So frost for solo play, eh? I guess that's what I did before, and in raids I started out fire but later switched to arcane.
Holy crap, playing a fire mage is confusing. I can't find a simple talent/rotation guide anywhere, for solo play. Any help/advice/thoughts?
I'm not sure how the 3 specs compare right now, but Frost is also viable for dungeons and raids now. It's not just a solo/pvp spec anymore.
Thanks for the help, all. I will re-spec to frost tonight and make my way to Hyjal. Screwed around in UC and Orgrimmar last night.
What helps with frost is that they have a high chance to crit, they can slow their targets and they have procs that shows us quite often that makes their spells instant, stronger and free of mana. What's better than spells that slow targets, are instant and that have a high chance to crit?![]()
You guys are inspiring me to go back to one of my defunct mages and try leveling again as frost.
The free 90 is kind of useless to me. I'm not a huge alt guy, I have a 80 Mage, 22 War, 6 Druid and 55 DK. So really, I've played Mage and War for any lengthy amount of time. I would be 100% lost if I insta-90'd a Rogue or some such.
The free 90 is kind of useless to me. I'm not a huge alt guy, I have a 80 Mage, 22 War, 6 Druid and 55 DK. So really, I've played Mage and War for any lengthy amount of time. I would be 100% lost if I insta-90'd a Rogue or some such.
Aren't they adding DK-like zone to introduce you to the class?icy-veins and soloing for like an hour, and you'll have it.
The free 90 is kind of useless to me. I'm not a huge alt guy, I have a 80 Mage, 22 War, 6 Druid and 55 DK. So really, I've played Mage and War for any lengthy amount of time. I would be 100% lost if I insta-90'd a Rogue or some such.
Already know I'm using my WoD free 90 on a warlock. So much raid utility with the Healthstones, Combat Rez, and gateway. My current main wishes so much that they'd get some of that removed...or at least added to some other class.
I think more classes should get combat rez and more classes should get blood lust.
As far as I know the list for combat rez is just
Sort of Shaman? (i dont think it counts towards the 3 rez limit in 25mans)
For blood lust it's
sort of hunter? (if they have a core hound)
I'd like to see Rogues or warriors get blood lust, it'd make sense for warriors some kind of inspiring shout thing, rogues would maybe get something like "Relentlessness". Similarly I'd like to see more classes get combat res, preferably non healer classes, though paladins should definitely have combat res, and maybe make shamans trade their ability to self res in the future for ressing some one now?
I think giving mages a "turn back time" battle rez would fit pretty well with their whole time aesthetic going on. I feel like priests having a combat rez doesn't fit with their aesthetic too well. I always imagine them being more calculating in their use of the light and a combat rez feels more like a desperation tactic.
Add Tuskarr to this list, too...Mantid join the Arrakoa in the 'boy I wish these races were playable, but they never will be' camp.
I think more classes should get combat rez and more classes should get blood lust.
As far as I know the list for combat rez is just
Sort of Shaman? (i dont think it counts towards the 3 rez limit in 25mans)
For blood lust it's
sort of hunter? (if they have a core hound)
There's also Drums of Rage which is a slightly weaker Bloodlust if nobody else has it for some reason. (And anybody can use them.)
And Hunters have a Battle Res in the form of a Quilen pet, although it has some wonky range and you might have to direct your pet to the body.
Players are now able to mail account-bound items to other characters that reside on a different realm on the same account. To send cross-realm mail: enter the character's name, followed by a hyphen "-", followed by the realm name. Note that cross-realm mail can only send account-bound items, not other items or gold.
Additional information and testing discussion for this cross-realm mail can be found in this thread on the PTR Discussion forum.
What are you guys boosting to 90 when WoD comes out? I'm going to boost a Warlock because i've always had a huge interest in them, but don't feel like leveling. Should go nice with my paladin and DK.
My goals for the end of the month before the new year is reach 15k achieve points (200 off) and 200 mounts (currently 196), so I'm farming Dinosuar bones/eggs. Hope I reach it!
This please me...a lot
What's the best way to do the leveling process running two WoWs at once with RAF? I don't know anyone at 90 who would be willing to dungeon run me nor do I have the gold or desire to pay someone else to.
Played LFR Lei Shen yesterday, everyone ignored the mechanics and still more than a half survived the encounter, no wipes.
Kinda random thought, but the female draenei model and animations are actually pretty good. Way better than male draeneis.
Could be that they're just a lot less popular than raids so they don't want to sink too many resources into new ones. I don't have any stats on that or anything so I'm not sure, but it definitely seems to me like battlegrounds have always taken a backseat to raiding and arenas for PvP.Also.. it's odd to me given the age that we are still left with so few battleground. If this was a battlefield game we'd have over 100 official maps now... but alas we are still stuck with the main ones.
I wonder why they never put more effort in the map diversity? They can pump out raids like no tomorrow... why not battlegrounds?
Yeah, I'm just messing around trying to find a race for my shaman and I just realized that I really like their model and animations. Might just stick with it.Definitely better than the males, but still could use the incoming serious art and animation revamp. My shaman main was female draenei for a long time, I definitely want to make a female draenei paladin for WoD.
Kinda random thought, but the female draenei model and animations are actually pretty good. Way better than male draeneis.
Also.. it's odd to me given the age that we are still left with so few battleground. If this was a battlefield game we'd have over 100 official maps now... but alas we are still stuck with the main ones.
I wonder why they never put more effort in the map diversity? They can pump out raids like no tomorrow... why not battlegrounds?
Depends how good your pet control is. Overall sac is easier to play, while sup gives you an interrupt off the gcd and an offensive dispel/cc or whatever along with soul link making you quite tanky.What would you guys recommend for a Destro Warlock who mostly PvP's? Grimoire of Sacrifice or Grimoire of Supremacy?
No need for that trinket. Get the chance to proc and the on use, then macro it into dark soul or something.Also, as I'm playing a Human Warlock, should I still get the trinket for PvP that removes movement impairing effects? I ask this as humans already have a racial that removes movement impairing effects.
This please me...a lot
It's kind of frustrating how it has been requested practically since heirlooms got implemented and it was always a "technical issue", and now that they're like "Fuck it, we'll just make a tab for these" they just toss it in in some patch before the expansion that'll introduce that tab.
Managed to get Glory of the Cataclysm Hero last night, finishing up those last few Cata Dungeon Achievements I had left.
Got myself a pretty Volcanic Stone Drake!
And I'll finish up Glory of the Pandaria Hero today since I all I have left is Polyformic Acid Science and that's pretty easy to get done.
Not terribly excited about the mount it gives though.
I guess my next goal will be either to either find a group to beat SoO Normal, finish Shadowmourne, or start attempting the ToT Meta to get that Pteradactyl mount.