SiegfriedFM said:Okay, so death knights get an ability to be freaking Peter Petrelli, and warriors get a targeted charge with a thunder clap.
Which is nothing to say that the Guardian of Ancient Kings does only 1K hit for Ret on a 2.5 second swing timer. GARBAGE.funkmastergeneral said:Hey, at least the warrior ability is useful. The shaman level 85 ability doesn't do anything at all for enhancement!
Got any tips? We're doing it for the first time on Saturday.Tacitus_ said:Also, got HC Putricide down. Raid felt so depressed that it took so long that we didn't even screenshot it.
notworksafe said:Got any tips? We're doing it for the first time on Saturday.
Bitching makes them take notice. see: real idTacitus_ said:Number balance ISN'T DONE YET. Sheesh, the blues only post it once a week.
Also, got HC Putricide down. Raid felt so depressed that it took so long that we didn't even screenshot it.
Puncture said:Some of the Dark Simulacrum videos are hilarious
A spell that does 70% of the targets life. Not to mention a Shadowformed, Frost Armored, Fel Hunter, Soul-linked, DK with Windfury and Seal of Command on his 2h, with Heroism up spamming GODDAMN BATTLEREZZES on his nearby fallen allies might be a bit much. Gonna be nerfed to death, but fun to look at though lol.
The moving corpse thing is rather common. Never had it happen to my self, since I generally instantly release, but I've had guildies get it.davepoobond said:yeah a lot of shady shit happens in the game sometimes.
another weird thing was this hunter that had 38k health that i killed and then while he was DEAD he was moving around with his corpse. He was dead. And he was sliding around and jumping up and down like it was nothing. then he finally released.
Balancing is a matter of changing some numbers though. I think they're more interested in seeing whether or not the Guardian hits anything at all, or dies from incidental things, or just stands there i.e. things that they literally programmed incorrectly, before they worry about that.Maxrpg said:Which is nothing to say that the Guardian of Ancient Kings does only 1K hit for Ret on a 2.5 second swing timer. GARBAGE.
Maxrpg said:Bitching makes them take notice. see: real id
Which is what they're going for - if you actually look hard at the end-game content, there's not much there (ala Wrath) but the 1-60 changes (because of new races, no doubt) and the streamlining of the entire game as a whole is VERY appealing. Which is why I'll be leveling a:Angry Grimace said:The one thing I think people really miss about Vanilla when they wax nostalgic about it isn't the gameplay itself, but how everything in the game felt "new" and exciting. That's what I like about what I'm seeing so far; the fact that my wife and I feel excited about the whole game again, instead of just whatever is being tacked onto the upper level stuff.
Maxrpg said:Which is what they're going for - if you actually look hard at the end-game content, there's not much there (ala Wrath) but the 1-60 changes (because of new races, no doubt) and the streamlining of the entire game as a whole is VERY appealing. Which is why I'll be leveling a:
Blood Elf Warrior
Troll Druid
Goblin Shaman (or maybe rogue...)
I want to experience the new shit!
DeathNote said:1-60 was an amazing experience. First mmo experience.
The simple things were great. After we got done with the undead starting area my friend lead me on this long journey to a place called the barrens. Just making that trek was amazing.
Seeing red alliance names on a pvp server for the first time was a rush.ezekial45 said:A friend and I had a similar experience, back in 2005. We were both human alliance and we did not know about Ironforge so we both walked through each area between Stormwind and Ironforge. It took a while but seeing the scenery for the first time was great. Going through deadmines the first time and seeing how a mean looking Tauren scales to human height was also unforgettable.![]()
Deputy Moonman said:Did normal HoR this morning right before server maintenance (took over 30 minutes to get a group going), and I've been running this solely for that shield, since it's the last pre-raid item i can get basically. It finally drops and a holy paladin rolls need on it after staring at it for 2 minutes. Was so annoyed.
Lolligag said:The moving corpse thing is rather common. Never had it happen to my self, since I generally instantly release, but I've had guildies get it.
Dunlop said:Finally got that damn shield last night, after having it ninja'd once as well when it had previously dropped between my MANY HoR runs.
That instance is just a clusterf*ck, brutally long to queue for (as a tank, must be crazy for DPS) and the abundance of plate filled classes dropping after the first or second boss when their item does not drop.
So glad to finally be free of it![]()
Bisnic said:It might sound crazy, but i bet the queue for reg HOR is longer for tanks than DPS. Since DPS dont want anything in there, yet tanks needs both the cloak AND shield there, since they are the best you can get pre-raids. Although you could argue about the cloak and just do heroics until you have 50 frost emblems for the 264 tanking cloak.
Getting them ninjaed by some plate DPS class sure sucks, but at least you still get triumph emblems. Getting the Black Heart ninjaed in reg TOC sucks more because you dont get any emblems in there.
CcrooK said:Not unless you're a DK tank.That's one less item.
As a DPS DK... I ran that instance countless times trying to get the DPS boots from the chest. So many asshole tanks leaving after the first 2 bosses. Then no tank wanting to join to help us beat the last one. There's quite a bit of other 232 gear in the chest too. One of the highly sought after pieces of tank loot should be on the last boss. I was at the point where I wanted to master loot the instance and give them their shit at the end. It's the only ICC 5 man I had people leave after a boss kill.Bisnic said:It might sound crazy, but i bet the queue for reg HOR is longer for tanks than DPS. Since DPS dont want anything in there, yet tanks needs both the cloak AND shield there, since they are the best you can get pre-raids. Although you could argue about the cloak and just do heroics until you have 50 frost emblems for the 264 tanking cloak.
Getting them ninjaed by some plate DPS class sure sucks, but at least you still get triumph emblems. Getting the Black Heart ninjaed in reg TOC sucks more because you dont get any emblems in there.
bug for the majority. if someone figured out how to repeat it, then an exploit for some.davepoobond said:is it a hack or a bug in the game? i've been playing for 2 years and this is the first time i saw it.
Bisnic said:It might sound crazy, but i bet the queue for reg HOR is longer for tanks than DPS. Since DPS dont want anything in there, yet tanks needs both the cloak AND shield there, since they are the best you can get pre-raids. Although you could argue about the cloak and just do heroics until you have 50 frost emblems for the 264 tanking cloak.
Getting them ninjaed by some plate DPS class sure sucks, but at least you still get triumph emblems. Getting the Black Heart ninjaed in reg TOC sucks more because you dont get any emblems in there.
KernelPanic said:Yeah![]()
I've taken the DK that I made at WOTLK launch out of retirement and it's been fun tanking. No problems at all and I've done frost and blood spec. I was worried about AE threat as most pug DK tanks struggle with it.
It's much more 'busy' compared to my bear and Prot Pally but it's the last tank class I've yet to play.
Well, for one, it'll be the dedicated tank tree.CcrooK said:Seriously? AE tanking for DK's is such an easy task as Frost/Blood. You have so much AoE dmg to put out for threat. Mind boggling. Though I'm hearing now Blood will be the new big tank spec with Cata. What's the reasoning behind this?
Talent Changes
Next we'll outline some of the death knight talent-tree changes we're planning in Cataclysm. This list is by no means comprehensive, but it should give you a sense of how we're intending each death knight spec to perform.
* One of the biggest changes we're making is converting Blood into a dedicated tanking tree. While we feel that having three tanking trees was successful overall, it's less necessary in a world with dual-specialization. In addition, the current breakdown isn't as compatible with the Mastery-based passive talent-tree bonuses we want to add (see below). We'd rather spend time tweaking and balancing one good tanking tree rather than having a tank always wondering if they picked the "correct" tree out of three possibilities.
* Blood seemed like the best fit for tanking. Unholy has always had a strong niche with diseases, magic, and command over pets. Frost now feels like a solid dual-wield tree with Frost magic damage and decent crowd control. Blood's niche was self-healing -- fitting for a tank -- as well as strong weapon swings, which could easily be migrated to Frost and Unholy.
* Our plan is to move the most interesting and fun tanking talents and abilities to Blood. For example, you will likely see [Vampiric Blood] and [Will of the Necropolis] remain, while [Bone Shield] will move over from Unholy.
Mastery Passive Talent Tree Bonuses
Damage reduction
Healing Absorption
Melee damage
Melee Haste
Runic Power Generation
Melee damage
Melee and spell critical damage
Disease Damage
Vengeance: This new mechanic is designed to ensure that tank damage output (and therefore threat) doesn't fall behind as damage-dealing classes improve their gear during the course of the expansion. All tanking specs will have Vengeance as their second talent tree passive bonus. Whenever a tank gets hit, Vengeance will grant a stacking Attack Power buff equal to 5% of the damage done, up to a maximum of 10% of the character's unbuffed health. For boss encounters, we expect that tanks will always have an Attack Power bonus equal to 10% of their health. The 5% and 10% bonuses assume 51 talent points have been put into the Blood tree; these values will be smaller at lower levels.
You only get the Vengeance bonus if you have spent the most talent points in the Blood tree, so you won't see Frost or Unholy death knights running around with it. Vengeance will let us continue to design tank gear more or less the way we do today; there will be some damage-dealing stats, but mostly survival-oriented stats. Druids typically have more damage-dealing stats even on their tanking gear, so their Vengeance benefit may be smaller, but the goal is that all four tanks will do about the same damage when tanking.
We hope you enjoyed this preview, and we're looking forward to hearing your thoughts and feedback on these additions and changes. Please keep in mind that this information represents a work in progress and is subject to change as development on Cataclysm continues.
CcrooK said:Seriously? AE tanking for DK's is such an easy task as Frost/Blood. You have so much AoE dmg to put out for threat. Mind boggling. Though I'm hearing now Blood will be the new big tank spec with Cata. What's the reasoning behind this?
DeathNote said:As a DPS DK... I ran that instance countless times trying to get the DPS boots from the chest. So many asshole tanks leaving after the first 2 bosses. Then no tank wanting to join to help us beat the last one. There's quite a bit of other 232 gear in the chest too. One of the highly sought after pieces of tank loot should be on the last boss. I was at the point where I wanted to master loot the instance and give them their shit at the end. It's the only ICC 5 man I had people leave after a boss kill.
DeathNote said:Seeing red alliance names on a pvp server for the first time was a rush.
Man, for me at least, a lot of this is credited to first mmo experience rather than wow. I wont be as amazed at a lot of the neat things about MMO's in in future MMO's.
MagicJackBauer said:What's a good amount of gold to go into Cata with?
I think I've got ~12000 over all my chars. I don't think farming endlessly now is a good value considering how easy gold is to obtain right after a ex-pack. I sold Eternal Belts for 500g a piece when Wrath launched.MagicJackBauer said:What's a good amount of gold to go into Cata with?
Retro said:MMO Champion is reporting the Troll (Zalazane's Fall) and Gnome (Operation Gnomeregan) events are now on live servers. I might actually log into WoW this month.
Bisnic said:Am i right in assuming those gnome & troll events are only for lvl 1 gnomes & trolls? Or is it some lvl 80 stuff?
Yeah I'm talking about heroic. Maybe the left after Falric's Wrist-Chopper didn't drop? I definitely farmed normal for the DPS cloak from the chest tho. I remember them leaving in both now that I think about it.Bisnic said:But you're talking about heroic HOR here. The tanking shield & cloak drop in the regular version and are 219. No 232 loot drops in there. I hope you weren't running regular HOR in hope of getting epic 232 boots.
Retro said:MMO Champion is reporting the Troll (Zalazane's Fall) and Gnome (Operation Gnomeregan) events are now on live servers. I might actually log into WoW this month.