used to increase your rank and unlock content - is universal, meaning points earned from both solo and multi play are added to the same pool
- Head to Head, Speed Lap, Zone Mode, Time Trial and Combat events return
- Unlocked ships can be viewed in an AR museum [EDIT - this will be added in a future update]
- Custom soundtracks, bitch.
- UPDATE: Wipeout HD & Fury campaigns and crossplay tracks are now available (Free for PS3 owners).
SOLO - The solo campaign takes place on a "canvas" filled with nodes, you follow a path from left to right. Each node is an event. There are supposedly hidden events found in branching paths
- It covers three seasons - 2048, 2049 and 2050. With each season, new tracks and vehicles are unlocked
- There are 150-200 events between the three seasons
MULTI - There is a multi campaign, designed with a similar node system - early stages can be beaten by simply participating in a race, but goals will become more demanding as you progress
- 2-8 players
- Online & ad-hoc multiplayer
- Cross-platform online and ad-hoc play with Wipeout HD on PS3
- Online leaderboards
BUMMERS - Runs at 30 FPS
- Reports of long load times before races
- Online pass (locks out online multi)
- No racebox mode, meaning solo play is limited to the campaign set up
- PS3/Vita crossplay is limited to only 4 tracks
- There are only five teams - AG Systems, Auricom, Feisar, Pir-Hana and Qirex - bad news for fans of Harimau, Mirage, Icarus, Assegai, EG-X, Goteki 45, and Triakis
YOUTUBE - [Intro Cinematic]
- [Features Trailer]
- [E3 Trailer]
- [Gamescom 2011 Trailer]
- [Ship Porn]
- [A+ Speed Class Gameplay]
- [Zone Mode Gameplay]
[PS Blog: Step Into The World Of WipEout 2048]
[Tumblr: Studio Liverpool Art Blog]
[PS3attitude: Solo & Multi campaigns details]
[Metro.co.uk: Hands-on Preview]