half a moon said:Not having heirlooms for all classes and facing twinks would suck. Getting pwned at level 10 in WSG would suck.
Hm. I see that on wowwiki. Xp-off vs xp-off.Pookaki said:Twinks get put in seperate BG's now.![]()
Fairly certain on my server they went for 400g.DeathNote said:how much did dragon's eyes sell the first few months?
The troll/worgen forms have been out there for awhile now. They only just touched them up slightly and made it official recently.Kweh said:I like the new Troll Druid forms, but the Worgen ones look a little plain. If it has taken them this long to do just Cat and Bear though, there is no chance of a new look Moonkin form anytime soon.
DeathNote said:how much did dragon's eyes sell the first few months?
then you can buy and vendor it for profit mangMilpool said:People on ours sell saronite ore/bars for a buyout price less than what vendors pay. /cry
DeathNote said:then you can buy and vendor it for profit mang
When I ordered TBC through them, they auto-upgraded it to release day shipping. I'd still check back, but chances are good they will do that if you've been a good Amazon customer or preordered months in advance.The Lamonster said:I guess they just don't offer it for either version. Might be because there is no release date yet. When Blizz announces the day I will check back and see if I can change my shipping method.
I believe it was said to be a couple weeks before Cataclysm launches.maniac-kun said:Did the troll event yesterday after 6 years we get a city
When does the end is near event start?
The Lamonster said:What is this Gnomerangean thing or whatever? I got a letter about it and looked it up online and it's just a quest chain. I don't get what this is all about...
Does it have something to do with Cata? Are the quests worth doing?
The Lamonster said:What is this Gnomerangean thing or whatever? I got a letter about it and looked it up online and it's just a quest chain. I don't get what this is all about...
Does it have something to do with Cata? Are the quests worth doing?
Aesthet1c said:I haven't done the quest yet, just heard about it from friends. But it sounds like the quest takes you to fight alongside the gnomes and recapture Gnomeregan. My guess will be in Cataclysm, the gnomes are back in control of Gnomer and it will be another capital city (in other words, fucking awesome).
Also, just to chime in on the difficulty. LK instances really aren't that easy.. they are only easy because people are geared to the teeth these days in 6k+ gs. Back in BC and vanilla, this wasn't usually the case because epics weren't handed out like candy. But I've ran heroics in BC with a geared group, and they can be facerolled the same way LK heroics are today.
Tacitus_ said:Neither will be a capital city come Cataclysm - they'll be 1-5 questing zones.
And the BC instances weren't facerolled to the same extent and they were nerfed rather heavily after the start.
What I really wish Blizzard would do is give 1-50 dungeon bosses mechanics at all. I'd say it seemed like 80% of bosses in those dungeons entire fight strategy was tank and spank other than a couple of end bosses.PhoenixDark said:Browsing the WoW and MMO-Champion forums, I'm seeing lots of discussion on the level of difficulty of Cata dungeons compared to WotLK dungeons. I've only done two Cata dungeons so far - Blackrock Caverns and Grim Batol. Both are quite long, and some of the fights seemed challenging although a lot of it had to do with us not knowing the fights well.
When I first started WotLK dungeons I thought many were somewhat easy, but saying they were across the board facerolls isn't accurate. There was nothing easy about Utgarde Pinnacle before everyone knew the fights (and how to exploit Skadi). I remember Halls of Stone and especially Halls of Lightning not being walks in the park either (come on, Loken was hard). But like any other encounter in WoW/most games, they became easier once I understood things.
BC dungeons were far more challenging though. Lots of multi mob pulls, lots of group damage, and some tricky pulls that could wipe you. Also, lots of long ass dungeons. Blackrock Caverns in Cata is long as hell. LK stuff is pretty streamlined, built to complete in 20-30 minutes; not only in the design of smaller areas, but the inclusion of easier mobs. I'd rather have short to medium sized dungeons with tough mobs/bosses than long, sprawling vanilla-esque dungeons with tough mobs/bosses.
I STILL hate the goddamn Shadow Labyrinth even at 80 and in full T9.Tacitus_ said:And the BC instances weren't facerolled to the same extent and they were nerfed rather heavily after the start.
explodet said:I STILL hate the goddamn Shadow Labyrinth even at 80 and in full T9.
So much truth in these words.TomServo said:BC dungeons don't hold a candle to the pain that was vanilla dungeons at 60.
Running pre-nerf Start / Scholo / LBRS with five non-raid equipped toons was fucking painful. All for a few poorly itemized blues. Then you'd get your full dungeon set only to find out you should have been farming / AH camping for random BoE greens w/ FR.
TomServo said:BC dungeons don't hold a candle to the pain that was vanilla dungeons at 60.
Running pre-nerf Start / Scholo / LBRS with five non-raid equipped toons was fucking painful. All for a few poorly itemized blues. Then you'd get your full dungeon set only to find out you should have been farming / AH camping for random BoE greens w/ FR.
Yeah, that was gold.McNei1y said:That was the fun of it!! I miss Blackrock Mountain pvp.
I got all the cloth nature resist patterns from rep in Silithus. But those may have been added later. I can't remember, and that was for cloth gear, not leather. So nm.Negator said:Oh god the painful memories.
Farming fire resist for MC/BWL.
Farming elementium in BWL.
Farming for Nature Resist gear in Mauradon for AQ40
Farming tons and tons of ghost mushrooms for Naxxramas.
All the while, (as a raiding rogue)
Farming swifthistle for Thistle Tea
Farming Winterfall Firewater
I'm sure there's other things that I forgot.
It's a pity now, you never really encounter this anymore. Now it's more like doing a daily. Two people go, summon the rest... Oh no, a ganking group of horde at the rock. QQQQQQ for 15minutes *Group disbands*. I think people would prefer it if they could just get in the instance from Dalaran. :lolMcNei1y said:That was the fun of it!! I miss Blackrock Mountain pvp.
* Flame Orb no longer has a cast time.
* Living Bomb now only affect up to 3 enemies.
* Pyromaniac is now a Tier 6 talent, up from Tier 4.
* Combustion revamped - Instantly deals 954.57 to 1131.92 Fire damage and combines your Fire damage over time effects on the target into a single effect, burning for the same total damage for 10 sec. 40 yd range, Instant, 2 min cooldown
* Hot Streak is now a Tier 3 talent, down from Tier 4. Modified - Your spells no longer trigger Arcane Missiles. Instead, your critical strikes with Fireball, Frostfire Bolt, Scorch, or Fire Blast have a chance to cause your next Pyroblast spell cast within 15 sec to be instant cast and cost no mana.
* Improved Hot Streak Modified - Any time you score 2 non-periodic critical strikes in a row with your Fireball, Frostfire Bolt, Scorch, or Fire Blast spells, you have a 50/100% chance to trigger your Hot Streak effect.
* Molten Shields is now a Tier 4 talent, up from Tier 3.
Good luck. I've seen this mount drive people crazy.krypt0nian said:I've decided to waste some time and grind the Wintersaber rep to get my white kitty. I've wanted this for years and now is as good a time as any to do it since raiding is fairly useless until Cata IMO.
speedpop said:Good luck. I've seen this mount drive people crazy.
Probably in there to stop people under 80/81 from flying around.krypt0nian said:
shintoki said:It's a pity now, you never really encounter this anymore. Now it's more like doing a daily. Two people go, summon the rest... Oh no, a ganking group of horde at the rock. QQQQQQ for 15minutes *Group disbands*. I think people would prefer it if they could just get in the instance from Dalaran. :lol
Instance is as followed, Tank and spank. Any use of CC means either the tank, healer, or dps sucks. And I'll say it, Shattered Halls was awesome. Watching T6 people think they have any sort of "Skill" only to wipe on the chain pull area and have to restart... priceless.
boooooooo# Ghost Wolf speed reduced from 40% to 30%.
BOOOOOOOOOOO# Nom Nom Nom has been renamed to Feast of Flesh.
not liking the sound of this one. I really wouldn't put it past blizzard to make this a level 80 thing trainable for another 5k gold, so the actual flying gold sink for cataclysm is 10k if you want 310% speed.krypt0nian said:I'm going to spread it out over the 2 months till launch. I can see them removing this one come Cata.
From mmo-champion:
Azerothian Flying - passive
Ancient Hysteria
Instant 6 min cooldown
Increases melee, ranged, and spell casting speed by 30% for all party and raid members. Lasts 40 sec.
Allies receiving this effect will become Sated and be unable to benefit from Bloodlust or Time Warp again for 10 min.
Shale Spider(!) - % stat buff like Kings
Silithid - Fortitude
(Increases party and raid members' Stamina by 1485.)
Spirit Beast - Some kind of targetable Regrowth-like heal on a 40 sec cooldown. ( The Spirit Beast heals the currently friendly target for (1237 + ((RAP * 0.35) * 0.5)) plus an additional (475 + ((RAP * 0.35) * 0.335)) over 10 sec. )
Devilsaur - 5% crit like Rampage