Oh, wordTamanon said:It's actually been running relatively smoothly for me once it got to the Available stage. A little loading in areas, but not too bad.
Oh, wordTamanon said:It's actually been running relatively smoothly for me once it got to the Available stage. A little loading in areas, but not too bad.
ezekial45 said:Are mining and skinning lucrative together? I've been wanting to try that combo.
notworksafe said:Profession bonuses aren't really a huge factor at endgame in my opinion. They are helpful but not make or break. Plus mining is good for tanks, and skinning is good for any Agility based DPS.
funkmastergeneral said:It's like that on every server. Roll a hybrid class and tank or heal.
I'm wishing my prot pally had something other than herbalism/alchemy. The stam boost from mining/JC is so much more helpful in getting to 38k unbuffed health.Rapstah said:I feel as if I benefit from both Mining and Skinning on my Warlock because most of my gear has Stamina and Crit Rating anyway.
god damn it blizzard iam in for this exp ._.trudderham said:
mining/herbalism is a way better combo for gold.ezekial45 said:Are mining and skinning lucrative together? I've been wanting to try that combo.
Thnikkaman said:Is the new streaming client now public or only for the Cataclysm beta? I've been waiting for the new launcher to really get started in the game again, only played the trials over a year ago.
Fake edit: Just noticed the trials now have the streaming tech? EQ2 made me love the idea.
I once joined a guild that couldn't field more than 20 players for 25m raids, but refused to take some friends of mine I assured them were very good players because they didn't have the "correct professions."notworksafe said:Profession bonuses aren't really a huge factor at endgame in my opinion. They are helpful but not make or break. Plus mining is good for tanks, and skinning is good for any Agility based DPS.
I think that mining and herbalism are the most lucrative gathering professions, but you can't track both of them at the same time. On my server Mining/Jewelcrafting is the best combo for making money, and I'm sure that will carry over into Cata.
Angry Grimace said:I once joined a guild that couldn't field more than 20 players for 25m raids, but refused to take some friends of mine I assured them were very good players because they didn't have the "correct professions."
This was 15% ICC buff times too. And they hadn't downed Sindragosa at that point.KernelPanic said:The min/maxing in WoW is ridiculous sometimes.
They're still there, you can see them in the dev console when you gain a level.Tamanon said:Plus, thank GOD for weapon skills going away.
mclem said:I've read that some of the absolutely top cutting-edge guilds require you to pick professions that have benefits in both your mainspec and offspec.
Xabora said:They're still there, you can see them in the dev console when you gain a level.
But instead of just staying the same, they max each time you level for that level's weapon skill increase.
notworksafe said:Profession bonuses aren't really a huge factor at endgame in my opinion. They are helpful but not make or break. Plus mining is good for tanks, and skinning is good for any Agility based DPS.
I think that mining and herbalism are the most lucrative gathering professions, but you can't track both of them at the same time. On my server Mining/Jewelcrafting is the best combo for making money, and I'm sure that will carry over into Cata.
Tamanon said:Huh, I just got experience from 2 herbs I picked.....
I think his point is that min-maxing isn't usually relevant either unless you're competing for server/world firsts.Rabbit Lord said:It might not seem huge, but if your min/maxing at end game, it is. With that said, guilds that restrict players to certain professions isn't the kind of guild I would ever be in.
Everyone can actually with a fly mount, just on a zone change in Azeroth you dismount.krypt0nian said:Heads up, on the PTR Druids can fly in Azeroth.
Flight form at the Dark Portal, then cross over into the Blasted Lands.![]()
ezekial45 said:On PTR I am loving the new holy paladin mechanics. It is more of a best possible spell rotation than a spam of flash of light. A group I was in had a taste of cataclysm 5 mans when the tank, who is in full ICC gear, went from 100% to 0 when she tried to AoE tank a pack of enemies in the Old Kingdom.
Tacitus_ said:One of the earlier spider groups? They have a caster that'll always do 50% of your health with one of their spells.
i did the opposite. i mounted in blasted lands and tried to enter hellfire. couldn't fly in there. it's like an on/off switch.Mr Pockets said:Lots of people finding tricks to fly in old world. I saw people flying over stormwind.
They seem to get dismounted a lot though..hehe
Yeah it will be that, he was obviously a dumb ass with more gear than sense, Spell flinger's I think they are called can really mess you up. Allways kill em first.Bggns said:Im hoping thats the case, otherwise.. even with the 30% buff... Doing ICC will be Impossible for the month or so until Cata comes out
DeathNote said:how do you get tot he firends list in the ptr? i know /who but i dont see an icon.
yeah but why isnt there a way to do it non hot key?Tamanon said:Should still be the O key for the "Social tab"
Tacitus_ said:One of the earlier spider groups? They have a caster that'll always do 50% of your health with one of their spells.
Tamanon said:Huh, I just got experience from 2 herbs I picked.....