It needs a time travel twist to it.
This made me sad.
Got my meta gem, only took 2 weeks and the first 2 parts of ToT to do. Now I have all possible bosses left for Runestones. Come on good luck don't fail me now.
Do Siege of Orgrimmar first to reduce the risk of having to kill Lei Shen twice in one lockout for the heart.
Is there any guide on how to level battle pets really fast? I'm just fighting every pet I can find atm, but I'm not sure what the best way to train your team is.
Is it fighting one pet and switching around your team so everyone gets one xp or use one pet each battle so that it gets all the experience and then change to a different pet for the next battle?
Do you have any level 25 pets? It's only hard to get the first one there, after that you can just do dailies and there are a lot of them. If you are just starting pet battle just go through "campaign" and don't worry about fighting wild pets too much unless you can't kill the trainer.
The "campaign" is going through all the pet trainers around the world? I currently have a team of three pets, the highest one is lvl 8. Just wondering if I should focus on one pet or all three of them.
It's so damn addicting (not even starting on the achievements) but I want to do it right.
Yeah. Just go through trainers, I didn't really swap them out on purpose just the ones that died didn't get xpThey all kinda leveled together.
Should I get three different types? I have Murkalot, Mini Thor and Deathy. Two of them are humanoid.
Should I get three different types? I have Murkalot, Mini Thor and Deathy. Two of them are humanoid.
He's not going to get 12 Runestones in one week, man. :lol
I like that you're at Kara.
Level up a bunch of different types at the same time for the best result. Like, to do the Celestial Tournament you need like 15 (I think?) max level pets and having them all the same type will get you nowhere.
Get a core fire imp. He pretty much steam rolled everyone with his AOE when I was leveling.That sounds like a lot of grinding. Then again, I guess it'll get easier once I unlock the dailies and when I can farm lvl 20+ pets.
Man I always seem to forget I play on Moon Guard - Alliance.
It's such a weird story about how I got on this server lmao. It's kinda like saying you live in Las Vegas, no one really seems to believe you because no one believes anyone actually plays on that server.
Every day you think you've seen it all but then something else comes along and you're left speechless.
Such is life on Moon Guard.
I got a motherfucking Ashes of Alar today.
Can you get honor for killing Wintergrasp bosses? I just want to get enough to buy a High Warlord Axe for transmog.
Can you get honor for killing Wintergrasp bosses? I just want to get enough to buy a High Warlord Axe for transmog.
Man I always seem to forget I play on Moon Guard - Alliance.
It's such a weird story about how I got on this server lmao. It's kinda like saying you live in Las Vegas, no one really seems to believe you because no one believes anyone actually plays on that server.
Every day you think you've seen it all but then something else comes along and you're left speechless.
Such is life on Moon Guard.
That sounds like a lot of grinding. Then again, I guess it'll get easier once I unlock the dailies and when I can farm lvl 20+ pets.
It's already faceroll I think. Takes me like 5 minutes on my hunter.I want. I can't wait to be a level 100 then just face roll that raid for a chance at it.
I want. I can't wait to be a level 100 then just face roll that raid for a chance at it.
:lol wait, why? Goldshire is just a bunch of people dueling and fucking around on my server.Moon Guard is a good server IF you're in a guild with friends. I can just see some random person rolling on there and reaching Goldshire. Poor souls. I stay far, far away from that zone unless the Darkmoon Faire is up.
:lol wait, why? Goldshire is just a bunch of people dueling and fucking around on my server.
Isn't Moonguard the server where Goldshire is actually Pornshire? With people in underwear typing sex and vulgar stuff?
You must have the Warlord title to transmog vanilla gear.
Whisperwind for life. I doubt it, any gaffers on this server?
Ohh, lmao. Totally missed that post. And just realized Moonguard is an RP server. It all makes sense now.Because of this...
It's a cesspool of wannabe sex addicts (mostly horny teenagers I imagine).
Yup. Happened to a friend, the lucky bastard. Blue and azure in the same run.So two mounts can drop at the same time in The Eye?