I have some worries for Baby Driver. I hear it's the greatest Wright movie and I hear it's the dullest. I'm more worried about it being dull since it's suppose to be his most accessible film.
The Accountant is getting a sequel and Ben Affleck is in talks to return.
Didn't realize the first one was a success. Figured it flopped.
Sorry I'm late but we're the actuals released yet? Did that leave WW above or below Cars 3 for this weekend?
I prefer 300 and Watchmen over any Nolan film. Well, maybe except Memento, depending on my mood.I can't imagine what must have happened to someone in their life to make them outright believe that any Zack Snyder movie comes close to any NolanBats movie.
The Accountant is getting a sequel and Ben Affleck is in talks to return.
Didn't realize the first one was a success. Figured it flopped.
I didn't even know it was a graphic novel
The trailers are gud and it's by one of the John Wick crew so I'm in
Did I fuck up or are all passes only for 1 person?
Hey, those are good reasons, too. Movie looks nice, even if I'm not a big fan of the setting.
Did I fuck up or are all passes only for 1 person?
Fuck, advanced screenings always sell out for me. Maybe because I'm in NYC? Who knows.
Shit. Didn't see thatYou can get two but you have to select it
Shit. Didn't see that
Toronto is sold out. However I would have passed on going anyhow as I hate to wait in line if I can avoid it.
Yes, I'm impatient.
You the man
The Accountant is getting a sequel and Ben Affleck is in talks to return.
Didn't realize the first one was a success. Figured it flopped.
This is pretty early for a screening too (it's a month out from release) so I'm guessing they want to rely on word of mouth pretty hard to drum up interest.
Cool I liked the first movie.The Accountant is getting a sequel and Ben Affleck is in talks to return.
Didn't realize the first one was a success. Figured it flopped.
Please, I'm the only one that matters, have you seen my blog
Yeah, I really liked the Punisher and Batman crossover.Cool I liked the first movie.
Give me more Punisher in sequel and I'll be happy.Yeah, I really liked the Punisher and Batman crossover.
This Wonder Woman run is crazy satisfying after hearing for years that "no one cares about Wonder Woman, lol".
I think that is where the "experts" got it all wrong. Its not that nobody cares, its that people didn't know they should care about Wonder Woman. Took a great movie to show them the light.
Also, my Saturday afternoon showing I attended was completely packed...and my 5 year old son asked me if he could be Wonder Woman when he grew up.
Yep, The Accountant was a far better Bourne film than Jason Bourne. In a completely different league (whoever decided on Vincent Cassel as the main bad guy of an action film was out of their mind). A sequel is definitely welcomed.Scratched the Bourne itch more than the last Greengrass/Damon film so I'm cool with a sequel.
My 3 year old daughter has asked me about 20 times why she can't see Wonder Woman.
Sorry Zyzzyx Rd.
My 3 year old daughter has asked me about 20 times why she can't see Wonder Woman.
Maybe she'll be old enough to see the sequel in theatres.
My 3 year old daughter has asked me about 20 times why she can't see Wonder Woman.
Maybe she'll be old enough to see the sequel in theatres.
In other news, I should be seeing the "now 98% on Rotten Tomatoes" Baby Driver on Thursday. Two others are going with me, so I can now safely predict that the opening weekend will be >$30. Sorry Zyzzyx Rd.
My 6 year old does not know who she is lol. He knows about cars. He just saw his first movie cars 3. I do not think he is going again this year again.
Pffft. I saw Beverly Hills Cop in theaters when I was 5. Look how I turned out.
My 3 year old daughter has asked me about 20 times why she can't see Wonder Woman.
Maybe she'll be old enough to see the sequel in theatres.
In other news, I should be seeing the "now 98% on Rotten Tomatoes" Baby Driver on Thursday. Two others are going with me, so I can now safely predict that the opening weekend will be >$30. Sorry Zyzzyx Rd.
I think that is where the "experts" got it all wrong. Its not that nobody cares, its that people didn't know they should care about Wonder Woman. Took a great movie to show them the light.
Also, my Saturday afternoon showing I attended was completely packed...and my 5 year old son asked me if he could be Wonder Woman when he grew up.
From: IP
To: Lynton, Michael
Subject: Female Movies
Date: Thu, 7 Aug 2014 05:32:50 -0400
As we discussed on the phone, below are just a few examples. There are more.
1. Electra (Marvel) Very bad idea and the end result was very, very bad. http://www.boxofficemojo.com/movies/?id=elektra.htm
2. Catwoman (WB/DC) Catwoman was one of the most important female character within the Batmanfranchise. This film
was a disaster. http://www.boxofficemojo.com/movies/?id=catwoman.htm
3. Supergirl (DC) Supergirl was one of the most important female super hero in Superman franchise. This Movie
came out in 1984 and did $14 million total domestic with opening weekend of $5.5 million. Again, another disaster.
Ike Perlmutter is just the worst
I saw a TV ad for Baby Driver and they're selling it like it's one of those direct to digital action movies. Kind where it's probably from Lionsgate, like Precious Cargo or Empire State.
The exchange between Marvel CEO Ike Perlmutter and Michael Lynton (then at Sony) reveals their line of thinking,
Really, a Wonder Woman movie should've happened years ago. A number of almost but not quite stories for decades. Not even the first time Patty Jenkins met with Warners to talk about a Wonder Woman movie. At a point Warners seemed content to have Wonder Woman be a TV show (both the failed NBC pilot and the CW "Amazon" series). Took the Snyders making Wonder Woman a priority to finally get Warners to commit. And despite the initial speed bump of switching directors, Patty Jenkins was the right person to make it happen.
So what you're saying is, we have Zack and Deborah Snyder to thank for Wonder Woman. The Snyders are the best!
Considering they produced it, Zack himself put her in BvS, put her in Justice League as the founding member with Batman, Zack came up with the story for WW and the stunt guys tha worked with the Snyders were used on WW, yes it took Snyders pushing WB to get WW off the ground.