Anyone know how to get rid of the annoying intro videos? There's like 30 seconds of Bullshit before they let you play the game.
How important is your time?
Anyone know how to get rid of the annoying intro videos? There's like 30 seconds of Bullshit before they let you play the game.
How important is your time?
Anyone know how to get rid of the annoying intro videos? There's like 30 seconds of Bullshit before they let you play the game.
First review is out:
Someone should make a review thread, I'm gonna go sleep so probably won't be updating it for about 8-9 hours if I make one.
Well, that was fucking awesome. I also found a little doom stuffed animal. Im very hyped for the new doom, as this felt like a taste of what to expect
You found the challenge rooms to be tedious?Here is mine.
""A game of distilled shooting action done well and despite some small issues, overall an excellent addition to the fiction."
You found the challenge rooms to be tedious?
You found the challenge rooms to be tedious?
Here is mine.
""A game of distilled shooting action done well and despite some small issues, overall an excellent addition to the fiction."
There are secrets from other games all over the damn place. I love it.
Well, that was fucking awesome. I also found a little doom stuffed animal. Im very hyped for the new doom, as this felt like a taste of what to expect
It was the same in TNO. I looked for it too.Keychain hanging from the car in the opening cutscene is a Q3 Rocket Launcher. Spotted it right away because they did the same thing in RAGE I believe![]()
Holy shit I did not see that till new game. Man... it may be short but damn was this expansion awesomeeeeeeeKeychain hanging from the car in the opening cutscene is a Q3 Rocket Launcher. Spotted it right away because they did the same thing in RAGE I believe![]()
I enjoyed your review.
It's probably very similar to how you remove the intro from the original:
You know that Simpsons episode where Homer salutes the Australian toilet that was modified so the water flushes in the proper American direction? That's how I feel about skipping intros in PC games. It's a Big Deal.
Anyone got footage or Gifs?It feels soooo good.
What platform are you playing on? At least with the New Order, there was a PS4 audio feature that was buried that resolved a lot of the problems.
Bought this blind today, as a show of support to these guys, since I loved their last installment so much. Hope I'm not disappointed![]()
B.J. Blazkowicz said:'' Eh, a... Hot dog ''
First review is out:
Someone should make a review thread, I'm gonna go sleep so probably won't be updating it for about 8-9 hours if I make one.
30GB download...
welp, not going to be playing this for another 10 days.
Anyone know if there are any sales going on for Wolfenstein The New Order for PC? I've wanted to play it, and am trying to find a decently cheap legitimate Steam Key. I was hoping GreenManGaming would have it on sale, or that Steam would make it a midweek madness today to celebrate Old Blood coming out but that's not happening.
Not having it on sale kind of seems like a missed opportunity to celebrate the Old Blood coming out.
Anyone know if there are any sales going on for Wolfenstein The New Order for PC? I've wanted to play it, and am trying to find a decently cheap legitimate Steam Key. I was hoping GreenManGaming would have it on sale, or that Steam would make it a midweek madness today to celebrate Old Blood coming out but that's not happening.
Not having it on sale kind of seems like a missed opportunity to celebrate the Old Blood coming out.
There's this steam bundle. $45 USD for both games.
Does the download size decrease any if you already have wolfenstein:TNO installed? That's like 10% of my monthly cap for one game.
Thanx for your review.Here is mine.
""A game of distilled shooting action done well and despite some small issues, overall an excellent addition to the fiction."
There are secrets from other games all over the damn place. I love it.
You mean tNO or the first game? Because the New Order is a must have imo. The game is really great.Never played the original - will wait until it pops up in a sale again (why didn't I buy it last time??) unless it's cheap now?
Is it worth waiting before playing this?
Yikes, you guys and gals weren't kidding about this first chapter. Talk about a poor first impression, and this is coming from someone who loves The New Order.
To be fair, I thought TNO's opening turret sequence made an awful first impression even if the rest of that level was ace.