Not Spaceghost
I already have WoW but the last expansion that I bought was WotLK. Will it just give me Cat for free?
You already have cata then!
I already have WoW but the last expansion that I bought was WotLK. Will it just give me Cat for free?
Yup, they just grandfather in upgrades to keep people from having to buy all the intermediate x-packs if they're an existing user.You already have cata then!
You already have cata then!
My brother bought me the base game and MoP during the Black Friday sale and told me today that he recruit a friended the account and is going to level me up a rogue for when I get back to visit my family for Christmas. Looking forward to it because I'll be able to stay in touch with him playing the game and I haven't played in a while. He said he's going to get close to 85 by the end of next weekend. Is it really that fast?
I have done Raf several times over the past 3 or 4 years. All it takes are some BoAs (Which you can get 25% xp fromj ust from a guild vendor, no need for justice for those three) and making sure to have a tank and ideally a healer, but just the tank is fine, in your group.
Getting to 15 is the longest part, I've done 1-80 in a single day with RAF. 1-60 then 60-85 is probably more reasonable though, two long afternoons.
Example of how stupid RaF is: Soon as you hit 15, you queue and get Ragefire chasm. Just the quests and bonus xp from that zone willg et you to 21 or 22 depending on how many BoA's you have. It's that silly. Up to 60, every instance gives you AT LEAST two levels. Ones with lots of quests give more. Only in Wrath does it slow down, and by slow down I mean the random queue bonus is insignificant and each dungeon will only give you 1 or 2 levelsIt's pretty heartbreaking.
So I tried to level on Timeless Isle. It's insane xp but I just can't stay alive. Not sure if worth.
Yup, they just grandfather in upgrades to keep people from having to buy all the intermediate x-packs if they're an existing user.
Oh shit, just got the Deathcharger's Reins! Been wanting this mount for years.
Should have just farmed white hawkstrider. It's a pretty common drop.
Oh shit, just got the Deathcharger's Reins! Been wanting this mount for years.
So I tried to level on Timeless Isle. It's insane xp but I just can't stay alive. Not sure if worth.
I am trying it on my Warrior in arms spec. Only level 86 though not the best of gear. I had issues with prot spec as well. I think I either need a level or two higher or better gear.What class are you? If it's possible just go tank spec.I'm a druid and usually go bear form when I cross over there farming my lesser coins.
I started an alliance character since it's been years and years since I have played one.
Man, I didn't realize how imbalanced my server was in favor of the horde, the entire alliance side seems pretty dead, and the AH is a wasteland.
I am trying it on my Warrior in arms spec. Only level 86 though not the best of gear. I had issues with prot spec as well. I think I either need a level or two higher or better gear.
I am trying it on my Warrior in arms spec. Only level 86 though not the best of gear. I had issues with prot spec as well. I think I either need a level or two higher or better gear.
I've been healing on my Paladin in SoO LFR with no less than six blue pieces of gear. 480 ilvl in Holy spec, using Ret pieces to meet the minimum requirement. But they're all fully enchanted, gemmed and reforged! Even so, it almost got me kicked, until I pointed out that I was dispelling more than anyone else. Then they let it slide..
Even with 9k spirit, though, I am pretty much always out of mana. It's ridiculous.
My holy paladin in 531 item lvl have 10260 spirit, and i never get close of running out of mana in LFR. In fact, its almost always above 250k. Not sure what you're doing wrong. You shouldnt be spamming Flash of Light and Holy Radiance all the time if that's what you're doing.
Also, i found out that the Selfless Healer talent is pretty great. After 3 Judgments, my Holy Radiance, Flash of Light and Divine Light are instant, free of mana and heal a lot more.
Do you have the legendary meta? It seems like most of my mana goes into the dispels, they're expensive. I do use Holy Radiance when I get a proc and the raid needs it, which is pretty much always the case in the first couple of wings of SoO. Then follow it up with a Holy Shock on the same target.
I do tend to overheal a lot, since I'm used to the older style of Paladin healing that just chain-casts Holy Light to depend on Illuminated Healing for the absorbs. If I look at Icy-Veins now, they are recommending some very strange things, like using Crusader Strike on the boss. I don't know if I could be comfortable doing that, I'm not a Monk..
Why yes, I am a submarine too
Why yes, I am a submarine too
da fuq is that pet?
Why yes, I am a submarine too
The urge to go Engineering is rising greatly....
Lady dwarves really have the monopoly on all the best animations.
Good news, it's tradeable. Bad news, it will cost you.
Anyone with a scroll of resurrection? Account expired in January... wanting to try it out again before I resub.
Also, have the human models been released yet?