And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Don't mind at all, it's the most common question I get in WoW :3. I played the beta and a full year of vanilla on EU until I figured out the community just didn't fit me as well as I thought it would (Bladefist server). Gave another server a try, don't remember which one, and realized straight up that EU just wasn't for me (attitude, everyone speaking Swedish, etc).Yoshi, if you don't mind me asking, why are you playing on US?
Told my brother about this and he said we could give US a try, so we did and I fell in love immediately. What a difference (both negative and positive things, of course). After that, it just kinda snowballed. After a year in US, I got so many friends that I couldn't possibly switch over to any other region. At this point (5+ years in), there's 0% chance that I'll return - no matter how many irl buddies tries convincing me (and oh, have they tried, over and over again).