I can't wait to see it then. Karazhan was really awesome. I mean the whole thing about it. The zone, the location, the area, the atmosphere... I remember all of those stories about Karazhan and how there was supposed to be a mirrored version of Kharazan in the basement. And what the hell was up with the location of the Prince Melchezaar fight? Also, the crypt behind Karazhan was absolutely scary until they locked the gate. I hope they make use of all of those areas.
Prince Melch is totally killing Grom in warlords. "All realities, all dimensions are open" to him, right? If the Orcs were such a worthwhile asset when Kil'Jaeden found them, imagine how valuable they'd be boosted by futuretech. Melch sees them, finds them unwilling to cooperate, and smites them. Hence why Gorehowl's on his loottable when we kill him and it still exists for Thrall to give to Garrosh.