Congrats!Woo! Server first 25 man Garrosh kill!normal mode but oh well idc
oh my god best day for LFR, I got 5 pieces of gear from SoO on my fresh 90 mage.
That means from 90 to 496 to 508 in under 4 days.
I hate you, I actually got my first SoO token today...with a reroll coin.
Well if it makes you feel better I could only use 4 of the 5 peices since I have 553 crafted pants
Also my mog is hella cute.
What, no 535 Timeless piece from Timeless isle? Didn't get the Burden from that one guaranteeed chest yet?
Just so I'm sure, there isn't really a set of heirlooms specifically for ret paladins, right? They just use all the Valor stuff that warriors can use along with the Arcanite Reaper.
I just got my 2nd Ashes of Al'ar.Still haven't seen the pet from Al'ar himself.
So this just happened
Nice work on Garrosh, yeah I liked the cutscenes too.Thx! The end CSes were very nice, I'm glad I didn't spoil myself on them ahead of time.
Why are you killing Kael'thas if you already have the mount? That fight is such a borefest at the current level. Has Kael'thas offended you in some manner?
I'm having some WoW withdrawal lol. I'm stuck in China on a business trip for another few weeks. Maybe my realm will finally be merged when I get back... I really want to dual box more prot paladins. Debating maining either a Draenei Paladin or Night Elf Druid for WoD.
Also fuck Nibbleh. Worst god damn fight.
Pure boredom.
I can honestly say I've never been that bored.
Yeah, when i'm bored with WoW, I either make an alt, play another game or do something else entirely. Not kill an old raid boss that gives me nothing good anymore.
I did TK once and never want to do it again. That shit takes way too long. I'll wait until 100 when my hunter can aimed one shot them
I did TK once and never want to do it again. That shit takes way too long. I'll wait until 100 when my hunter can aimed one shot them
I miss group quests
What, no 535 Timeless piece from Timeless isle? Didn't get the Burden from that one guaranteeed chest yet?
Wait, how do you get a 535 gear piece from TI.
So, I played around 1,200 hours of WoW over one calendar year. Quit cold turkey. Last night, on a whim, I did the free 10 day trial of Pandaria. Should be done when I get home tonight. I have a level 80 epic (for back then) Mage.
What have I done.....
Here he is:
So many memories. I have no idea if I want to try to level this guy or level up my Draenei Warrior on Dawnbringer (currently 22), if I stay with the game again.
Here he is:
So many memories. I have no idea if I want to try to level this guy or level up my Draenei Warrior on Dawnbringer (currently 22), if I stay with the game again.
Oh wow, you didn't do any ICC?
I think I quit before we got around to doing that seriously.
That sucks, you really missed out. Great raid.
So I'm making a trio of bears(because Pandaren are top tier expansion race and probably my favorite one until new orc models)
and I can't decide. Prot warrior, Marksman Hunter .... But do I go Elemental or Enhancement with the Shaman? On one hand, I did Elemental during WOTLK and that was the first character I ever stuck with. It also gives me more potential to go Resto if I want to go down that branch, that way I have a tank, dps, and a healer, and I've got all the cloth heirloom stuff, so I can use that. On the other hand, I hate that most Shaman have to use staves now. I know that's silly, but it bothers me. I also have a bunch of the heirloom mail from my hunter that I could use. I got kind of bored of Enhancement in BC, but I know the class is way different now. I'm usually not too fond of melee dps, but I have a lot of windfury nostalgia, and Pandarens do look pretty beastly as Enhancement. But they look beastly as everything. But I also wonder just how different my Enh shaman would be from my Frost DK
Decisions, decisions.
Elemental all the way dude.
Damn, my head is spinning. Do I:
Get my mage to 90, he's on Smolderthorn.
Level up my Draenei Warrior, he's level 22 on Dawnbringer.
Roll a new Panda main (what class?) on a new server (which? EST US).
Well there's your problem. Can't judge a class when you play so little of it.I've never managed to level a mage past like 20. I always just end up thinking "Why am I not playing a warlock?"
So I'm making a trio of bears(because Pandaren are top tier expansion race and probably my favorite one until new orc models)
and I can't decide. Prot warrior, Marksman Hunter .... But do I go Elemental or Enhancement with the Shaman? On one hand, I did Elemental during WOTLK and that was the first character I ever stuck with. It also gives me more potential to go Resto if I want to go down that branch, that way I have a tank, dps, and a healer, and I've got all the cloth heirloom stuff, so I can use that. On the other hand, I hate that most Shaman have to use staves now. I know that's silly, but it bothers me. I also have a bunch of the heirloom mail from my hunter that I could use. I got kind of bored of Enhancement in BC, but I know the class is way different now. I'm usually not too fond of melee dps, but I have a lot of windfury nostalgia, and Pandarens do look pretty beastly as Enhancement. But they look beastly as everything. But I also wonder just how different my Enh shaman would be from my Frost DK
Decisions, decisions.
Mages are awesome, I abandoned my ret pally as soon as I found out just how fun my mage is! Warriors are also pretty cool but 22 - 90 you'll likely burn out before getting to the meat of the game unless you really enjoy leveling. Pandas are awesome though.
If you ask me I'd just level your mage and if you're not feeling it then reroll as something else on a panda!
Where is my next step to go for leveling past 80, preferably solo to start? Is there such an option?
Where is my next step to go for leveling past 80, preferably solo to start? Is there such an option?
For mages? I honestly only have good experience with Frost, but its awesome for everything. Solo or dungeons.Where is my next step to go for leveling past 80, preferably solo to start? Is there such an option?