Ok, got around to playing this and cleared the single player campaign.
-Track design is really fantastic for the new tracks. Learning the tracks down pat is so much fun. Just wish there were more!
-Zomg graphics (although at times I almost think there's image overload with this game and occasionally it's hard to see the track)
-Zomg Wipeout gameplay; great sense of speed
-Combat races are still gimmicky
-"Forced" races where you have to use a certain ship type which is at a disadvantage to all the opponent ships. THIS IS LAME. There was so much of this in the end of the campaign. Freaking annoying.
-Can't change ship without leaving a race and thus having to sit through the entire 40 second load again. This especially sucks when you come from one type of event (combat for instance) and go to another (race for instance) forgetting to go to the GARAGE and change ships between.
-Loading. I don't even care about the initial 40 second load, but the 5 second+ load on retries and the can't change ships on retries thing got a bit annoying on some tracks.
-Ship types add variety, yet shuffling ships that handle differently and throw you off is eh
-Splitting up powerups into offensive/defensive pads has ups & downs
-Single player campaign is ~6-8 hours short like every Wipeout campaign; why can't they make reverse versions of the tracks to at least double the track count (10 is solid, but not spectacular)
-Zone is less wow than it was when first introduced
-Control seemed a bit twitchy to me using the d-pad + L/R. Felt like I had better control on the PSP Wipeouts and PS3 Wipeout.
-30fps. Honestly didn't even notice it, but 60fps would still be better!
I love Wipeout games but I wish their campaigns weren't so freaking short. I always finish them up in like a week. If they did reverse courses, the SP campaign could have doubled in length right there. Sure the tracks don't work as-is in reverse because of jumps and stuff but I'm sure they could add a couple of ramps, change one or two sections and make it work and still be less work than making a whole new track.
Didn't touch the MP campaign. Might one day, but not really interested as I don't tend to game online. 2048 feels like a good launch game, just like Wipeout Pure was a good early PSP game. Hopefully they do another one that's even more fleshed out like how Pulse was 2x the better sequel in every way to Pure (might have the order of the psp ones backwards, it's been a while and they sound too damn similar
