And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
NEVER!!! Why would you even think that?!Yoshi did you take me off real id? >:|
NEVER!!! Why would you even think that?!Yoshi did you take me off real id? >:|
Tell me about it! I've been waiting for the patch to hit so I can resub.Blizz, I need that cross-server heirloom mail that's up on the PTR live like yesterday.
NEVER!!! Why would you even think that?!
Is he talking shit on the Rusted Protodrake?
I gotta pack my stuff and chill out for a moment :lol I haven't even started discovering this seasons DH yet! I'll make sure to take pictures/videos if possible :3Ysohi, you played WoD yet?
They pulled me back in. A week ago.
I've managed to convert a few of my old regulars back in to playing. We've all got disposable incomes now and a bit of free time later at night... It'll be fun to run some old dungeons with the old crew for lots of laughs over the weekend. I blame my excitement levels for the next expansion.
Jumped on my very old Shaman back from 2005 who I left at level 80 for reasons unknown. Found this sucker in my bank. Unobtainable!.
The regen rate is so ridiculous I feel like using it just to punk a few people. Stone Guard Nazrom lives on!
It's weird that Blizzard decided not to make it grey.
It's still an item and the slot didn't get deprecated for that class like the other totems did.
PS, anyone miss it when the relics had effects rather than just stat increases? Ironically, when they did add the relic slots back in Vanilla I thought it was annoying they didn't have stats and had weird procs/effects.
So what would be the most rarest item in the game? Mount from AQ opening?
The Talisman of Binding Shard.
This should be unobtainable.
Bought it from some random quitter for like 1 gold back in the Vanilla days![]()
The Talisman of Binding Shard.
reason for removal?
That guy must be very proud then >.<
Pretty much. Only one ever dropped and it was fixed not to drop after that.
I had that drop off classic Ragnaros a month back or so doing my weekly MC run on my DK.
Pretty fun to use. Sucks about the 30min cooldown though.
I know there's a couple Heroic achievements in the 10 man Icecrown achievement, but if I got those, can I do the rest( a la once bitten twce shy, waiting a long time for this, and the cultist one) in normal mode? It doesn't mention heroic anywhere on it
happy thanksgiving wow bros
Is there an add-on that makes the thing I have targeted namebar's blindingly obvious? Like bright green circle or something?
Mmmmm vmwjajsnakvahaaWHy are you caressing Grommash?
So that Heirloom page that got posted a while ago. When is that supposed to be up? Next patch? And does that mean proper cross-faction support for heirlooms finally?
So that Heirloom page that got posted a while ago. When is that supposed to be up? Next patch? And does that mean proper cross-faction support for heirlooms finally?
Maybe they're doing some sort of weird maintenance on the store or something? I was going to order a new authenticator this morning, but it would appear that those have totally disappeared also.I'm trying to find the Wind Rider Cub and Gryphon Hatchling in the Blizzard shop, but they are nowhere to be found. Were they limited items and now gone forever? I wanted to buy one of them and the plush that comes with it for my girlfriend for christmas.