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World of Warcraft |OT2|

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Really Really Exciting Member!
There's always that 1 dude standing at the starting area in BGs, or some houses in AV, but i always assumed it was some lazy dude pressing the space bar every 2 mins while watching a movie.

Mister Zimbu said:
"Alright, I left my Archaeology bot running for a week, let's see what I got!"

*vendors 4g 25s worth of greys*


Actually, greys are now worth between 1g and 200g and i think there is some dwarf grey worth 350g, but i havent bothered with doing Archaeology in Eastern Kingdoms and there is like 1 Dwarf digsite in Kalimdor..


I read that there were "PVP profiles". I don't know what that entails, but if a bot can fly around and do archeology or mine it surely could run to different battle spots and do a rotation on the nearest target.
SatelliteOfLove said:
Money. Time. Logistics. All a smooth plain before you, no real roadblocks here like in days of yore to focus your attention, desire, and time.

Okay, so you're checking in from the "I'm QQing because everything is too easy" side. Anyone want to rep for "I'm QQing because everything is too hard"?


I was in arathi basin the other day as an arms warrior with a couple of guildies, one a healy priest and the other a lock, all 3 of us on vent. It was the most fun I've had in wow in a long time! It's amazing the difference a bit of voice comms and having people to share amusing events with makes.

My giant broadsword wielding cow-man trying to hide in a bush at lumbermill for a sneak attack on an unwary ally going for the flag while the priest hides round the corner cackling = good times :D
I've decided to return to WoW and check out Cata today. I've sold several accounts in the past, and vowed not to play WoW ever again. However I bought Rift last week (and before that an extremely short return to WAR, and extremely short trying out of Darkfall) and it only made me long for WoW. I'm PvP oriented and the PvP in Rift just feels off compared to WoW. I played a marksman in Rift, probably going for goblin hunter (probably my fav PvP class), but troll (feral) druid seems incredibly awesome too.
charlequin said:
Okay, so you're checking in from the "I'm QQing because everything is too easy" side. Anyone want to rep for "I'm QQing because everything is too hard"?

I don't think they QQ because everything is too hard, they just don't bother to do it and complain that they have no content.

If you really are that displeased with the way blizzard does things, unsubscribe and hurt them the only way you can. I like the way things are going right now and we have only the last 4 HMs left. By 4.1 we will have everything cleared and then probably farm for a few weeks and then gear our alts with 372s. 3.2 will come out and we will start progression again.


Herbspicesoy said:
I've decided to return to WoW and check out Cata today. I've sold several accounts in the past, and vowed not to play WoW ever again. However I bought Rift last week (and before that an extremely short return to WAR, and extremely short trying out of Darkfall) and it only made me long for WoW. I'm PvP oriented and the PvP in Rift just feels off compared to WoW. I played a marksman in Rift, probably going for goblin hunter (probably my fav PvP class), but troll (feral) druid seems incredibly awesome too.

Sadly, I can empathize with you on that point, which server you playing on?


Herbspicesoy said:
I've decided to return to WoW and check out Cata today. I've sold several accounts in the past, and vowed not to play WoW ever again. However I bought Rift last week (and before that an extremely short return to WAR, and extremely short trying out of Darkfall) and it only made me long for WoW. I'm PvP oriented and the PvP in Rift just feels off compared to WoW. I played a marksman in Rift, probably going for goblin hunter (probably my fav PvP class), but troll (feral) druid seems incredibly awesome too.
I'd do some research first.

Low level BG's will suck with people in heirlooms.

Leveling to 85 and not liking the state of feral druid or hunter could be bad. I think I read about some PVP issues with them, not sure.
DeathNote said:
Leveling to 85 and not liking the state of feral druid or hunter could be bad. I think I read about some PVP issues with them, not sure.

Feral is in a pretty bad place now -- not even necessarily due to being crappy, but more due to having utility stripped away without a requisite replacement coming in.

Hunters are currently pretty weak for small-group PvP (arenas) but can be very strong in large-group PvP (battlegrounds.)
Low level BG's will suck with people in heirlooms.

One of those little things about Blizzard that dumbfound me. When I was still playing I thought they implemented some measures because they didn't like twinks destroying new players in low lvl BG's. Yet they allow this...
mclem said:
Actually, I think one of the best instances for that feeling - for me - wasn't a raid at all. Drak'tharon Keep *really* conveyed that progression feeling you're alluding to; starting in the tunnels beneath the city, breaking through into the buildings of the keep itself (the window at Trollgore is a nice touch, giving you a real 'breaking onto the surface' feel), then fighting through a few rooms each with a distinct identity before finally getting outside, then up onto the battlements. I think part of the reason, though, is the fact that Black Temple was rather linear, which does allow for the designers to give a feeling of progression in a visual form, which isn't quite so manageable with more open-ended raid design.

Edit: And thinking about it, Shadowfang Keep does much the same. And Utgarde Keep isn't quite as good but along similar lines. We need more keeps!

I was speaking more of the raid instances, but yes, some dungeons like Utgarde and Drak'Tharon Keep as you mentioned have pulled it off for me as well.

I think part of the problem with raid/dungeon design is that having points where you have a choice of more than two bosses to fight, unless properly justified in the design, it just starts to feel like a gallery of stuff to kill, a shooting gallery, rather than creatures or lieutenants of evil actually trying to hinder your progress (where the raid is on the hunt, one boss at a time).

It's a subtle effect, but it's there.


charlequin said:
Hunters are currently pretty weak for small-group PvP (arenas) but can be very strong in large-group PvP (battlegrounds.)

bg hunter sucks too - back in bc hunter was way more fun in pvp.


J-Rzez said:
That's just my honest feelings on it. I've dumped so much time, had so many good times and bad during it, but overall it always retained the grunt of my gaming time. For the first time though, it's really dying off. It feels like the mood has went back to 12months of ICC again like many of us had in Wrath... The Cata launch honeymoon is over, and this game feels no different. In fact, even during the ICC drought I had interest in other facets of the game. This time though, I don't have that at all. And it sucks. It's telling that I'm far more interested in another game, that I'm on other sites for another game other than WoW, just periodically checking in.

With regards to your comparison of Wrath to Cata, Wrath did have a ton of content. I remember times that I'd hit the 25 daily cap and say, "Shit, I still have stuff to do." I even did the somewhat secret Brunhildar dailies for the Polar Bear mount. However, you must remember that such a situation only occurred a few patches into Wrath.

I, too, currently just go on for raids and some menial amounts of farming. I think this is due to everything being too much too fast in Cata. Luck of the Draw made heroics too easy, you gain rep and cap out on it too quickly, you get enough TB commendations for everything you want too quickly, etc. I was really hoping that Blizzard was shifting back to the BC paradigm of actually needing to put time and effort into accomplishing things (by this I mean PvE content, BC PvP content was silly), but they lapsed back into the Wrath mindset, and without the content to back it up. My guild just downed Chimaeron yesterday to improve to 9/12 and we are getting close on Cho'gal, but I'm not necessarily looking forward to new raid content, I want that Firelands daily zone so I have more stuff to do in my downtime. Although I'd imagine TB would be more interesting if I was on a PvP server, but that makes leveling alts a pain in the ass.

While my lack of boredom with raid content is probably half due to my guild not completing normal mode yet, it's also because 2/3s of the guild are friends from college and this is a way that we keep in touch now that we all have graduated. We sometimes enforce 2 drink minimums on farm nights.

mclem said:
While I'm hardly a huge advocate of HARDCORE > ALL... I actually quite liked attunements. Don't get me wrong, I completely accept that they were pretty appalling from a design standpoint, but I enjoyed doing them, I thought they often added some nice context to a dungeon, and they felt like a (minor) achievement.

I liked attunements. They enforced natural progression through the content so you didn't get anything like people in greens trying heroics. All they had to do was make attunements account bound and it would have been fine. Instead we got a 15% buff so everything can be brute forced in shit gear.

The enforced natural progression in Vanilla was draconian, though. Forcing everyone to have a single item that you can 1-4 times per run from Onyxia in order to even try BWL? Guh.


evangd007 said:
I want that Firelands daily zone so I have more stuff to do in my downtime.

Forcing everyone to have a single item that you can 1-4 times per run from Onyxia in order to even try BWL? Guh.
Having to repeat a dungeon a few times for a single item is "guh" compared to repeating dailies for weeks?


Really Really Exciting Member!
I hope you guys aren't comparing the end game content(things to do outside of raids that is) of the last Tier of WOTLK to the first Tier of Cata.

Before the Argent Tournament came out with all its dailies for extra mounts/companions, all we did were the same old heroics, dailies, BGs and Wintergrasps since the launch came out, outside of raiding.

I don't exactly see how its worst with Cataclysm. We're doing the exact same thing outside of raids as we were doing in march 2009. Dailies, same old heroics, BGs and the current PVP zone every 2 hours or so. Exactly the same. Add Archaeology to this if your one of those guys who really want the epic artifacts.

And we'll get some new heroics and dailies(with its own rewards i assume) faster than WOTLK did with TOC when 4.1 & 4.2 will come out(with only a "short time" between the 2 patches if we are to believe Blizzard, then again that could be a month or two). The only difference i guess in content is that you cant really do PUG raids anymore outside of Baradin Hold.

Really, i need some examples as to why some people say there is less content 3 months after the launch of Cataclysm compared to 3 months after the launch of WOTLK.


Bisnic said:
I hope you guys aren't comparing the end game content(things to do outside of raids that is) of the last Tier of WOTLK to the first Tier of Cata.

Before the Argent Tournament came out with all its dailies for extra mounts/companions, all we did were the same old heroics, dailies, BGs and Wintergrasps since the launch came out, outside of raiding.

I don't exactly see how its worst with Cataclysm. We're doing the exact same thing outside of raids as we were doing in march 2009. Dailies, same old heroics, BGs and the current PVP zone every 2 hours or so. Exactly the same. Add Archaeology to this if your one of those guys who really want the epic artifacts.

And we'll get some new heroics and dailies(with its own rewards i assume) faster than WOTLK did with TOC when 4.1 & 4.2 will come out(with only a "short time" between the 2 patches if we are to believe Blizzard, then again that could be a month or two). The only difference i guess in content is that you cant really do PUG raids anymore outside of Baradin Hold.

Really, i need some examples as to why some people say there is less content 3 months after the launch of Cataclysm compared to 3 months after the launch of WOTLK.
We didn't have the cross realm dungeon finder 3 months into WOTLK. Maybe things took longer?

I think there were a few more more normal mode boss encounters and 10/25 weren't on the same lock?

Edit: I'm not trying to argue, just making observations of the differences.

Edit2: We had one large conteitnent, 280% mounts. You had to travel to or get summoned to instance portals right?
I would have to say that separate locks for 10/25 did more to stretch content than people/Blizzard may think.

And people in 25 man gear did a lot towards making 10s more easily puggable.


Sax Russel said:
Heroic modes killed raiding for me. Got to 7/13 and quit. Almost none of the fights gain mechanics that make them both more challenging and more fun, just more annoying and more of a pain to slog through. Haven't raided in a few weeks and FEELS GOOD MAN. I very much doubt I'll be back to it in future tiers, I don't see raiding becoming magically fun again.

Same boat here. I haven't even logged in in a couple of weeks and it feels great. As much as I love raiding, I think I may have finally burnt out for good.
Bisnic said:
I don't exactly see how its worst with Cataclysm. We're doing the exact same thing outside of raids as we were doing in march 2009. Dailies, same old heroics, BGs and the current PVP zone every 2 hours or so. Exactly the same. Add Archaeology to this if your one of those guys who really want the epic artifacts.

And really, that's the core of my question. Dailies, 5-mans, raids, BGs, PVP zone, old content, and random fucking around -- that's pretty much the sum total of everything that's ever been in the game. When I was playing in Vanilla, when you hit level cap, you ran Strat/Scholo/UBRS over and over a million times, and then you got to grind away at boring-ass MC a million more. We didn't even have dailies yet.

I guess I just don't get this feeling that it'd be better to force people to spend much more time with much less to show for it. I get the impression there are people who want to play for six hours a day, every day, and if they don't feel that time is "productive" then they quit (but productive is only relative to the other stuff they're doing, so it's fine if it's super-grindy as long as it's all super-grindy.) Me, I like having enough productive stuff to fill two hours a day, maybe more if I do some optional stuff, and then maybe a raid night or two.

CarbonatedFalcon said:
I would have to say that separate locks for 10/25 did more to stretch content than people/Blizzard may think.

Of course, all I've ever heard about separate 10/25 lockouts is people bitching about how it turned fun content into a job and left people raiding the same instance four times a week.


charlequin said:
And really, that's the core of my question. Dailies, 5-mans, raids, BGs, PVP zone, old content, and random fucking around -- that's pretty much the sum total of everything that's ever been in the game. When I was playing in Vanilla, when you hit level cap, you ran Strat/Scholo/UBRS over and over a million times, and then you got to grind away at boring-ass MC a million more. We didn't even have dailies yet.

I guess I just don't get this feeling that it'd be better to force people to spend much more time with much less to show for it. I get the impression there are people who want to play for six hours a day, every day, and if they don't feel that time is "productive" then they quit (but productive is only relative to the other stuff they're doing, so it's fine if it's super-grindy as long as it's all super-grindy.) Me, I like having enough productive stuff to fill two hours a day, maybe more if I do some optional stuff, and then maybe a raid night or two.

Of course, all I've ever heard about separate 10/25 lockouts is people bitching about how it turned fun content into a job and left people raiding the same instance four times a week.
Unless they separated the loot between 10 & 25-man it'd just mean players hitting the end of content quicker with a 10 & 25 man on separate lock outs, and there'd be more people complaining about Firelands taking longer. Complaining about lack of things to do at this stage of the game is foolish considering the game in it's current state has a much better availability of things and ways of finding groups than it did back in vanilla or early BC. If you're getting tired of what there is to do, it's time to find another game. If you can't find a group to do the raids on your server but still enjoy the game, it's time to transfer to a more populated server.
Bisnic said:
I don't exactly see how its worst with Cataclysm. We're doing the exact same thing outside of raids as we were doing in march 2009. Dailies, same old heroics, BGs and the current PVP zone every 2 hours or so. Exactly the same. Add Archaeology to this if your one of those guys who really want the epic artifacts.
I've been done now for a month or two...maybe more? But I want to say that I played WotLK for longer before calling it quits. You make a good point with the bolded--and that's exactly why I quit.

Not trolling the game--just jumped into the thread to see what was happening and noticed this post. I still think WoW is a phenomenal achievement, but as it remains the same, minus incremental changes, it lost both excitement and incentive for me very quickly this time around.


could it be that people are getting bored/burned out of the game after 5+ years?

i think some of the people complaining had unrealistic expectations for cata.
charlequin said:
Okay, so you're checking in from the "I'm QQing because everything is too easy" side. Anyone want to rep for "I'm QQing because everything is too hard"?

Nope. It is. You homed in on that old saw instead of understanding what I wrote in situ.


So I've been getting tons of e-mail from [email protected] in my spam e-mail about someone trying to access my account, and personal information being changed. I checked on my Battle.net account and nothing was changed, but my account is locked now.

Kinda upset.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Sebulon3k said:
So I've been getting tons of e-mail from [email protected] in my spam e-mail about someone trying to access my account, and personal information being changed. I checked on my Battle.net account and nothing was changed, but my account is locked now.

Kinda upset.

You got hacked if your account is locked(they probably were found using bots or selling gold, who knows), but the emails you are receiving are probably from the hackers themselves. I receive these "Your personal information has been changed" emails all the time for the past months.


Bisnic said:
You got hacked if your account is locked(they probably were found using bots or selling gold, who knows), but the emails you are receiving are probably from the hackers themselves. I receive these "Your personal information has been changed" emails all the time for the past months.

Thankfully account is fine, got it unlocked, and flirted with my CSR for a bit. Other then the account scare was a good experience.

Bought an Authenticator hopefully it gets here soon
SatelliteOfLove said:
Nope. It is. You homed in on that old saw instead of understanding what I wrote in situ.

In my defense, it would help if you ever wrote, like, one post ever in a normal, comprehensible way instead of using flowery and circuitous language to avoid actually saying whatever the hell it is you're actually talking about. :p If you had a point other than "stuff is easy now so there's no reason to value personal improvement in tackling it" it certainly didn't come through.
Bisnic said:
You got hacked if your account is locked(they probably were found using bots or selling gold, who knows), but the emails you are receiving are probably from the hackers themselves. I receive these "Your personal information has been changed" emails all the time for the past months.

Is it weird that I get these sent to an email address that I never had more than a trial account attached to?

I have an authenticator on my main account, and never had a problem on that one before I added the authenticator either.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
cuevas said:
I don't think they QQ because everything is too hard, they just don't bother to do it and complain that they have no content.

If you really are that displeased with the way blizzard does things, unsubscribe and hurt them the only way you can. I like the way things are going right now and we have only the last 4 HMs left. By 4.1 we will have everything cleared and then probably farm for a few weeks and then gear our alts with 372s. 3.2 will come out and we will start progression again.
I don't really think this is a valid argument at all. "My guild is awesome and beat everything, why can't yours" is a very old, and poorly thought out argument.

Your continued assertion that Hard Mode content is in reality, not just harder versions of the same content, but in fact NEW unplayed content is also extremely lacking in merit and I would doubt you're going to get more than 2 people in this entire thread to agree with that assertion.

I think it's just a bad attempt at stealth bragging about how good your guild is.
Angry Grimace said:
I don't really think this is a valid argument at all. "My guild is awesome and beat everything, why can't yours" is a very old, and poorly thought out argument.

Your continued assertion that Hard Mode content is in reality, not just harder versions of the same content, but in fact NEW unplayed content is also extremely lacking in merit and I would doubt you're going to get more than 2 people in this entire thread to agree with that assertion.

I think it's just a bad attempt at stealth bragging about how good your guild is.
I am telling you why I play the game and what keeps me playing. Hard modes are completely new experiences, if they weren't everyone who is 12/12 would be 12/13.


cuevas said:
I am telling you why I play the game and what keeps me playing. Hard modes are completely new experiences, if they weren't everyone who is 12/12 would be 12/13.

Anyways I'm tired of the content already. Did Heroic Halfus today, and I just don't even feel like doing the rest of the bosses now. Clearing the same boring trash, farming the same bosses, just to get a few attempts in on a new heroic boss, which is basically the old boss with a twist.
TheExodu5 said:

Anyways I'm tired of the content already. Did Heroic Halfus today, and I just don't even feel like doing the rest of the bosses now. Clearing the same boring trash, farming the same bosses, just to get a few attempts in on a new heroic boss, which is basically the old boss with a twist.
Heroic fights make you actually pay attention to what you are doing. Normal modes allow you to not even pay attention to half the abilities bosses do. In heroic you have to pay attention and deal with them and then with the new abilities.

I play games for a challenge and to be good with them or to fuck around with friends. Wow is a game where I can find a challenge and be better than others at what I do. If I could skip normal modes I would. Whenever I play a single player game I start out at the highest difficulty I can do. Why do it the easy way?
Question about Maloriak (N).

My guild has taken him down before, but last night he was giving us fits. I (Rogue) was on Arcane Storms with our Shaman taking care of the adds.

Our sequencing has been to interrupt the first two, and let the final three go through.

The issues arose during 1st green phase when he would try summoning again. We interrupted his cast every time, but even so, 3 more would come out, giving us 12 for the first green phase. After wiping a few times, I took a whirl at the adds and the same result - 3 more would always release during that first green phase, despite my kick hitting.

We've done this before and didn't have a problem. Can anyone shed some light on to this?


ShadyMilkman said:
Question about Maloriak (N).

My guild has taken him down before, but last night he was giving us fits. I (Rogue) was on Arcane Storms with our Shaman taking care of the adds.

Our sequencing has been to interrupt the first two, and let the final three go through.

The issues arose during 1st green phase when he would try summoning again. We interrupted his cast every time, but even so, 3 more would come out, giving us 12 for the first green phase. After wiping a few times, I took a whirl at the adds and the same result - 3 more would always release during that first green phase, despite my kick hitting.

We've done this before and didn't have a problem. Can anyone shed some light on to this?
if he's casting release aberrations during the green phase and 3 more are coming out then it's not actually getting interrupted, there's no trick to it


Really Really Exciting Member!
Winged Lion Mount on the PTR.. well that's unexpected.

Still laughing at the "OMG SO UGLY" or "HIRE NEW TEXTURE DEVELOPPERS" posts on MMO champion when it clearly says its a very early beta model.


Bisnic said:
Winged Lion Mount on the PTR.. well that's unexpected.

Still laughing at the "OMG SO UGLY" or "HIRE NEW TEXTURE DEVELOPPERS" posts on MMO champion when it clearly says its a very early beta model.
Why would you design an ugly texture in the first place? I haven't seen any fugly beta textures that turned out to look good. I've only seen incomplete models. Yes, they can change the colors and what not but a fugly design is a fugly design beta or not. Maybe the off white is an incomplete color.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
cuevas said:
I am telling you why I play the game and what keeps me playing. Hard modes are completely new experiences, if they weren't everyone who is 12/12 would be 12/13.
I don't even understand how that logic is supposed to make sense.

I really doubt you're going to find anybody agrees that hard modes are "completely new experiences", even if you could poll the top 10 guilds in the world. And I don't just mean that in Warcraft. Playing virtually game on a harder difficulty is not "new" content, it's just a harder mode. Playing Ocarina of Time: Master Quest doesn't make me forget I'm playing the same game I've beaten 10+ times.
DeathNote said:
Why would you design an ugly texture in the first place? I haven't seen any fugly beta textures that turned out to look good. I've only seen incomplete models. Yes, they can change the colors and what not but a fugly design is a fugly design beta or not. Maybe the off white is an incomplete color.

Probably so it scales for shity computers.

it looks like it would be a cool mount though, to bad its probably Alliance only, though I wouldnt really want my Troll Warlock riding around on it much anyway. They need a demony flying mount :(


Nobiru said:
Probably so it scales for shity computers.

it looks like it would be a cool mount though, to bad its probably Alliance only, though I wouldnt really want my Troll Warlock riding around on it much anyway. They need a demony flying mount :(
Flying scorpion? lol.

There needs to be new standard mounts. I like the Gryphon mounts, but the Wyvern suck IMO.
Angry Grimace said:
I don't even understand how that logic is supposed to make sense.

I really doubt you're going to find anybody agrees that hard modes are "completely new experiences", even if you could poll the top 10 guilds in the world. And I don't just mean that in Warcraft. Playing virtually game on a harder difficulty is not "new" content, it's just a harder mode. Playing Ocarina of Time: Master Quest doesn't make me forget I'm playing the same game I've beaten 10+ times.

You are looking at hard modes the wrong way. Okay saying "completely new experiences" may be exaggerating but they are "new experience". Not in the way that you up the difficulty in a Call of Duty campaign and the enemies just do more damage and are more accurate. Hard modes are like if you went through the same campaign levels but now they have new enemies with new weapons and the cover they provided you is moved around. You have to relearn how to do the entire thing over again.
DeathNote said:
Flying scorpion? lol.

There needs to be new standard mounts. I like the Gryphon mounts, but the Wyvern suck IMO.

Haha no, I dont even like this stupid scorpion we get.

They really need to at least reskin the Wyvern, I did tol barad dailies for weeks to get that dragon, and im really not all that pleased with it for my Warlock anyway. It looks great, but doesnt fit my class very well, I dont play on an RP server, but I like stuff to fit the theme.

I want something evil looking, like maybe a Crow, but a Fel Crow I guess. Take a crow, throw some evil horns on it, make its wings being burned by some green fire, add some chains with skulls on it, and a sadle with some spikes, and call it a day.
cuevas said:
You are looking at hard modes the wrong way. Okay saying "completely new experiences" may be exaggerating but they are "new experience". Not in the way that you up the difficulty in a Call of Duty campaign and the enemies just do more damage and are more accurate. Hard modes are like if you went through the same campaign levels but now they have new enemies with new weapons and the cover they provided you is moved around. You have to relearn how to do the entire thing over again.

Master Quest is actually a pretty fair approximation of the kinds of changes you can expect on heroic modes. My issue with them is that the new mechanics don't add anything to the fights other than frustration and annoyance. I quit a few weeks ago at 7/13, and out of the fights I had experience with, only Omnotron and Maloriak (and only because I was a demo lock woo hellfire) were different in ways that increased my enjoyment of the encounters. Among the ones I hadn't touched (Council, Cho'gall, Sinestra, Al'Akir) only Sinestra looked interesting to me in videos, probably cause it was actually totally new.

Of course, it's all pretty subjective measuring how "fun" you find heroics, and I didn't have these complaints before Cata, or even starting Cata raiding. I guess it's just finally burn out after six years =P


Nobiru said:
Haha no, I dont even like this stupid scorpion we get.

They really need to at least reskin the Wyvern, I did tol barad dailies for weeks to get that dragon, and im really not all that pleased with it for my Warlock anyway. It looks great, but doesnt fit my class very well, I dont play on an RP server, but I like stuff to fit the theme.

I want something evil looking, like maybe a Crow, but a Fel Crow I guess. Take a crow, throw some evil horns on it, make its wings being burned by some green fire, add some chains with skulls on it, and a sadle with some spikes, and call it a day.

At least you guys get a decent Druid flight form. We just get a bird.


you can't put a price on sparks
being a hunter on the Heroic Magmaw fight is incredibly annoying if you have stack with the melee group. ugh. at least we got it down though. 4/13 heroic, 2nd alliance on server aw yeah.
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