charlequin said:In my defense, it would help if you ever wrote, like, one post ever in a normal, comprehensible way instead of using flowery and circuitous language to avoid actually saying whatever the hell it is you're actually talking about.If you had a point other than "stuff is easy now so there's no reason to value personal improvement in tackling it" it certainly didn't come through.
Even if that was true, as opposed to cherry picking that one sentence? Of course the rest wouldn't make sense if the reader thinks everyone in WoW is on one side of that old black-and-white argument of Hardcore vs Casual. And it wasn't even about that, it was about why is the ennui hitting again in Cata when everything's gotten noticably better since Wrath. Hell, I even broke it down my post before that:
This I swear is not a loaded phrase, but Wrath spoiled people. Less accomplished people were used to instances where the tuning was to a level they didn't have to work hard and smart on their character and complexity was dropped so they didn't have to upgrade what was between their ears before entering. Raiders (capitalized) from before Wrath got VERY comfortable with two things: a system that relegated wiping to only THE hardest HM bosses, the PTR, or those discreet frontloaded 10 man learning meetups away from Fraps and WoL while spending as little time actually in an instance was valued most highly instead of what it took under the guild culture to get the job done.
Then you have the monetary/logistics/gearing and general pace of pre-raids is faster than ever, but the pacing on the release of the new instances isn't (Done when it's done. and all that).
Simple, plain English. The other one was me listing things explaining, again to you, what we're seeing in others around us, or in ourselves, about that ennui that's mysteriously gripped players. It's not the right answer? Fine. I'm curious and I'll keep an open mind to new info or insights. You don't get it? Fine again.