CcrooK said:
From PTR:
Enchanting: Enchant Off-Hand - Superior Intellect now increases intellect by 40, down from 100.
DPS casters aren't losing INT though.. it's just getting displaced. Problem is currently you have to be either massively unlucky at RNG or an idiot to be using a staff. The +100 int off hand makes that combination so infinitely better than a staff there is no reason to use one. The new makeup with be +40 off hand (60 int loss), +54 in meta (now only at a 6 int loss), and a crazy pricey +50 int bracer chant (2 maelstroms and 15 vol water). So you are going to pay through the ass for that bracer enchant, but overall DPS casters are getting a 44 int buff. at the same time you'll now be able to choose between staff and main/off based on your preference. Me personally, I really like the non-replaceable black glow of my staff, but also love the look of the hermit's lamp.
As for Omnotron.... down in 10 monday. down in 25 last night. First pull was 66% and I think was just the 25 group getting all on the same page. Second one was 20% with like half the raid down due to an unlucky laser beam AND poison protocol on tank and melee within 2 seconds of each other.. took out pretty much all melee in like 3 seconds. final one was almost a flawless victory. I think we MIGHT have had one dead at the very end.
I still stand by that initially it's a VERY sensory overload fight. Fortunately it looks like each role only really has to worry about 2 or 3 things the entire fight besides their role. For DPS caster it means nuking down bombs, as a mage stealing converted power, and as an aggro wipe class dropping aggro on the laser beam. Hell, the only "don't stand in shit" is even the poison cloud, and even then it's not major as it's a 50% debuff, not a tick.
Anyway, had to drop the daughter unit off after the kill, so missed the quick argaloth kill... hopefully I can pick up a 10 or 25 man pug with that later in the week. rest of the group headed over to Bastion to check out Halfus so I missed that also. Next 25 man will probably be another Conclave down tomorrow night and then looking at Al'Akir.
edit - apparently the nerfing of heroics is continuing. First trash was majorly nerfed in DM. Then the electricity spinners were nerfed. Now apparently mend rotting flesh has been removed on PTR. Not lessened but straight up removed.
on the good note, we all got our dungeon hero achievements before any of this came about (and around 6-7 of us got the Glory achievement as well.. not me though

). On the other good note, it sure will be nice to successfully one shot every pug for my 70 VPs a day. on the other good note, I'll be able to easily gear up my alts... ehh...... fuck it. I guess I don't care then that heroics are being nerfed for pugs... heh..