Do mounts drop in LFR?
I don't think so. It wasn't the case in Dragon Soul, and I'm not aware of any change.
Do mounts drop in LFR?
Man, leveling really sucks now. The quick leveling really throws it off. Questing in the zone will result in grey out quests.
Also, the redesign specialization crap makes lower levels extremely boring. I get a ton of garbage useless skills for a dozen levels.
Raid groups are no longer necessary to enter pre-Mists of Pandara raid dungeons.
As a tank, I don't like these kinds of remarks. Tanks should not be held to a DPS watermark, since Vengeance really tips the scales in our favor. Our DPS is artificial; it's a "gimme." Certainly the more skill a tank exhibits, the higher Vengeance will boost their AP, but I think it's totally unfair to compare a person/class who is actively trying to gear and skill up exclusively for damage against someone who, well, does not.We had a warrior way below me who was only 2-3k above the tank.
Anyone wanna do my dailies today (Shado-Pan, August Celestials only)? I'm sick and can barely move out of my bed ,_,
I guess you're right ._. I've been through worse.You can do it! Hellscream's eyes are upon you, Yoshichan!
I guess you're right ._. I've been through worse.
Here we go!
Nu-uh! I'm doing them on my laptop :3 It was just a matter of me going down stairs to get the laptop or not.Here you go hurting yourself again because of a video game. You're sick and can barely move out of your bed you said!
Missing one day of dailies isn't gonna kill you.
Nu-uh! I'm doing them on my laptop :3 It was just a matter of me going down stairs to get the laptop or not.
♥ Don't worry.What i'm saying is that you've got weird priorities if dailies are more important than your health if you're so sick you can't get out of your bed. Even if it's just playing on a laptop. If i were you, i would just try to rest and sleep.
But whatever, your health shouldn't be my concern.
Blizzard Patch Notes said:Raid groups are no longer necessary to enter pre-Mists of Pandara raid dungeons.
What happened to me in this picture ._.Poor Yoshi.
Should hit Exalted today with Tillers. Heck yes, I can get me some goats!
What happened to me in that picture ._.
What happened to me in this picture ._.
:lol that's amazingIll. Hence purple and sleepy eyes.
Rösti;43551324 said:And right, it's Wednesday, time for more LFR... ugh. The only good thing about it are Sigils of Power. And gear of course, but I would appreciate an actual challenge. The greatest comparison to be made here is LFR Stone Guard and Normal Stone Guard.
Are there any mail pimp hats? I really hate transmog limitations.
Mail gear looks the worst.
Thought you didn't need raid to do raids pre-MoP..trying to get into gruuls lair...
Are there any mail pimp hats? I really hate transmog limitations.
Mail gear looks the worst.
Shaman or Hunter? Hunter tier sets are pretty good looking. Purple dragon ftw.
In addition to the new pets that drop from vanilla raid bosses, there will be even more wild pets to capture in Patch 5.1.
The Pet Journal on the PTR lists 14 possible new wild pets.
Anodized Robo Cub ( mechanical) - Winterspring
Arcane Eye ( magic) - Deadwind Pass
Cogblade Raptor ( mechanical) - Blade's Edge Mountains
Crow ( flying) - Darkmoon Island
Emerald Proto-Whelp ( dragonkin) - Sholazar Basin
Fluxfire Feline ( mechanical) - Dun Murogh
Harpy Youngling ( humanoid) - Northern Barrens
Honky Tonk ( mechanical) - Unknown
Infinite Whelpling ( dragonkin) - Caverns of Time
Kun-Lai Runt ( humanoid) - Kun-Lai Summit
Lofty Libram ( magic) - Hillsbrad Foothills
Nexus Whelpling ( dragonkin) - Coldarra (Borean Tundra)
Stunted Yeti ( humanoid) - Feralas
Sumprush Rodent ( beast) - Krasarang Wilds
These 14 possible pets accompany a 15th that we reported previously: the Darkmoon Glowfly ( flying) found on Darkmoon Island.
For a sneak peak at many of these new pets, check out the latest post at Perks N Peeves: Preview: New Wild Pets and Raid Pets
With so many new pets to collect in Patch 5.1, it's a good thing the cap will be raised from 500 (total) pets to 650!
Holy shit. They keep adding. I need to start on this as soon as I get my quests done. I feel so behind.
When Gluth died to a band of brave adventurers, these lil' guys were found in the corpse, gnawing on giant, undead bones.
Though the flavor text for Stitched Pup is kinda disturbing when you think about it:
Cubone, known as the Lonely Pokémon, appears to be a small, brown dinosaur-like Pokémon, that constantly wears its mother's skull like a helmet. The skull masks its true face from view, which makes it a puzzlement for many Trainers and researchers. Its cries echo within the skull and it comes out as a pained and sad melody. On the night of a full moon, it cries, for it seems to recognize its mother's face in the moon. Its tears create stains on the skull that it wears.
you need to stay in. if you're dying to soft enrage you typically need to kill more sparks to up your dpsFor people who have downed Elegon, in the final burn phase do you guys drop stacks or try to heal through it? How much are you guys beating enrage by? Had to call an early night, but our final attempt was 5% with about 20 seconds left and we were staying in.
I'm still trying to figure out what to do for an alt. The Druid is my main for sure, Feral and Guardian. I have a DK at 86 and a Paladin at 85, but I want to play a ranged class, and I hate the way Moonkin DPS is now. It's clunky, strange and underpowered.
For those who played SWToR: I'd like a class that plays something like the Marks Sniper. I know there's no cover mechanic in WoW, but I specifically mean something with a relatively slow rate of attack, varied rotation, and excellent on-demand burst damage that doesn't require a lot of setup. I have all the cloth heirlooms already, but don't let that influence the recommendation, main is a LW so I can do mail gear.
I tanked Stormstout Brewery on my Monk and the Hunter complained that I wasn't holding aggro against his pet and that he had growl off, despite the fact I had the most DPS in the group. Not sure how that works.
Son of a..
Son of a..
I tanked Stormstout Brewery on my Monk and the Hunter complained that I wasn't holding aggro against his pet and that he had growl off, despite the fact I had the most DPS in the group. Not sure how that works.
Holy shit. They keep adding. I need to start on this as soon as I get my quests done. I feel so behind.
Yeah, I'm not sure either. I have yet to have my pet pull aggro with growl off. If he was making a big deal out of it, he might have forgotten it was on and was trying to make up for his mistake by shifting the blame.
And man... had another hunter yesterday... great DPS but couldn't stay the fuck off of the panels that deal damage. Three lightning strikes in a row. THREE. Sorry ladies, but this careless shit doesn't work this early in an expansion.
I got two items from LFR today. Starshatter on extra roll and Jang-xi's Devastating LegplatesSeriously? Second week I've done both LFRs, rolled extra on each boss and still have ZERO loot from it all? Fuck this game.
Seriously? Second week I've done both LFRs, rolled extra on each boss and still have ZERO loot from it all? Fuck this game.
No. It's fine. I'm loving the salt you are rubbing in my gaping wounds.
Seriously? Second week I've done both LFRs, rolled extra on each boss and still have ZERO loot from it all? Fuck this game.
No. It's fine. I'm loving the salt you are rubbing in my gaping wounds.
Rösti;43561087 said:I got two items from LFR today. Starshatter on extra roll and Jang-xi's Devastating Legplates in bag.