I have been having the same error, all the time, since 4.0.3.Dechaios said:
The characters look like shit more often than not and all the beautiful environments in the world will not change that.Trickster said:Playing through the new zones in Cataclysm just makes me laugh at all the people that claim WoW looks bad.
explodet said:I hate this kind of quest design: multiple users waiting for one item to spawn.
Twig said:The characters look like shit more often than not and all the beautiful environments in the world will not change that.
And I fucking love the way WoW looks most of the time.
It has to happen soon. Everyone was demanding new Druid textures and we got them, but it just makes the old race textures stand out more.Sullen said:Yup, the environments are looking quite good now, but the original race skins need a serious update. It's especially noticeable now because there are two more races that have textures that are way way way waaaaay better looking than the old races, and even before that it was noticeable because of how sharp some of the WotLK armor looked in comparison to the characters that wore it. I was really hoping they'd revamp the old races textures with this expansion. =/
Want a scroll of resurrection? d: At the very least, you get a week to see if you want to play!CF_Fighter said:I thought I could just resist getting back into WoW after the expansion hit, but its been calling to me HARD. I have exams this week I'm finishing up, but I'm not sure what will happen next week. All these comments about how good the new quests are as well as the new races is really making it hard to resist re-upping my sub.
Scalemail Ted said:I haven't played WoW since 2005 but I got interested in reactivating my old account. I tried to merge it into my new Battle.net account but blizzard says my old account name is already associated with a battle.net account. Does this mean someone stole my old account?
Yeah, lots of people get their account hacked when they're not even playing. It's bizarre.Runus said:It could. I would call Blizzard and see what is going on. They could help you reclaim it or at least figure out the issue.
Oh, and get an authenticator if you start up again.
Pai Pai Master said:I'm now playing WoW for the very first time, as I didn't have the time during the last 8+ years when I was playing FFXI. Coming from that community there was always this huge, stupid resentment for WoW and I have a feeling it was like that in many other communities and I never got it. Blizzard has always been a top-tier developer and while FFXI is fit more to my taste (I prefer the more mandatory group play, and still do after being exposed to WoW, to be honest), I really never even considered that WoW could actually be a bad game like people said...though I didn't have any experience with it myself.
After actually getting to sit down and see what it's all about, it's clear that this game is a great number of steps above anything else that's ever been on the MMO market...it really can't be compared with the rest of its genre. While I unfortunately haven't had the pleasure of being a part of the community since the early days and can't fully appreciate that changes that have come recently, I'm really enjoying the game as both an MMO and a game. It's just a ton of fun much like I enjoyed FFXI as both an MMO and a Final Fantasy RPG. Most other MMOs, FFXIV especially, just don't get it. They feel like a job and all the focus in building the game is put into the stuff that's there to hook you. There's very little I've seen in the rest of the genre that's there just for the sake of being there and enjoyable. There's so much polish and attention that goes into every aspect of those two games...Blizzard is definitely one of the most talented studios that has ever existed and I'm glad to see how much it shows in their flagship product.
Still very eager to get back to FFXI once I get something figured out with their stupid credit card security bullshit but I can see myself casually enjoying both games at this point. Definitely looking forward to seeing what high level WoW play is all about as the game continues to surprise me every day even though it's been out for so long and I thought I'd know what to expect.
haven't done heroics in cata, but what you're describing is heroics. Standard instances in WoW serve two purposes. Get you better gear than you will get soloing in the world, and prepare you for group play (and the instance itself) on a normal manageable level. When you move to heroics of the leveling dungeons things become a lot more difficult, and both normal and heroics of the end game dungeons go up from there. It's a little bit confusing, but the bottom line is, enjoy the easy mode of the leveling dungeons. It's there to teach you. Until you start getting geared up from heroics, their level of difficulty goes up quiet a bit compared to the leveling dungeons. and obviously raiding goes up from there also.zlatko said:My only complaint about WoW now is how brain dead easy instances are. In Vanilla times I felt it was much more challenging and they took more time. While it's great to no longer have to shout around to find members, and find the right balance of classes, and then get yourself to the zone, etc I wish they had kept the initial difficulty within the instance intact. I at least hope the higher level ones manage to do that.
ultron87 said:Is it possible for a small guild to accomplish things in the guild leveling system? I've been flying unaffiliated for awhile so I have no idea how this all works.
Sullen said:Yup, the environments are looking quite good now, but the original race skins need a serious update. It's especially noticeable now because there are two more races that have textures that are way way way waaaaay better looking than the old races, and even before that it was noticeable because of how sharp some of the WotLK armor looked in comparison to the characters that wore it. I was really hoping they'd revamp the old races textures with this expansion. =/
Lumine said:Seriously? That is absolutely brilliant! I wonder if that could ever work on my server. "Get the fuck in line, bitch." *mass PvP*
Blood and Thunder!
This changes everything, paladin!
Runus said:It could. I would call Blizzard and see what is going on. They could help you reclaim it or at least figure out the issue.
Oh, and get an authenticator if you start up again.
ultron87 said:Some of the spawn times on mobs in crowded zones is kind of ridiculous.
I've had several occasions where you kill one guy, and a replacement instantly spawns and starts attacking you. It's really nice for getting quests done, but also makes things really hectic at points.
It seems like a fresh 80 going straight into the starting Cataclysm zones could get themselves in trouble pretty quickly.
zlatko said:I played FFXI since beta times and off and on for about 6 years total. Once I finally ended it for good I didn't get that itch to come back. This was a while after WotG launched, and nothing has been added since. I also 100% got rid of my account, and even though I heard great things about exping now in FFXI, I know what to expect from the game. The brilliance of that game to me was the story lines, the accomplishment in finishing something like Chains of Promathia, and those times you finally got an incredible drop. FFXI knew how to reward players, but eventually the cookie crumb trail ended, and with multiple 75's I felt the game was complete for my time in Vana'diel.
I also get where you are coming from with how other MMO communities disrespect WoW, because it's just a haters gonna hate thing. It's the equal brother to say a PS3 vs 360 fan boy war.
I convinced 2 friends to come join me here now on Cata time who were long time XI players, both disappointed FF14 players, and we've all been having a blast. I'll def. keep holding out a small glimmer of hope that someday FF14 will hit its big times and be a polished and content filled experience like XI was, but even then it's just a shadow of something like WoW at this point with all its expansions behind it. There's TOO MUCH for FF14 to compete with when they already started so far in the hole.
My only complaint about WoW now is how brain dead easy instances are. In Vanilla times I felt it was much more challenging and they took more time. While it's great to no longer have to shout around to find members, and find the right balance of classes, and then get yourself to the zone, etc I wish they had kept the initial difficulty within the instance intact. I at least hope the higher level ones manage to do that.
forgrim said:This.
My first quest in Hyjal for killing 8 of something, and I managed to kill all 8 just standing in one location fighting. The problem was even after killing the 8, they kept popping, so i just had to run for it to get out of combat.
Spawnrate is currently super ridiculous, but super necessary considering the amount of people flooding the zones.
Respawn rates are dynamic based on the number of people in the zone. They will automatically slow when the leveling areas clear out.Hadoken said:Yeah, I'd see a dozen Horde and Alliance spawn camping one mob. It became a "who can AoE first" event. I can't imagine what's it like in PvP servers. I think once Cataclysm cools off Blizzard will probably adjust the respawn rate.
Hadoken said:Yeah, I'd see a dozen Horde and Alliance spawn camping one mob. It became a "who can AoE first" event. I can't imagine what's it like in PvP servers. I think once Cataclysm cools off Blizzard will probably adjust the respawn rate.
Hadoken said:Yeah, I'd see a dozen Horde and Alliance spawn camping one mob. It became a "who can AoE first" event. I can't imagine what's it like in PvP servers. I think once Cataclysm cools off Blizzard will probably adjust the respawn rate.
it's been a while since I've been in the 50-60 range.. anyway, I headed to Winterspring for an archaeology run and there were a ton of mobs around the dig site I didn't want to bother with.. one aggro'ed on me and I started attacking... "wtf??? 4K HP?????? umm... that seems odd..." I seriously never remembered things being that low in HP.Bisnic said:I love being a high lvl frost mage for lvling. :lol All the Fingers of Frost and Brain Freeze procs makes this really easy(and both proc happen quite often). Ice Lance always crits with Finger of Frosts and do 12k each hits. If i use Frostfire Bolt while i have both Fingers of Frost AND Brain Freeze, thats an instant free 15-16k crit right there. Even the Vashjir mobs that have 3x more health than the Icecrown ones cant live longer than a few hits.![]()
I just wonder if it will stay that easy even when i hit, say, Twilight Highlands mobs.
West Plaguelands is pretty cool if you enjoyed what happened in Silverpine.Brandon F said:Just landed in Western Plaguelands after hitting level 41, where I hope the awesomeness returns...maybe?
ultron87 said:The trampoline at the "chuck bear cubs out of trees" quest is really fun to jump on. I want a deployable one.
And the Joust quest needs to be a daily.
Proc said:After my first hour with Catacylsm, here are my reasons why I'm loving it more than Wrath:
1) Flying from the get-go
2) improved quest system
3) self heal...my rogue has like 0 down time with all my abilities
4) crazy greens (can't remember if wrath was this generous with gear)
5) 50" panasonic g20 tv heh + wireless setup
You're late.Subliminal said:Another fuck up by city link means my package is sitting in their warehouse for the third day running!
And i paid £6 for this service.
:lol :lolexplodet said:I hate this kind of quest design: multiple users waiting for one item to spawn.
Yup instances really feel like mini raids now. Love it.Macattk15 said:Instances in the Cata level ranges are not anywhere near brain dead easy. You will wipe on normal instances. Heroics will sometimes make people cry.
I'm not kidding.
TheExodu5 said:Yup instances really feel like mini raids now. Love it.