I completely understand, but it is unbelievably difficult to get into an RBG, let alone one that consists of a competent group of players...If you kept the cap at 1650 through just plain arenas and battlegrounds but increased every piece by 200 points instead of 100 it would essentially do the exact same thing, though it would silence the complaining and not put a hold to getting the cap that has always been there.
I kinda felt like people are getting cheated off not getting points....I am at 3/5 of malevolent already and have a 1670 arena rating, but I am still losing out on points...I am an arms warrior, nobody wants me for an RBG.
I feel liberated only doing 2 hours of dailies instead of 4 now.
I feel liberated only doing 2 hours of dailies instead of 4 now.
The music really is amazing in this expansion. The composer did a brilliant job.
The music really is amazing in this expansion. The composers did a brilliant job.
Man, leveling really sucks now. The quick leveling really throws it off. Questing in the zone will result in grey out quests.
Also, the redesign specialization crap makes lower levels extremely boring. I get a ton of garbage useless skills for a dozen levels.
The music really is amazing in this expansion. The composer did a brilliant job.
It's disorientating!It's good, but i don't really like the one in the Vale. I dunno, something about it bothers me.
It's disorientating!
First LFR epic since 5.0 hit! YAY!
Is there an addon or utility that will calculate for me the best way to reforge for optimal hit cap? I get off on coming as close as I can to cap without going under.
The leveling thing is necessary for older players who are simply leveling alts. If you are new to WoW without guild perks and heirlooms, you'll be leveling at a pretty decent pace and shouldn't be getting any grey quests by the time you're done the zones.
Though the new talent tree isn't really fun from a leveling point of view because it's all utility based, it's WAY better than putting 1 talent to increase the crit chance of a spell by 1% that you didn't get for another 30 levels. Leveling a Destro Warlock was a really unfriendly experience from that point of view.
Hit Exalted with Tillers today. Cutting back on my daily count for a bit now. Going to continue Anglers to Exalted while the Hallow's End rep buff is up - I want the mount. Otherwise probably just August Celestials for a bit since they're short.
Golden Lotus I've hit revered with, but there's so many fucking dailies I'm not sure if I want to continue working on them until that rep fix is in (5.1?) Klaxxi I'll finish maybe after Anglers, or only maybe every other day.
Do need to work on Shado-Pan to get to at least revered, but I need a break. Going to be out of town for 5 days, so I definitely won't be doing the full rounds if I even get the chance to play WoW at all. Anglers are nice with 3 (mostly) short and sweet dailies (though I swear there was one day when I got 5 or 6.)
For my reforging needs, I'm extremely lazy and use the addon called Reforgenator (or some variation of that spelling.) It has the stat weights for each class (or you can plug them in if the defaults are wrong) and it should figure out the optimal reforge.
wowreforge, mr robot etc. There's plenty out there and they will put you right on the cap, if possible.First LFR epic since 5.0 hit! YAY!
Is there an addon or utility that will calculate for me the best way to reforge for optimal hit cap? I get off on coming as close as I can to cap without going under.
They only drop from mobs. By the time I was 90 I already had most of them.Also for JC..how do I learn meta recipes?
wowreforge, mr robot etc. There's plenty out there and they will put you right on the cap, if possible.
They only drop from mobs. By the time I was 90 I already had most of them.
It's good, but i don't really like the one in the Vale. I dunno, something about it bothers me.
Went in on a Sha of Anger group tonight, my first one, and got him in the first try. Super smooth. I was kinda shocked. What buffed my hooves though was the fact that I actually won Yaungol Slayer Gloves on top of the new boots from turning in the claw.
One of my guildies mentioned he didn't even have 496 gear yet to which I gave credit to declaring I was a friend of the Grummles (before the fight) so I had much fortune and luckydos on my side.
I'm sure it'll be a while before I see another piece but between that and getting a new crafted chest piece, it felt pretty good going from ilvl 444 to 451.
Blizzard Patch Notes said:Several classic Raid bosses now have a chance to drop new Battle Pets. The new pets can be obtained from bosses in Molten Core, Blackwing Lair, Ahn'Qiraj, and Naxxramas.
Just got kicked from a Scarlet Halls heroic. No clue why. Whispered the tank from my realm asking why - no answer. I didn't get hit by the whirlwind or anything else dumb so a little confused. Wiped once the tank died with like 230K hp left on the boss.
Guess that's the only downside to random dungeon finder. Would at least like to know what I did so I can fix it (if there actually was anything wrong).
Flames of Xoroth no longer has a cooldown.
Soul Swap (Affliction) - Soulburn: Applies Corruption, Unstable Affliction and Agony without removing them from a target.
Conflagrate now generates Burning Embers. Critical strikes double this effect.
Heck yeah!Blizzard Patch Notes said:Several classic Raid bosses now have a chance to drop new Battle Pets. The new pets can be obtained from bosses in Molten Core, Blackwing Lair, Ahn'Qiraj, and Naxxramas.
Blizzard Patch Notes said:Raid groups are no longer necessary to enter pre-Mists of Pandara raid dungeons.
I thought about that also, but I wasn't even the lowest DPS out of the three. We had a warrior way below me who was only 2-3k above the tank.Could just be low DPS.
Harlan can get frustrating if the DPS is bad. Had one group blame me (tank) for wiping when they took so long to burn Harlan that he whirlwinded three or four times, all while they completely ignored the adds. Had the boss and about eight adds up at the end.
I just dumped that group and re-queued.
There's a notable corollary to that, too:
best change everRaid groups are no longer necessary to enter pre-Mists of Pandara raid dungeons.
tier pants from sha, awesome
boots from lfr first part, the one thing I already have from normal, not so awesome
best change ever
Alright, QQ'ing over.
I'm starting to wonder if you can get any loot in LFR without those damn gold coins. All i get is bags with 28g.
I thought about that also, but I wasn't even the lowest DPS out of the three. We had a warrior way below me who was only 2-3k above the tank.
It's something that annoys me to no end with the random dungeon finder. It's a blessing in many ways and is super convenient, but sometimes you get people where it's almost like you're playing with bots. Absolutely zero communication from anyone, not a single word, and then I don't even get a response when I politely ask why I was kicked. And that was someone on my server. Forget about people from other servers who know they'll probably never run into you again and therefore aren't accountable for anything they do within the group.
At least call me out if I'm screwing up instead of this silent vote kick bullshit. That really achieves nothing (especially in a fucking heroic, as if it's some dire situation).
Alright, QQ'ing over.
Do mounts drop in LFR?