Denzel should have won for Malcolm X. But they gave it that year to Al Pacino who should have won for numerous roles prior to that.
It's just a cycle of apology awards really.
This year though I think it should be freaking cemented in stone that Affleck wins best actor. nobody touched that.
How it usually works out, sadly.
I still feel that Russel Crowe winning for Gladiator was an apology for snubbing him for The Insider the previous year. Spacey was great in American Beauty, but Crowe was on another level in Insider.
And look at Crowe's competition in 2000.
Russell Crowe Gladiator as General Maximus Decimus Meridiusdouble-dagger
Javier Bardem Before Night Falls as Reinaldo Arenas
Tom Hanks Cast Away as Chuck Noland
Ed Harris Pollock as Jackson Pollock
Geoffrey Rush Quills as the Marquis de Sade
Crowe is the weak link in that group. He was still great, but not on the level of everyone else.
The biggest crime that year was Julia Roberts winning Best Actress over Ellen Burstyn. Ellen was so far beyond everyone that year (and many other years), but they had to award Julia for pushing her cleavage up and acting feisty.