DeathNote said:blood elf starting area? im having problems with that. earlier in the thread i remember someone mentioning it as well.
edit: just tried making a BE of different classes on both US servers and it crashes. paladin dwarf worked.
Maxrpg said:To fix Silvermoon issues - Delete from Cache/Data/patch-base-12941.mpq. It'll stream download a new one and let you in!![]()
Uh, Bear AoE tanking basically is completely centered around spamming swipe/maul, which is getting a 6 second cooldown (swipe, maul will be instant I believe). And conc and D&D are getting cooldowns that gives them some decent downtime.PhoenixDark said:Not liking the changes to Cleave for warriors, making it an instant attack instead of next melee attack. I'm not going to complain about that change with regard to Heroic Strike, but the Cleave change downgrades our aoe tanking. I didn't complain about aoe tanking throughout LK but this is ridiculous.
You don't use consecration as a ret paladin anymore in cataclysm.Maxrpg said:Just tried to do Naxx on Anasterian PTR, I think we broke it at Patchwerk :lol
Good god the Paladin DPS rotation is fucking WEIRD.
Consecration is a HUGE mana sink, which isn't worth it imo, Holy Wrath hits ALL targets for like 6K, and comes up often.
And don't get me started on boss fights, we hit Patchwerk, and suddenly I was like hnnn when do I use Zealotry, now? or later? So I figured I'd pop Wings + Zealotry for crazy Templar's Verdict spam, and that's when the server went down :lol
Pookaki said:Hits like a bus.
The Lamonster said:What are the details on this dismounting thing? Are you guys saying that I can't simply fly through zones and I can't fly over SW?
speedpop said:It's quite awesome flying around in the old world and seeing things that people only see via flight paths or never at all.
speedpop said:Yeah definitely. I'm on my way to see old Mt Hyjal, should be a blast for someone as exploration nerdy as myself.
edit: Heh, invisible wall AND a teleport out to Darkwhisper Gorge. Awww.
It offered less DPS in Wrath, but we dont' know what BM damage is like in Cata. Remember that BM was the highest dps in 3.0.2, but it just did less damage because the pets had shitty scaling.Sebulon3k said:Doesn't BM do terrible DPS compared to the other specs? The big buffs such as Blood Lust are Spirit Beast Exclusive I think, so you need to be deep BM to get the buffs, which offers less dps then MM and Surv.
Should have headed for GM Island imo.speedpop said:Yeah definitely. I'm on my way to see old Mt Hyjal, should be a blast for someone as exploration nerdy as myself.
edit: Heh, invisible wall AND a teleport out to Darkwhisper Gorge. Awww.
BM was godly at the beginning of wrath. due too readiness resetting the CD on Bestial Wrath. Those were the days. A pet out DPS'ing a rogue in full tier 7. lol.Angry Grimace said:It offered less DPS in Wrath, but we dont' know what BM damage is like in Cata. Remember that BM was the highest dps in 3.0.2, but it just did less damage because the pets had shitty scaling.
Meh, there's nothing exciting there. A tree and an empty house.Angry Grimace said:Should have headed for GM Island imo.
Angry Grimace said:It offered less DPS in Wrath, but we dont' know what BM damage is like in Cata. Remember that BM was the highest dps in 3.0.2, but it just did less damage because the pets had shitty scaling.
I hate how awesome my druid is, while how sad my mage is.krypt0nian said:If you have a druid with Flight Form:
Horde: You can mount up in Shat, then take the Thunder Bluff portal, or mount up by the Dark Portal and fly through.
Alliance: You can mount up by the Dark Portal and fly through.
Moral of the story, mount up with Flight Form, then portal somewhere that is considered "outside" or you will be dismounted just like those riding actual mounts.
Druids 4 life!
I know this. I know this. :lolfirex said:You don't use consecration as a ret paladin anymore in cataclysm.
actually really the only spec that uses consecrate is prot paladin, since they get a talent that reduces the mana cost.
all you really do is build 3 holy power, templar's verdict, repeat. unless you have to aoe and then you divine storm instead. everything else is just checking procs.
yeah, divine storm seems pretty bad now. But they won't really buff it because you'll only really use it in a true massive aoe situation, when you MIGHT also pop consecrate.Maxrpg said:I know this. I know this. :lol
I did try out some mix up and divine storm being locked to holy power really sucks for aoe, so it's all building up HP, divine storm, holy wrath, repeat.
Best part ever
About Cata
Long Arm of the Law. Holy shit is that fun to hit on bosses/enemies and run really fast up to them (like a mini charge)!![]()
KernelPanic said:Gotta be the most annoying fight I ever done in WoW.
I could see extra HP on a crusader strike crit or even something like keep 1 HP on a shield of righteousness crit. I just feel like there is too much dead time between 3 HP -> shield of righteousness and pretty much nothing else to use it on. I guess inquisition if you are going to aoe tank, so you can buff holy wrath, consecrate and hammer of the righteous's damage all at once.Mike G.E.D. said:After reading Protection Paladin feedback from Beta, I was not looking forward to playing my character. However, after tanking a few heroics, I'm more or less satisfied with the rotation (actual damage is whatevz, but apparently there is some more number crunching to go). I like that Paladin tanks will have to work a little harder to generate AOE threat; no more consecrate spam, and Hammer of the Righteous applying a five-stack of your seal on every mob.
Extra HP on Crusader Strike criticals would be okay for Prot. But I dont want to see the spec becoming too proc/RNG heavy.
Duki said:is the flight thing only on the ptr or everywhere?
Rapstah said:Quick raid mechanic question: I was in an ICC10 raid yesterday and we did everything up to Festergut at which point we wiped several times and broke up (one guy left before it etc.). I entered the instance to get my updated ring now and while I was exploring a little I came across Muradin Bronzebeard saying that the way to Sindragosa was open. Did some sneaky people go clear several bosses after I left or does he just say that whenever you've downed Saurfang?
By any chance would you be on Blackhand? I was in a ICC 10 man that didn't get past Festergut.Rapstah said:Quick raid mechanic question: I was in an ICC10 raid yesterday and we did everything up to Festergut at which point we wiped several times and broke up (one guy left before it etc.). I entered the instance to get my updated ring now and while I was exploring a little I came across Muradin Bronzebeard saying that the way to Sindragosa was open. Did some sneaky people go clear several bosses after I left or does he just say that whenever you've downed Saurfang?
Confused101 said:So you guys are probably going to yell at me. Either because of what happened or what I did with it.
A battered hilt dropped the other day in heroic PoS. I was with a very experienced friend of mine and I asked him what I should roll on that. I honestly didn't know what it was. He says, "Need on that!". So I do and I reply, "I won it. What do I do with it?" He goes, "OMG".
Pure, stupid, newbie luck right there. It was then explained to me that it starts an epic quest where you get an ICC level weapon as the reward. I was excited. The other option was putting it up on the auction house for about 10-15k. Now I'm torn. Epic quests get my insides jumping around but it's never bad to make that kind of money. So one half of my brain (the smart half) is sternly telling me to sell it because money will not be replaced when Cata comes out, unlike a weapon. But the other half (the crazy half) is pulling at me to do the quest because all signs point to it being completely awesome.
Then I find out a guildie of my friend is just starting the very first quest and I have a chance to go through the entire experience with someone along side me! The crazy half took over and we finished the entire quest chain in a little over 2 hours.
It was incredibly epic and I can't believe I own something of that level. I honestly thought I'd never have anything like that considering I wasn't going to put in the time to regular raiding. Straight awesome. So now my warlock is the proud owner of this...
Quel'Delar, Lens of the Mind
Sebulon3k said:One of the funnest fights ever, but taking to insane levels of frustration when trying to do it with bad players.
Flight is enabled in Azeroth on the PTR, you just don't have the required skill to do it, which is why people occasionally can find ways to fly there right now.Duki said:is the flight thing only on the ptr or everywhere?
Bisnic said:So with the new upcoming currency coming for patch 4.0, where they are converting both emblems of triumph & frost to a single currency(Justice points), does that mean people will be able to buy T10 from simply running WOTLK 5 mans for the last weeks prior to Cataclysm?
It should never have to be like that. You should be able to play the class you like playing. I've always loved warrior tanking regardless of its faults.DeathNote said:I read a blizz post that they wanted all tanks to do well. They don't want you to feel the need to switch to x class for aoe tanking.
KernelPanic said:I need to try my druid on the PTR to see if bear tanking is more interesting than just mashing swipe and mangle/maul macro.
KernelPanic said:I need to try my druid on the PTR to see if bear tanking is more interesting than just mashing swipe and mangle/maul macro.
Bisnic said:Yeah... playing a bear feels like playing a gimped warrior.
1) Your charge cost 5 rage instead of GIVING you like 20 rage. And warriors have 2 other similar "charges".
2) You only have swipe for aoe as a basic skill and you NEED to glyph Maul if you want to have another one, and still, it only hits a 2nd target. While warriors have Thunderclap, Cleave, Shockwave & Revenge all as basic aoe skills.
3) Your interrupt/stun is on a 1 minute cooldown without the talent, and that's all you've got against casters. While warriors have an interrupt with 12 secs cooldown, a ranged interrupt with 1 minute cooldown, spell reflection, and 2 stuns.
4) Let's not mention how you lose all your rage if you need to rebuff someone, use innervate on someone who is oom, or mount.
I hate playing my bear druid, i really do. Once i got all i want from the (instant queue) heroics, i think i'll go back to cat.
Aurarian said:Yeah, wtf is up with feral charge? I always expect rage when I charge in and to have to hit enrage when I charge sucks. Revenge only hits one other target and that's when you crit I think. I never see it hit another mob if it's not a crit. Bash really sucks. Way too long of a cooldown especially when you have to eat shadow blasts from those mobs in Old Kingdom. At least there I could either SR, SB, or CB.
Bisnic said:No wonder i have so much trouble on aggro with my bear, while its a piece of cake with my warrior. My bear do 2-2.2k DPS, while my warrior can do around 3-3.5k. In AOE situations, it can almost reach 5-6k sometimes. I dont think my bear can even dream of that.
KernelPanic said:Warrior, Pally and Dk are more interesting to tank with which is why I'm hoping for some changes. So far they just added Thrash, Skull Bash and nerfed the Maul Glyph iirc.
Ragnaros Europe, so, uh, no.Aurarian said:By any chance would you be on Blackhand? I was in a ICC 10 man that didn't get past Festergut.
mclem said:DOES NOT COMPUTE.