Hunters have focus instead of mana now... that seems to be the biggest one.chris-013 said:Not sure what class I want to play after a break of one year... Did they really change the gameplay of one class ?
Hunters have focus instead of mana now... that seems to be the biggest one.chris-013 said:Not sure what class I want to play after a break of one year... Did they really change the gameplay of one class ?
Four people are on Stormreaver, including me. AFAIK that's it.DeathNote said:so all the neogaf horde are on area 52 and Stormreaver ?
Twig said:That's a pretty fun idea... I might do that. I love playing the AH!
Well, when I first started this account (right after WOTLK), I built up about 90% of my fortune by playing the AH. I had assistance from leveling from 1-30 before I started doing it extensively, which, as you know, doesn't amount to even 100g. I ended up getting enough for epic flight before I was a high enough level.GDJustin said:Go for it! But keep in mind that it becomes less fun the longer it goes on. The challenge only makes for nice drama when you're "up against the wall" trying to make money with literally just a few coppers.
Once you get up to 50, 60, 100g, then it isn't fun any more to eek out a profit of a few silver. But you don't have enough money to make any big AH moves, either. You're jus a guy trying to play the AH without having the bankroll to really do so.
I know this because I tried an accumulation challenge once before and just kinda lost interest.
About like that, yeah. Some will even do it for free if you have the mats at that level, because they want the skillup. (Obviously if they would no longer get a skillup for making it, they won't do it for free... but then they might because it's such a low-level thing).Thnikkaman said:While I'm here, could any experienced blacksmiths tell me how a transaction usually works between players? My warrior could use the Green Iron mail set (or is it Green Chain?) at 31 until I get better things like the Scarlet stuff or others if I skip that.
The way I'm used to dealing with tradeskill players in EQ2 is having all of the raw materials and gold ready up front, but in general how does the community work this out?
Thnikkaman said:While I'm here, could any experienced blacksmiths tell me how a transaction usually works between players? My warrior could use the Green Iron mail set (or is it Green Chain?) at 31 until I get better things like the Scarlet stuff or others if I skip that.
The way I'm used to dealing with tradeskill players in EQ2 is having all of the raw materials and gold ready up front, but in general how does the community work this out?
>.< mostly over the AH!Thnikkaman said:While I'm here, could any experienced blacksmiths tell me how a transaction usually works between players? My warrior could use the Green Iron mail set (or is it Green Chain?) at 31 until I get better things like the Scarlet stuff or others if I skip that.
The way I'm used to dealing with tradeskill players in EQ2 is having all of the raw materials and gold ready up front, but in general how does the community work this out?
what's the name of the guild?Twig said:HUNTERS ARE AMAZING SHUT YOUR MOUTH ): (I didn't play hunter during WOTLK - only TBC. Leveling a new one now.)
Four people are on Stormreaver, including me. AFAIK that's it.
Well there is a fifth but he doesn't count 'cause he'll be quitting soon enough.
There are "two" "GAF" servers. One is Area 52 and is Horde (I think), the other is I don't know what and is Alliance (I think).
Meier said:Sorry for the size but this turned out pretty cool. The Krazzworks in the Twilight Highlands..
The guild I'm in is not a "GAF" guild. It is a "group of friends" guild. And we're all assholes and extremely PvP oriented (the two are synonymous as far as we're concerned). :3DeathNote said:what's the name of the guild?
Stormreaver is? I'd heard it was more balanced these days. I certainly haven't noticed any extreme level of unbalance since I came's a 5k hrode to 17k ally server? that might be bad for a pvp leveling server. lol.
Aeris130 said:Wow, level 82 after two nights casual questing. Did they lower the exp gain req, or is it going to skyrocket from 84-85?
Twig said:The only people who think hunters suck are people who don't know how to play hunter.
Ironically most of the people who DON'T think hunters suck ALSO don't know how to play hunter.
About like that, yeah. Some will even do it for free if you have the mats at that level, because they want the skillup. (Obviously if they would no longer get a skillup for making it, they won't do it for free... but then they might because it's such a low-level thing).
Do you really need that armor, though? You level so fast now it's not worth NOT selling the materials you'd waste making it!
Well, during TBC you actually needed to do some crowd control in PvE. WOTLK (I didn't play hunter, but I did tank a lot on warrior to start with), almost no one ever bothered.chris-013 said:Ye hunter is very powerful when played right but was a bit boring on the long run with the same rotation....
I hate it personally.ultron87 said:Focus for Hunters is so great! Half our moves are effectively free minus the global cooldown.
chris-013 said:Really ? Hunter was the worst class I ever played in lich king...
AceBandage said:![]()
Hmmm, now who is that awesome Shaman in this chaotic scene?
Dude, you know you can jump into your hot rod and drive around at any time, right? Did you run around that entire fucking place?Yaweee said:I really didn't like the 1~5 Goblin area, but the Lost Isles seem fantastic. Something about too much running around and story irked me; I prefer fucking shit up and moving on. It felt way too long compared to the Tauren and Troll 1~5 areas.
Drkirby said:Oh, in case anyone still want some, I have 5 Scroll of Resurrection.
hamchan said:I can't wait to see how this Garrosh and Thrall storyline will turn out. Garrosh is one crazy dude.
Aeris130 said:Wow, level 82 after two nights casual questing. Did they lower the exp gain req, or is it going to skyrocket from 84-85?
Since Kirby's advertising, I'm just gonna say I still have 19. U:Drkirby said:Oh, in case anyone still want some, I have 5 Scroll of Resurrection.
And falling prey to GARROSH'S (STRONG) PIMP HAND.Narag said:Ideally with Saurfang following up on his words from Warsong Hold.
Warnen said:Anyone else losing the gems you put in sockets? I don't have much armor with gem slots but my relic (pally) keeps losing the gem. Lost 2 already (just noticed because I fount a purple gem in the AH for 1 gold so I gave it a go and now its gone).
yacobod said:i tried logging into Illidan to play last night and the que was like 2900+, think it was 2-3 hour wait time, so i went to bed instead, maybe i'll get to play this weekend.
i'm not sure if i want to level my 80 orc warrior, belf dk, or orc hunter. i'm not particularly attached to them anymore, and i kind of want to level a new character. i have a level 31 belf rogue and paladin, a level 29 belf warlock. i sort of want to play a healer so i might continue on with the paladin or i might roll a goblin shaman or priest.
Brandon F said:-Hinterlands : Meh. Totally forgettable zone and questing. I actually read a lot of positive response to this zone...maybe it's on the alliance side? I'd also vote it as a skip. Talk about the 30-something doldrums again(did Strangethorn get improved?)
Just landed in Western Plaguelands after hitting level 41, where I hope the awesomeness returns...maybe?
Dechaios said:
Get to Westfall. Liked it quite a bit for my Worgen.KaYotiX said:loving Cata, wife and I both rolled Worgen and i loved their starting zone, only draw back is once you exit it you are in Darkshore...its changed for the better but i still dislike it![]()
That wretched error was the bane of my existence in the alpha and betaDechaios said: