Yeah, I've been lucky throughout this expansion, as-well as in Cata and Wrath.
Heck, from personal experience I've noticed that pugging seems to result in more progress than my actual guild :lol then again, that's not saying much, since I've always been in terrible, terrible guilds (outside of vanilla/TBC).
You probably missed a very important fact I listed a few post above.
That's the only reason why, high end PVE server bring what?
High end PVE'er with alts
which translates to
you running with them (likely)
People can spend so many hours wiping on LFR, what's hard to believe? I've queued for 3 hour straight last night trying to do a clean LFR, I couldn't get one, always 2/6... until we said fuck it, gathered 6 healer in guild and a bunch dps to queue together to force a clean one.
I am a pretty good PVE'er, When I was hardcore, I downed sunwell before nerf. When WOTLK rolled around, we got server first and finished all the raids including 3drake sarth fairly quickly, people got bored and guild broke apart, I quit until Cata came, we got normal nef before any nerf also.
Now I am casual, I won't be downing most bosses, does it mean I got bad? No, it simply means I can't give time commitment. I have looked into transfering to some where like Malganis where there are top PVE talent that I can just pug with when I do have time, but all my friends are still playing where I am currently on. It's really a trade off.