What. Game changer. =O
It's all worth it for the barrel roll and boost! :>
Iron Man
What. Game changer. =O
It's all worth it for the barrel roll and boost! :>
I wonder what we will get for 9 year anniversary.
Also, who will make OT5?
What a lame anniversary item. If it's only for today anyways they should've just done double XP.
This is from PvP? That looks very cool! Ugh but i don't have pvp gearWell time to get in pvp again then.
I would say Dreadsteed or Raven Lord are the best mounts but neither of them fly when arguably they should both be able to fly![]()
Is there a really in-depth model viewing option for all of the racial druid forms? Including their armored variants, stag form, etc? I can't find something where they're all together. Just a bunch of mish mashed pictures.
Also, WTB 'Dryad' form in WoD
That would make as much sense as giving them a Tauren form.
Sorry bros, that mount is butt ugly no matter the colors =P
I actually meant the original ZA War Bear earlier, but it had been so long since I seen one in proper colors.
Speaking of mounts, I just got the White Hawkstrider which reminds me of Easter for no particular reason. What are some other soloable mounts? I've been hitting up Setthek daily.
Grand Black War Mammoth from the Wintergrasp bosses and I guess you could count the Green Proto from the Oracles in Sholazar. Just have to pick up the mysterious egg every couple days.Onyxia, Malygos, Kaelthas, 2 bosses from Zulgurub, Attumen in Karazhan, Sartharion 10 and 25 with all drakes up, last boss from Stratholme, the dragon bosses from Stonecore and Vortex Pinnacle, Skadi from heroic Utgarde Pinnacle...
Did I forget anything?
Onyxia, Malygos, Kaelthas, 2 bosses from Zulgurub, Attumen in Karazhan, Sartharion 10 and 25 with all drakes up, last boss from Stratholme, the dragon bosses from Stonecore and Vortex Pinnacle, Skadi from heroic Utgarde Pinnacle...
Did I forget anything?
So what's the Blue logic behind not letting people transmog weapons of the same type but letting hunters do whatever? Like I get not being able to transmog a 2handed sword as 1 handed or vice versa, but I should be able to transmog a 2h sword to a 2h axe. My orc should be using axes. She's an orc. And it's not like racials would work on the transmog'd type. It would still be classed as a sword.
You can.
You can? WoWiki is out of date then. How recent was the change?
Warrior/x/x is the most popular comp right now. They are that good.Trying to figure out which character to gear, mainly want to play 3v3 with a disc healer and Hunter.
Thinking going Rogue for thugcleave, i heard Ferals got nerfed to hell? How would a Frost Mage work in this day and age with a Hunter+Priest? Warriors? Enh Shamans?
I enjoy my S Priest a lot in PVP but that wont work with a Hunter+Disc i reckon
You can? WoWiki is out of date then. How recent was the change?
You can? WoWiki is out of date then. How recent was the change?
Really? I have my Warrior sitting at 86. I forget how to play him and he was boring as all hell last I checked.Warrior/x/x is the most popular comp right now. They are that good.
Warriors are very solid these days, both in PvE and PvP. Give him another shot imo!Really? I have my Warrior sitting at 86. I forget how to play him and he was boring as all hell last I checked.
Perhaps a reevaluation is in order...
Really? I have my Warrior sitting at 86. I forget how to play him and he was boring as all hell last I checked.
Perhaps a reevaluation is in order...
Wow, Black Temple was purdy
.......Oh god I hope this doesn't mean 'pretty' Akama.
Freak me out more than this
Pretty much every race I would say the female models look better than the male because they're not hunchbacks.
World of Warcraft |OT5| Where we're going, we don't need flying mounts
.......Oh god I hope this doesn't mean 'pretty' Akama.