Ok, I need someone to clear something up for me. It's Transmog related.
I just finished ICC where I got one of those tokens you turn in to get an armor piece. I'm trying to get to
this, but it wants both the token and something that has the exact same name at a lower item level. Where do I get this exact same thing? I see it in the same vendor, but it's blue. Do I have to buy the blue 251 version with Justice points and THEN use the token with it t o get the red/heroic version?
If I'm understanding this right, I have to get the justice points to get the basic shoulders. THEN the token from the non-heroic 10 or 25 man version to get that version THEN I use the heroic token + that to get the heroic version? So I'm going to end up going through 2 pairs of shoulders before I get the third?
Ok, now I'm extra confused. I went to void storage. I previously had a pair of pants transmog'd but replaced them with an upgrade which wasn't transmogd. The pants are now gone from my void storage(along with the other stuff I transmog'd) and they don't show up on my transmog sheet. Where the hell did they go? Did they stick with the item instead of acting like an 'enchant'? Do you have to farm transmog sets EVERY time you upgrade a piece?