Had a really frustrating night of challenge mode attempts. Worked on Scarlet Halls a bit, using Yanger's guide which is quite good, but we could only get past the first 2 chained dogs about 1 in 5 attempts without the healer or a dps dying (dogs either came of the chain or someone was dumb and got too close).
The times we got beyond that part, we had two buckets get wasted, and the time we got past the first boss (making good time) everyone but me somehow got popped out of their invisibility pot in the cannon room so we called it for that dungeon : /. Not sure why they got popped out, I think one person used Death's Advance while invisible -_-
Tried Gate of the Setting Sun next... multiple dps deaths on the first trash part (standing in bombs), wipes on the second boss, wipes on the third boss (dps stood in the cleaves and we got overwhelmed by adds), couldn't kill the final boss
Makes me really sad

, almost no signs of progress after wipes, people doing the same stupid thing over and over ugh.