Last chance to put down yourMinionsDespicable Me 3 and Baby Driver.
Opening Weekend
LT Dom
Baby Driver
Opening Weekend
LT Dom
Last chance to put down yourMinionsDespicable Me 3 and Baby Driver.
Warner Bros: While Universal might have more goingfor it in the short term, I think that WB is the second best off going beyond the next 5 years. The DCEU is clearly very popular, and is young enough that WB easily has 5 years left in it before they have to worry about too many shake ups.
I think Justice League is going to fail big time. It looks like a Snyder snooze fest and the humor (at least in the trailers) falls flat. That big-bang Snyder monster-fight shit almost killed Wonder Woman for me.
Shockingly, the most promising upcoming film from the DCEU is Aquaman, and that's based purely on casting. WB needs to remove the Snyder feel from their DC stuff, or its going to drag down their entire brand.
Paramount is definitely in the worst shape of all the studios. I can't believe they allowed the Trek franchise to collapse so quickly. As you said, ST09 was one of the best reboots in recent years, and already the franchise is back on shaky ground.
I think Justice League is going to fail big time. It looks like a Snyder snooze fest and the humor (at least in the trailers) falls flat. That big-bang Snyder monster-fight shit almost killed Wonder Woman for me.
Shockingly, the most promising upcoming film from the DCEU is Aquaman, and that's based purely on casting. WB needs to remove the Snyder feel from their DC stuff, or its going to drag down their entire brand.
Paramount is definitely in the worst shape of all the studios. I can't believe they allowed the Trek franchise to collapse so quickly. As you said, ST09 was one of the best reboots in recent years, and already the franchise is back on shaky ground.
I feel like I'm FINALLY starting to see some buzz building for Spidey Homecoming
People have this weird thing going on now days that if the 3rd act features a big fight with a big villain its bad.
Even though that's basically how almost all comic books work.
Studio Breakdown.
Nice read on you view of the big 6 kswiss, appreciate it. Always fun.
Awesome read, swiss. Disney is so well positioned right now, it's unreal
I'm really hoping the production budget for Baby Driver is like $5 million. Having Kevin Spacey, Jamie Foxx, and Jon Hamm in a movie must not be cheap though.
I have zero interest in Homecoming. Thor:Ragnarok and Black Panther though... Gimme some of that!
I feel like I'm FINALLY starting to see some buzz building for Spidey Homecoming
This is their third time rebooting Spiderman and RDJ does nothing for me now. BP and Thor both look fresh.
Last chance to put down yourMinionsDespicable Me 3 and Baby Driver.
I'll lock down exact predictions for both later, but Baby Driver I'm hoping can at least break $20M over 5 daysLast chance to put down yourMinionsDespicable Me 3 and Baby Driver.
In that vein, perhaps the most baffling scheduling of the summer: The Hitman's Bodyguard and Logan Lucky are releasing on the same day, August 18.We're half-way through the summer and we haven't had a break-out comedy yet. The House does not look to be it. There's Girl's Trip in late July, but I think that's about it for pure comedies.
Baby Driver will make negative dollars
Shit. Wonder Woman going to take down Pirates 5?
The USD was trading at about 80 JPY back when On Stranger Tides launched. Now the exchange is closer to 1 USD = 110 Yen.
So that $108M in Japan becomes $79M using current exchange rates.
I would expect much more than $60M for Pirates 5 there, and even that is probably optimistic.
Wonder Woman's third act did not kill the movie's word of mouth. Y'all are painting some revisionist history. The movie was instant praise from the get-go. It was too big to fail. A measly divisive third act wasn't gonna stop the hype train.Yeah, it obviously almost killed WoM for Wonder Woman. JL will make bank. The quality will determine it's legs but OW should be high enough to carry it close to 800m.
They also have a Matt Reeves directed Batman and a WW2 from Patty down the road. Plus if rumors are to be believed it looks like Flash will have a competent director. DCEUs future actually looks pretty bright.
It's time to bring back Shia LaBeouf.
I certainly don't expect it to make $100m again but its success certainly wasn't due to exchange rates. Pirates has always been huge in Japan.
If we compare it to the original Avengers, which released a year after Pirates 4, even that "only" made $45m.
So I'm very interested to see where Pirates 5 lands there.
What is this alternate universe where Wonder Woman had anything but fantastic word of mouth domestically?
Last chance to put down yourMinionsDespicable Me 3 and Baby Driver.
We're half-way through the summer and we haven't had a break-out comedy yet. The House does not look to be it. There's Girl's Trip in late July, but I think that's about it for pure comedies.
Japan sure loves it pirates.Japan could make things interesting. I believe that is the only market left for both movies to open. Pirates 5 opens in Japan in a week.
Wonder Woman doesn't open there until the end of August and I'm not sure anyone knows what to expect from it. For the sake of comparison, Man of Steel made $8m, Suicide Squad made $15m, BvS made $16m, Civil War made $24m, Doctor Strange made $16m and Guardians 2 made $9m.
Pirates 4 made $108m.
So, yeah.
Embargo for Spidey and Apes lifts today? When?
I want to know, why did they replace Shia Labeuf in Transformers? Him and Megan were the best part of Transformers and Revenge of the Fallen to me. I really enjoyed those two.
Also, will Wonder Woman overtake Suicide Squad domestically on Wednesday and Batman v Superman on Friday?
Didn't she compare Bay to Hitler?If I remember correctly Shia was sick of spending most of his time acting with floating tennis balls in a blue screen room, and it soured him on huge blockbusters in general.
Megan was fired by Spielberg for some comments she made.
LT Dom
OS: Slightly less tears
Didn't she compare Bay to Hitler?
Embargo for Spidey and Apes lifts today? When?
*Paramount drops a teaser trailer for Beyond*
*goes radio silent for 6 months*
*a month before release goes ''s a new Star Trek movie I guess?'*
Yes, it is a complete mystery as to why Beyond didn't do so hot.
I wouldn't say that Disney is producing my favourite stuff (though most of it is enjoyable), but they definitely seem to have the blockbuster game figured out for now.
Which studio would you say is producing your favorite stuff?
For me, it's definitely Disney as I love star wars, Marvel has been so damn consistent and my daughter looooooves princesses right now. Disney's consistent quality makes me feel like I'm not going to waste money seeing a shitty movie (most of the time). Other studios are so hit or miss for me.
Really digging what A24 has been rolling out.
Blumhouse too.
Really digging what A24 has been rolling out.
Blumhouse too.
I'm the same but it's more of an issue with ticket prices for me.With minimal time to actually go to the movies though, I (usually) stick more to blockbusters and VOD smaller scale productions if that makes sense
Of course. I'm all over the place with movies. Like my blockbusters as much as smaller movies. I even scour through no budget horror quite often.You have very good taste. A24 films and blumhouse have had excellent recent outputs.
With minimal time to actually go to the movies though, I (usually) stick more to blockbusters and VOD smaller scale productions if that makes sense
Of course. I'm all over the place with movies. Like my blockbusters as much as smaller movies. I even scour through no budget horror quite often.